You can be the jeans if I can be the panties.
Dibs on the socks!
You can be the jeans if I can be the panties.
I don't think it is but if they released a version of this (GB 2016) movie that is only the opening and closing credits i'll watch it.Is euthanasia legal in the us?
Ghostbusters Reboot Director Teases 3-Hour Director's Cut in Wake of Snyder Cut News
Following the announcement that Zack Snyder’s Justice League would be coming to HBO Max in 2021, the internet started sharing jokes about various other unseen projects they’d like to see released, with the director of 2016’s Ghostbusters Paul Feig weighing in on the matter by claiming there’s a...comicbook.com
This could be considered terrorism, couldn't it?
I know one guy who won't watch it.
I hate to be harsh to Paul Feig and all of the people involved, but that movie deserved to fail after the abuse they hurled at James Rolfe for refusing to watch their shitty film.
That Chinese delivery guy stiffed her again! Oh man that was some rich comedy gold!!!
Based on the previous thread he's really trying rewrite history and make this movie out to be sort of brave pioneering film that was too ahead of his time isn't he?
If he was smart he's drop this movie and do something else.
This guy HAS done good movies. Drop it and move on.
When I was a very small child, Ghostbusters 2 was my favorite movie. I rewatched it recently and it is on par with 2016 Ghostbusters.
I swear I saw something like this on PH...also im wondering, wouldn't it be funny to shoot a gender-swapped version of this movie? i really want to see that. imagine all the men swapped with women and women swapped with men. instead of a stupid male mayor it is a dumb woman mayor who is too stupid to understand a magic trick. instead of pussy and queef jokes, there are dick and ball jokes (this is the one joke you would have to rewrite, the rest of the movie can remain as scripted just replacing names). instead of Kevin there is a bimbo secretary who has her tits out in every scene and she is a total idiot but they hire her because they want to fuck her. every scene has her saying something dumb and then bending over for the camera. the main villain is an ugly woman who is called "freak" and who kills herself while our male heroes look on. at the end of the movie the villain turns into a giant cartoon woman who the team defeats by all shooting her in the vagina.
it would be pretty funny. a good way to parody male feminism and how poorly thought out this film was.
I would agree with this, and go one step further to say his actually being genuinely funny a lot of the time (shit like Mike Hat aside), was what directly led to Thor Ragnarok shifting away from the dreary space fantasy of the previous movies to the awesome, light hearted, ridiculously over the top, technicolour space opera it was.Chris Hemsworth is the best part of the film.
Can Feig be prosecuted for this heinous act?
Chris was terrible. struggling to think of a "best part of the film". not a single joke or gag landed.
his whole "comedy" schtick being this mock humility, him acting like an idiot, him dressing up like a fat man who is a loser at everything, etc. it's really just old "Men are dumb" tropes that have been around for decades by now, at this point it really shows how Hollywood thinks of it's audience. just a super rich supermodel looking dude slumming it as an idiot or oaf. nah, i don't find it all that charming.
dude is an embarrassment at this point. if there was a Blackface for white men, he would be it.