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PC Download Speed Issue


Hello all, I have had my PC for years now and it's always had a solid internet and download speed. I could download things at 3MB per second, but now I'm lucky if I can get above 300kb. It all started when I installed a program called netlimiter to limit my connection because my connection would keep cutting off and I thought the sheer speed of my downloads was the issue. (I later found out it was my wireless adapter) So when I tried to uninstall it wouldn't delete so I found the task that was running and tried to end it. The task wouldn't end, so i changed the name of the file so it wouldn't load up the next time and then I could delete it. But since then my speed is under 300kb and I've restored twice and it hasn't fixed the issue. If anyone could give me a solution it would be greatly appreciated.


Go into Regedit and delete the registry entry for that program.

Also if possible use an Ethernet connection if possible.
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