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Why gamers complain about their games being taken away |OT| Censorship Controversy Central


It was always a stupid scene and remains lame in the changed version. Just slightly less so.

I won't buy Persona 5 Royal, mind you, because I'm in no hurry to replay the game in the near future, but that's not a factor in my decision.

The word ''trap'' is now offensive terminology to some people.

Are you seriously unaware about the problem with the word "trap"? I mean, it's not that hard to find out why the term is an issue.
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It was always a stupid scene and remains lame in the changed version. Just slightly less so.

I won't buy Persona 5 Royal, mind you, because I'm in no hurry to replay the game in the near future, but that's not a factor in my decision.

Are you seriously unaware about the problem with the word "trap"? I mean, it's not that hard to find out why the term is an issue.


guys please refrain from using the words trap, crossdresser and drag queen. it offends my transwomen friends who arent on hormones.


I honestly looked at the Persona 5 scene and barely noticed a difference except them coming off as less pedophilic.


What are you talking about? Crossdressers and the like have used that word in their communities since forever.
I hope you weren't tricked by the twitter crowd in believing that the word trap is ''problematic''.

I find that particularly unlikely, given the existence of the so-called "gay/trans panic" legal defense and its related implications.

It refers to a form of sexual entrapment. In others words, killing gay or trans folks is supposedly "rational" when they've "deceived" or surprised someone about their identity or orientation.

In light of this, calling a person "trap" is...rather tasteless and tone deaf. That's why I'd seriously doubt most of the LGBT community could agree with your statement.

That's based on real world events, not Twitter posturing. I don't care about that, nor did this stupid scene ever stop me from playing Persona 5.
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I find that particularly unlikely, given the existence of the so-called "gay/trans panic" legal defense and its related implications.

It refers to a form of sexual entrapment. In others words, killing gay or trans folks is supposedly "rational" when they've "deceived" someone about their identity or orientation.

In light of this, calling a person "trap" is...rather tasteless and tone deaf. That's why I'd seriously doubt most of the LGBT community could agree with your statement.

That's based on real world events, not Twitter posturing. I don't care about that, nor did this stupid scene ever stop me from playing Persona 5.
The LGBT community can jump off a cliff. Crossdressers have used trap for a long fucking time.

It refers to a form of sexual entrapment. In others words, killing gay or trans folks is supposedly "rational" when they've "deceived" someone about their identity or orientation.
Literally how fucking retarded are you? Trap is used to refer to a male crossdresser who can pass as a woman. That's it. The end. I know what I'm talking about. You don't. No argument here. Bye.


The LGBT community can jump off a cliff. Crossdressers have used trap for a long fucking time.

Literally how fucking retarded are you? Trap is used to refer to a male crossdresser who can pass as a woman. That's it. The end. I know what I'm talking about. You don't. No argument here. Bye.

Well, it's nice to know you have approximately zero capacity for human empathy towards that community and its experiences (including being murdered for "trapping" someone).

Maybe that's how you want to restrict the use of the term, but the meaning is not limited to crossdressing nor does it exist in a void, somehow isolated from the rest of society.

Ironically, it's not like crossdressers haven't been attacked or killed for being "traps" ("oh, I thought you were a woman, but you're actually not...that makes me justifiably angry!").
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but the meaning is not limited to crossdressing nor does it exist in a void
Yes, it doesn't exist in a void. Context is what matters... yes, it has a negative meaning depending on context (context form the 80s?), but so does cunt and you wouldn't demand aussies to stop calling everything a cunt.
The same goes for traps, the western anime/manga community has used this term for the past 15ish years, for 10 years there was no one demanding us to stop doing that, hence trap found its own meaning in this community. Demanding that we change that to not offend your sensibilities is rather silly. The term "trap" (in reference to japanese culture) has always had positive meaning in our community.

For fucks sake, we had Bailey Jay (a trans porn star) flash her flat chest while standing in line on an anime convention back in the day and people were screaming "TRAP TRAP TRAP", she embraced her fame and became the "Line Trap". The video of that can still be found on Youtube.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
So, why is the word "trap" actually supposed to be offensive again? Isn't the idea that like... you see a girl that you think is smokin' hot, and you're about to go to town on her, and then you find out she has a bigger dong than you, and you throw up in your mouth just a lil bit cuz mama didn't raise you that way? Because I think that's pretty universally not Gucci.

Also, more than a little tongue-in-cheek... but hey, no fun allowed.


Is that so?
Then please do stay offended.
I find that particularly unlikely, given the existence of the so-called "gay/trans panic" legal defense and its related implications.

It refers to a form of sexual entrapment. In others words, killing gay or trans folks is supposedly "rational" when they've "deceived" or surprised someone about their identity or orientation.

