I suppose this is the appropriate thread.
Things that grind my gears XCVI: Thread gets posted on gaming discussion, then directly antithetical thread gets posted a while after. Case in point: "Games with worst plot in 2014" -> "Games with best plot in 2014", "Your top 10 most played steam games" -> "Your top 10 least played steam games", etc.
I don't know if people see said threads and think "oh yeah I wanted to make the exactly opposite thread today" or "lol wouldn't it be funny if both threads are on the first page at the same time".
I mean why stop there, for every thread on the gaming front page right now let's make an antithetical thread in some manner.
I hated Dragon Age 2 more than Origins...and it wasn't even close
Kojima teases nothing new about MGS V
Giant Bomb worst game of 2014
Dark Souls 2 Director on future of series: Stuff planned that will bore you to tears
How often do you replay games at easier difficulties?
What can Disney learn from Nintendo in terms of marketing and branding?
Xbox One Price to go back down - wait before buying
Anyone else really caring about franchise games?
I hate easy difficulty settings on RPGS and I'm not afraid to admit it!
Oldgen console owners: How often do you play your ps4 / xbox one if you have it?
Who was the best videogame character of 2014?
Have you ever completely hated a story in a game?
Awful games you had a good time playing because of great character design?
Wow I had a little fun typing these. I can see why such threads get posted now.