Yeah, no argument here. Adding Nobody's daughter to the cast helped a ton.
That was the one thing I liked.
Yeah, no argument here. Adding Nobody's daughter to the cast helped a ton.
I had an interview today and they offered me the job. I was like.
Woo! Gratz, man. What're you gonna be doing?
Same shit as always. Retail
Ah, well. At least it's something.
Does anyone read Lobo?
Not that I know of.
Sales corroborate that impression.
Justice League #44. Okay, it's official: this was going to be a Crisis event. It's just... there's no other way. Literal Batgod? Darkseid vs. the Anti-Monitor? Therearing its head? Flashanti-life equation? Darkseidbecoming the Black Racer?straight up dying
This has every earmark of a line-wide event, for less than 5 dollars a month. Tasty, tasty madness, in a convenient package.
has there ever been a better comic than drifter
Fall of Bloodshot
Fuck, man, dog stuff. That shit always gets me. ;_;
I had an interview today and they offered me the job. I was like.
And you call yourself a Valiant shill. Step it up, Lunchpod.
I had an interview today and they offered me the job. I was like.
I was waiting for an ohc, but it looks like it's super far out. I just knocked them out yesterday.
Dude dude dude, read Fall of Harbinger stat. So damn amazing.
I had an interview today and they offered me the job. I was like.
Finally read Tokyo Ghost, I fucking heart Sean Murphy.... well Remender too
batwoman bombshell isn't in the upcoming 10/14 releases either. *waits*
Good job, Messi. Now order that fucking Royo Wonder Woman.
They might not have a new date for it yet. Calm down.
wait for statue worrying about paint, finally get statue, see all the problems with statue, attempt to paint statue and dislike the end result, wait for the next statue hoping it will be better....
i'm still in the first phase.
Good job, Messi. Now order that fucking Royo Wonder Woman.
They might not have a new date for it yet. Calm down.
wait for statue worrying about paint, finally get statue, see all the problems with statue, attempt to paint statue and dislike the end result, wait for the next statue hoping it will be better....
i'm still in the first phase.
I think your expectations may be too high. I mean, even really high-end stuff like Sideshow pieces can sometimes come out looking like shit despite amazing prototype pics.
Woo hook Messi back to baller gaf status.I had an interview today and they offered me the job. I was like.
The newest Burger King thread that turned into The Great Ketchup War is blowing my mind. Genuinely didn't realise so many people were against ketchup on a sausage or rasher sandwich.
Still not as good as brown sauce though.
lol poor choice of words on my part.
Bolded: Why is that?
Ketchup fucking sucks.
Fight me bro
Did it go up to $3.99 after Convergence though? The first eight issues are $1.99 after the price drop on Comixology. The issues following Convergence are $2.99 and $3.99. That's what confused me.
(only read the first OHC, but) she just kinda came off as a caricature rather than a person, even though she had clear motives. that's kinda how i felt about most of those characters in those issues and what kept me back from fully liking it
I just bought a house
Hey, I'm not crazy about ketchup either, I just found it weird. The rare few times these days I get a breakfast roll, if they don't have brown sauce I'm getting ketchup.