First, outpost building - a clear area of the game that absolutely is a de-evolution from their previous two titles - is not new to SF. Second, why are you're describing gameplay activities (and some that are just naturally a part of a "space game") - we're talking about actual game mechanics. "Jet packs" is not a game mechanic. A "new skill tree" (and not a new way of doing character progression - this is still the PERK system) in a new game is not a new game mechanic.
. . .this is entire thread is essentially: how has Bethesda improved on their craft since Morrowind? I think the most supported response is, they haven't (at least not meaningfully). Contrast a studio like LARIAN who have, from DOS1 to BG3, substantially improved their storytelling and player agency abilities; what in SF demonstrates that Bethesda have improved in ANY core game design competency? There's literally one choice of any consequence in SF and it has zero impact on the thrust of the actual story. . .in a game about players discovering their own adventure. Like sure, Bethesda can throw in a bunch of new activities to do in the game (hey we've got a new lockpicking system that will replace lockpicking and hacking and somehow be more irritating), but that doesn't mean they've improved on their ability to execute.
Not gonna comment on BG3 as haven't played it.
But, they cannot improve upon their craft when they are making so much stuff that's new. If you think making a narrative system that's spread across multiple planets is nothing new, I don't know what to tell you.
Their perk system is most flexible build system out there. You don't get locked out of anything. Everything works in real time in 3d space. Testing and balancing that perk tree across wide variety of terrains and gravity values and what not, it's a herculean task.
I am not even touching physics and simulation system cause I have not played the game fully. So don't know what all you can do with it. But it is an RPG that's based on simulation system. People are looking for dialogue choices in such a game. Seriously??