In light of this, calling a person "trap" is...rather tasteless and tone deaf. That's why I'd seriously doubt most of the LGBT community could agree with your statement.

That's based on real world events, not Twitter posturing. I don't care about that, nor did this stupid scene ever stop me from playing Persona 5.
I... uh, don't understand what you're point is; nothing you're saying is remotely related to the usage of the word trap.
And also, I'm sorry but I couldn't care less about the LGBT monolith agree or disagree with.

Dr. Claus

I find that particularly unlikely, given the existence of the so-called "gay/trans panic" legal defense and its related implications.

It refers to a form of sexual entrapment. In others words, killing gay or trans folks is supposedly "rational" when they've "deceived" or surprised someone about their identity or orientation.

In light of this, calling a person "trap" is...rather tasteless and tone deaf. That's why I'd seriously doubt most of the LGBT community could agree with your statement.

That's based on real world events, not Twitter posturing. I don't care about that, nor did this stupid scene ever stop me from playing Persona 5.

You right now:


And yes, we do have LGBT+ folks here and elsewhere who don't consider "trap" to be a slur, mostly because they aren't fucking brain dead.
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In light of recent events (TLoU 2 leaks, Cyberpunk 2077 content rating) I think it's about time we have another talk about Sony's content ''guidelines''.
TLOU2 looks like it got The Last Jedi'ed. Troy Baker is the Mark Hamill of the TLOU series. When you preemptively tell people the "right way" of approaching the plot, then there's something wrong. A good story stands on its own two feet without any sort of "guidelines".



XSeed has joined the ranks of agenda pushers.
  • LOL
Reactions: Isa



XSeed has joined the ranks of agenda pushers.
I just can't anymore.



XSeed has joined the ranks of agenda pushers.

well that's kinda ridiculous... but god damn there are some low life idiots on sankakucomplex... look at those comments... fucking hell. I didn't know how fucked up that community is
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XSeed has joined the ranks of agenda pushers.

"And the producer has been supportive of our decision"

The producer is Japanese, so he's too polite to oppose your change + he doesn't care what happens in the far west of the world.

Always hate the dishonesty when western studios claim their censorship is supported by the Japanese developer. That wasn't the case with Tokyo Mirage Sessions, nor is it here.

On a personal note: I really hate how two men can't just be friends in media nowadays. Agendas like in this game hurt male friendship aka best friendship.


"And the producer has been supportive of our decision"

The producer is Japanese, so he's too polite to oppose your change + he doesn't care what happens in the far west of the world.

Always hate the dishonesty when western studios claim their censorship is supported by the Japanese developer. That wasn't the case with Tokyo Mirage Sessions, nor is it here.

On a personal note: I really hate how two men can't just be friends in media nowadays. Agendas like in this game hurt male friendship aka best friendship.

Seems that it was the Authors vision for it to be gay marriage, but he had to censor himself in Japan.

Dr. Claus

well that's kinda ridiculous... but god damn there are some low life idiots on sankakucomplex... look at those comments... fucking hell. I didn't know how fucked up that community is

OneAngryGamer, SankakuComplex, NicheGamer, all of their communities and comment sections are absolute trash. They look like the political opposite of Era. Just pathetic.

Dr. Claus

NicheGamer is fine, Sankaku is weeb. Only OneAngryGamer is an idiot who's hilariously homophobic.

I may have just gotten unlucky, but I find blatantly homophobic, transphobic, and (at times) racist comments on all 3 (none of this idiocy of saying "trap", but outright saying things such as "trans people should be euthanized" kind of stuff). Could just be disproportionate for the articles/discord I was involved in at the time, but it is something that has coloured my perception of each community. Mind you, I am going by specifically the comment sections and the community there-in - not the authors.


OneAngryGamer, SankakuComplex, NicheGamer, all of their communities and comment sections are absolute trash. They look like the political opposite of Era. Just pathetic.

yeah, I can't stand extremists.

haven't been on any niche gamer comment section yet, so no clue about that.. but I mean OneAngryGamer is just one giant meme at this point xD
This sudden issue surrounding The House of Fata Morgana seems more the result of what's happened over the past few years with the video game industry and pop culture, instead of a honest reaction to a questionable translation. This game was released in 2016. Considering some other choice selections from the English text, it appears any potential problems with the localization's quality went relatively unnoticed, at the time. While I don't buy the notion "fragile male ego" was truly an unbiased decision, the increased frequency of certain sentiments appearing around games and other related media is going to draw greater scrutiny nowadays to anything that may appear agenda driven.

Still, the game was released in 2016. Any potential battle over the English text is long over; better to just take the "L" and move along.
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Dr. Claus

This sudden issue surrounding The House of Fata Morgana seems more the result of what's happened over the past few years with the video game industry and pop culture, instead of a honest reaction to a questionable translation. This game was released in 2016. Considering some other choice selections from the English text, it appears any potential problems with the localization's quality went relatively unnoticed, at the time. While I don't buy the notion "fragile male ego" was truly an unbiased decision, the increased frequency of certain sentiments appearing around games and other related media is going to draw greater scrutiny nowadays to anything that may appear agenda driven.

Still, the game was released in 2016. Any potential battle over the English text is long over; better to just take the "L" and move along.

Some folks, like myself, were waiting on a physical release (which we did eventually get thanks to the folks at LRG). So it is only really now noticeable for those of us who want to preserve games in as close to accurate manner they can without simply importing the original game from that country.

Just disappointing and I expected better.
Some folks, like myself, were waiting on a physical release (which we did eventually get thanks to the folks at LRG). So it is only really now noticeable for those of us who want to preserve games in as close to accurate manner they can without simply importing the original game from that country.

Just disappointing and I expected better.
I can completely appreciate why this situation is disappointing; and as in most cases, there are often exceptions.

That said, MangaGamer has offered the PC release DRM-free from their site since 2016 and in physical form since 2018, and even the PS4 & Vita digital versions are nearing a year old. Given the age of the title and its ease of availability, I'm inclined to believe the current blowback is more the result of an overall reaction to the times than a swell of people suddenly interested in the game. Either way, there's probably not enough money left in the title for any of the companies involved to seriously consider addressing the current criticism; while unfortunate, the hope for official changes is likely a lost cause.
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Era and those Disqus sites are unpleasant to read through, and they both exhibit some of the same behavior despite completely different beliefs. But, they post relevant news and info, often before anywhere else. At least newGaf is more relaxed, and I look here for people to collect news from the political fringes of the Internet


I can completely appreciate why this situation is disappointing; and as in most cases, there are often exceptions.

That said, MangaGamer has offered the PC release DRM-free from their site since 2016 and in physical form since 2018, and even the PS4 & Vita digital versions are nearing a year old. Given the age of the title and its ease of availability, I'm inclined to believe the current blowback is more the result of an overall reaction to the times than a swell of people suddenly interested in the game. Either way, there's probably not enough money left in the title for any of the companies involved to seriously consider addressing the current criticism; while unfortunate, the hope for official changes is likely a lost cause.

Yeah, nah, they need to get bent.



All this trash needs to be double checked in the script for a fan-patch or something, making it clear the mistranslation is deliberate.

Dr. Claus

The "translator" (read ideological cunt waffle) who managed the translation has been found to be someone who openly hates men, especially straight white men.

It also apparently seems that MangaGamer in particular hates gamers and are almost all ideological cunt waffles:



The "translator" (read ideological cunt waffle) who managed the translation has been found to be someone who openly hates men, especially straight white men.

It also apparently seems that MangaGamer in particular hates gamers and are almost all ideological cunt waffles:

I worked as localizer for two years and I had an enormous respect for the source material. This type of shit disgusts me.
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I ran into the Fata Morgana stuff as I was browsing some random stuff. Honestly, the use of tsundere in the original Japanese script is mad weird to me. If the context is true, I haven't played the game myself, it's supposed to be a barb at him for pretending to care for his wife but actually treat her like shit. That's kind of the opposite of the tsundere archetype though which means someone is cold and harsh to someone in public but actually cares for them when privately interacting. It doesn't even fit with the more over time version of tsundere's meaning either.

What they used in the EN translation can be valid for tsundere depending on context and situation but based off the explanation it doesn't make sense to use tsundere in the original Japanese script. It'd be so much more potent to use a more direct insult in that case. I'd need to end up playing to get the full context but yeah, it has me puzzled a bit.


Sony acting weird when it comes to their new censorship policy and guidelines. Sony didn't release the DMC5 uncensorship patch for EU because Middle east comes only Sony EU while TLOU2 getting banned in Middle east specific instead of whole EU. So when Left SJW view intersect with islamist views, then censorship prevails over entire Sony EU and when Left SJW view offend islamist view, then we have situation like TLOU2 getting banned to that region specific.

Sony has also banned One Piece: World Seeker Hot Springs DLC for North America

How is Sony Censorship policy and guidelines going to handle the situation with upcoming release of Cyberpunk 2077?

Sony censorship guidelines/policy came into effect following the #Metoo movement( with PlayStation videogame headquarters moved to California ) and local region specific rating policy which now supersede ESRB/PEGI ratings which get mandated over entire region.
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