The Aristocrats: Everyone Who Sees this Movie, Will Love It
By filmmaker, Penn Jillette
Thats my goal. I want everyone who sees our movie, The Aristocrats to enjoy it. I really do. So far weve done a really good job. Weve had only a few people walk out, and most everyone else seemed to have a great time. Certainly a higher percentage of people whove seen our movie liked it than the percentage of people who liked Lord of the Rings. One reason is that Lord of the Rings sucks and our movie is good. But more importantly, everyone is supposed to like Lord of the Rings. They made it for everyone, because everyone has all the money. We didnt make The Aristocrats for everyone; we made it for our friends.
You can tell right away our flick aint for everyone. Our movie uses that four letter word that begins with C. Our movie uses that word a lot. A way lot. You know the word; its the word you say and everyone is automatically sexually harassed. A hostile work environment in one word. Its the word that adults call The C word in front of other adults. Adults who say every other dirty word as every part of speech wont say that goddamn C word. When Aristocrats say the C word in the movie, its worse than just using the C word. We dont use it in anger or as a mere ejaculation. We dont even use it as synecdoche. The Aristocrats mean it as the real thing. Were not just using dirty words; were using dirty images, and dirty ideas. And even worse, were doing it just for fun. Just for a laugh. The movies not for everyone.
Dont say shit in front of a C. H. I. L. D. - Kinky Friedman
Think of the most disgusting images you can. Think of the worst scatological and non-consensual sex you can. Imagine children. Imagine young children. Imagine children that are related to each other. Children who are related to you. Imagine animals. Young endangered animals who are related to each other. Young endangered animals who are related to you. Nope, youre not even close. The movie has over 100 professionals. They are much more disgusting than you can ever be, thats because theyre professionals.
The movie is a lot more than dirty words and disgusting images. The taboo language is not even the main thrust; the main thrust is a movie with no nudity, no violence, and no conflict. Its a movie about laughing with your friends. Its very political because its not political at all. The Aristocrats just take for granted they can say anything they want. Fighting for freedom is a losing battle. Taking liberty is what real Americans do. Its a love story, its political, its patriotic, its funny, funny, funny, funny, funny, funny. But, you shouldnt see it if youve ever been offended by any word ever ever.
If youre going to be offended dont bother coming. It was a cheap movie to make. We dont need everyones money. We have other jobs. Our asses arent on the line. If you think youre going to like this movie, please, youre invited. If youre in Vegas and you meet me, Ill show it to you for free over my house. My wife and I will serve popcorn. But, if you youve EVER been offended by any joke, read a book, I suggest Moby Dick.
Michael Moore and Mel Gibson are the same person, except for a few sit-ups. Moore thought his cheesy political blooper reel was going to tell people how to vote. Mel thought that his little gay SM movie about his imaginary friend was going to help him get to heaven. George W. Bush is president and theres still no god. You failed boys. Someone should have told Mike that the bad guys are smarter than him and someone should have told Mel that the Three Stooges were Jewish.
Both those filthy rich losers wanted EVERYONE to see their movies. Moore wanted the Republicans to be shocked by how wrong they were and see the light shining out of his fat ass. Mel went for straight off the rack proselytizing. They both just got even richer.
Im already richer than I should be. I dont want to shock or offend anyone who doesnt enjoy being shocked and offended. I want to make people laugh and love life and love watching all my friends making each other laugh.
So, IF YOU HAVE EVER EVER EVER BEEN OFFENDED BY ANY JOKE DO NOT SEE THE ARISTOCRATS! If you think you might be offended by our movie, why dont you go see Lord of the Rings? (in other words: go to hell.)
And then -- everyone who sees our movie will love it.
This is an open letter to everyone interested in seeing the aristocrats. I cant wait to see the movie, personally.