Maiden Voyage
Gold™ Member

Portal writer says Valve has 'a starting point that we like a ton' for Portal 3
"Someone's gotta think up some new portal puzzles! But we do have an actual idea, yes."
Not a lot of meat to the quote and obviously we would be years away from a final release, even if it was greenly today.
"Yeah Jay and I have an idea that we think is pretty awesome for what would happen, generally speaking," said Wolpaw. "We don't have a script or any details worked out, but we have sort of a starting point that we like a ton.
"So you know, it's good we have this idea but there's a lot left to do. Someone's gotta think up some new portal puzzles! But we do have an actual idea, yes."
Apparently the prospect of a third game, and the idea for it, has been brought up at Valve and received a positive response.
"But again, us having that idea versus actually committing to making a game is a way different thing," said Wolpaw. "It's not unknown, but there's no formal pitch process at Valve either. It's always kind of a, you know, grassroots campaign I guess."
Here's the video with the origin of the article: