That translation sucks.
That translation sucks.
Spurrier is king shit. So on point.
I haven't read any comics in like 3 months.
Time to get back into it. I guess.
Of Remender's current Image titles -- bearing in mind that I haven't read Tokyo Ghost yet -- Low is far and away my favorite.
Feels like it's been a long time...
Anyhoo...just read JL#44 and...god-damn, Geoff Johns...
I sent you a PM regarding spoilers...
Is Cyborg #3 due this week? Issue #2 shipped on August 26th... I noticed on DC's website, it's listed for October 7th, but then some sites say September 30th.
I bought Grayson Volume 1 for $3.99 and issues #5 through #8 in Comixology's Batman Day sale. I noticed, however, the issues following Convergence are $2.99. Did DC increase the price of the book?
It takes DC 2 months to drop the price of books by a dollar on Comixology. Grayson is a 3.99 book regularly.
Did it go up to $3.99 after Convergence though? The first eight issues are $1.99 after the price drop on Comixology. The issues following Convergence are $2.99 and $3.99. That's what confused me.
Thank you! I normally wait for DC's price drop, but I'm tempted to grab #44 today.
I believe those first 8 were on sale
Tom King is that dude
Definitely giving his future books a try off his name alone
Spurrier is king shit. So on point.
Whazaa..? A series featuring a curvy superhero chick? You have my attention, Valiant.
Cool, cool. It's not a big deal, I mean, the series is quality. I'd just as happily pay $2.99 as I would $1.99. I was just curious.
Before King was just the CIA consultant/cowriter on Grayson, he wrote a superhero novel called "A Once Crowded Sky." If you like his comic book stuff, highly recommend the book.
Seems intentional.That translation sucks.
It's so casual... Just like.. Oh yeah before Grayson he was only a CIA consultant.
Former CIA operative turned author.
Haha. It sure is. I looked at his Comic Vine page just now and I love that this is his bio:
That is perfect
There really is nothing more to say.
On another note, are you picking up Vision?
eric canete too good
Also a nice as fuck guy!
that's cuz you have no soul
Looking forward to that one.Feels like it's been a long time...
Anyhoo...just read JL#44 and...god-damn, Geoff Johns...
It's so casual... Just like.. Oh yeah before Grayson he was only a CIA consultant.
It finally happened! The last issue of Sandman Oveture is out! The two year long 6 issue mini is complete.
It finally happened! The last issue of Sandman Oveture is out! The two year long 6 issue mini is complete.
Yea I looked and the first issue came out Oct 2013Has it really been two years? I've been trade waiting...
I haven't read any comics in like 3 months.
Time to get back into it. I guess.
Whazaa..? A series featuring a curvy superhero chick? You have my attention, Valiant.
comic could be cool though. didn't really like how Dysart wrote Faith
Low is dope
Yeah It is,, I remember when it first came out it took an issue or two to really comprehend it,, mainly visually/art imo
I kinda spaced it out tho and haven't been pulling it since this second arc started.. .but will at least get the tbp
Actually selling first editions of these two omnis!
And wow, 4 pages in and Robin, Son of Batman is delivering in spades. Powerful stuff.
Gleason da god
He's a damn good artist. It's the juxtaposition of the painting and the rest of the scene that gets me, though.
Finished reading it, it's a damn good issue. The book's finally found its voice, and at this point I'd heartily recommend it to anybody here.
Glad to hear it found some solid footing. It was a very shaky start imo.