I remember this whole thing very clearly. Its easy to say that in hindsight, but the comic was ABSOLUTELY held as a source of 'massive outrage' back then. That they didnt back down on it when pressured eventually became the 'new' reason behind it all, but initially people were absolutely pretending that the comic was the worst thing ever.
I found it petty then and still do. Many comics, comedians, and frequently circulated jokes have done much worse on this and many other sensitive subjects.
This does not match up with this rather exhaustive timeline of the debacle. My tl;dr edited and truncated version with comments:
August 11, 2010 - “The Sixth Slave" comic
August 12, 2010 - A guest blogger on Shakesville objects.
August 13, 2010
Penny Arcade’s response to the concerns of rape survivors and their allies with the comic “Breaking It Down.” Jerry and Mike further explain their response on the Penny Arcade blog.
[Some more bloggers pick it up, reacting more to the insulting reply than the original comic. Everyone's over it by August 19.]
October 6, 2010 (two months later)
On the Penny Arcade blog, Mike mocks trigger warnings, and Jerry announces that they’ll be selling a dickwolf t-shirt in the Penny Arcade store. [Some more blogs comment. Not many.]
January 24, 2011 (three months later) - Courtney Stanton announces she was asked to, but will not be speaking at Penny Arcade Expo East (PAX East), citing Penny Arcade’s lack of apology/correction over the dickwolf controversy.
January 26, 2011
Dickwolf merchandise removed from Penny Arcade store
Courtney Stanton thanks Penny Arcade for removing the merch.
[Three blogs comment, some positive some negative.]
January 29, 2011
Mike comments on the merchandise removal on the Penny Arcade forums after a fan notes their absence.
On the Penny Arcade blog, Mike explains why the merchandise was removed.
[This is when things blow up into the disaster of cataclysmic proportions, as the timeline shows in excruciating detail.]
So unless there's a trove of angry blogs about the comic between August 11, 2010 and October 6, 2010 (the date they passive-aggressively acted on their two-month grudges by making a T-shirt signifying the joke) that are not included in this timeline, then no, the proper outrage did not start until five months after the comic, and was mainly a reaction to Courtney Stanton's blog post on why she's not speaking at PAX as well as the PA fanbase finding out that the shirts were removed. And almost all of the blogs before then weren't as critical of the initial "Sixth Slave" comic as they were at the childish and patronizing follow-up comic devoted entirely to a straw man.
As a sidenote, disingenuously characterizing your opponent's arguments as calling something the "worst thing ever" is like the worst thing ever.