What would the reason be for any government to hide the existence of sentient alien life in a place like Area 51?
It's strange that this isn't bigger news.
Last week, the US government confirmed UFO cases were real and nobody seemed to care![]()
There isn’t. Edit: well of course there could be reasons but...
One theory is that since space exploration is arguably fake, satellites, while real, are actually just suspended from hot air balloons rather than hurtling round the earths orbit.
One crashed in Roswell and they went with aliens to keep people distracted from what is really going on.
I’m not allowed to explicitly say it.Still waiting on the why *they* would need to keep people distracted from what is really going on. What's the profit/angle?
What would the reason be for any government to hide the existence of sentient alien life in a place like Area 51?
That’s definitely a plausible explanation.I don't think that has happened personally, theres possibly visitations imo.
But there's been alot if talk about the way such discovers would affect the human physiology. Supposedly we're extremely fragile to things out of our control.
The way such info could affect world religions and the economy is a massive risk many think.
I feel like there's a certain % of people in the hundreds of millions that need to feel that we're alone in the universe, that the thought of superior beings is utterly terrifying to them. They would rather ignore, dismiss, and make jokes about any possibility of such. We need those people to keep working and pour money into world economies, taxes, not worried or frightened. In other words, it's not worth the risk.
That’s definitely a plausible explanation.
But in reality those people you say might “fear superior beings” (aliens) generally believe in other things like spirits/angels and god/gods, which are superior beings so it’s kind of the same thing if you think about it.
The difference there is those spirits are usually looking out for their best interests, or theres a "light" or good side for them to pray to at least.
With aliens, its completely unknown.
One time, I saw a cigar shaped UFO residing near a cloud in the sky on close to a 45 degree angle. I pointed it out to my dad as we were driving home. When I got home, 2 hours later on the news they mentioned "What are these wierd things floating in the sky?" and was a shot of exactly what I saw. It was pretty crazy. #coolstory
This exactly like what I saw. It's been like 10 or 15 years since I saw it.Interesting, was it similar to vids posted above?
During volcanic eruptions, in addition to the orbs are these cigar shaped objects always seen. What's strange is they seem to be made from a similar type of energy that the orbs are.
They're seen all over, this looks similar captured by the Mars rover.
Those "cigar shaped UFOs" are meteors. The trail is made by the time of exposure of the camera taking pictures or recording it.
Real talk though those are definitely not meteors as someone who studied that hogwash. Nor could they go back and forth or be that thiccThose "cigar shaped UFOs" are meteors. The trail is made by the time of exposure of the camera taking pictures or recording it.
Nope. I'm talking about the small ones like shooting stars.How does a meteor go straight up into the sky or travel, stop, then take off again? They're literally traveling out of volcanoes in three of the videos.
And where is the light source? Meteors have a tail that generates a lot of light. Even a meteor the size of a volleyball lights up the sky, even during daylight. Its bright as hell.
Nope. I'm talking about the small ones like shooting stars.
honestly im the hardest of skeptics but im beginning to rethink everything after that tic tac ufo bullshit and listening to that guy on JRE. the fuck is going on
Same here. The White House responses just make no sense at all. Like they are giving crates of ammo to conspiracy theorists... But it's all in the open so you have to think "if there really were aliens, they wouldn't just release this shit... would they?"honestly im the hardest of skeptics but im beginning to rethink everything after that tic tac ufo bullshit and listening to that guy on JRE. the fuck is going on
the only thing suspect is the guy believes Bob Lazar is telling the truth completely. Although hes a skeptic as well, he totally wants to believe
Same here. The White House responses just make no sense at all. Like they are giving crates of ammo to conspiracy theorists... But it's all in the open so you have to think "if there really were aliens, they wouldn't just release this shit... would they?"
I'm starting to genuinely believe this is a brilliant US government strategy. Release objective evidence of alien activity and let their citizens talk themselves out of it being real.
Can the US government really play 4-D chess like this? The same government that couldn't hide PRISM? Sheeeeeeeeet
I'm puzzled
2004 Mexican military
There's lots of videos with these same "flying in formation" lights. They look like drones, but there are videos from the 1950s that shows very similar behavior
The one from the 1950s is well documented with lots of military witnessing it. It gets stranger later in the vid when they start moving in formations.
Compare the above behavior to this as well:
I know you're joking but the government tried to pass them off as that years ago.
All shit tier quality video's. the last one is clearly those balloons u can even see the motion of it. I launched a few of those and that's exactly what they do, hang in the air together and move really high upwards.
Second one can be anything same for the first one. Nothing screams alien towards me.
Maybe that patato camera that mexican uses, should have shot that thing down to see what it is.
Us is doing all kinds of experiencements etc, could be reflective airplanes for all i know or just editing video for the sake of it.
Video quality's are so bad, and that's always the case funny enough. They never ever have good quality pictures because then the detail is so high this bullshit is instantly a non issue.
If aliens visited us in tiny space ships, we would notice it at some point. And no not just military on flight excursions. footage on youtube will show up really freaking fast with high detail pictures.
It's all bulshit.
It always reminds me of those "ghost video recordings in homes" then quality of cameras jumped up and all of that suddenly disappeared over night. I wonder why. yea can't make faces out of a pile of pixels anymore.
If aliens could visit us, then why would they even bother? we have clearly nothing they want or we can offer. So why even visit or bother with us at all? There are trillions on trillions on trillions etc etc planets and stars they could push by other then contacting us. There is no point really to even think this shit is even remotely real without some actual proof of a space ship that is made up out of materials we never saw before.
I do. A basic bitch.do you think Bob Lazar is a bitch?
do you think Bob Lazar is a bitch?
Interesting at least. Recent declassified CIA documents show a CIA psyshic that was given coordinates in a closed envelope and asked to describe what they saw on Mars a million years BC.
This is equally as bizarre a concept, knowing what we know (or think we know) about the development of lifeHere is something to fathom: we are alone
Then why waste your time? I'd love to see your assesment of the cigar UFOs and the OP. You quoted the weakest videos in the entire thread. Those don't even have a backstory I just thought it was odd.
Your post literally does nothing to prove anything other than you launched a balloon, supposedly. And no one said every video is 100% aliens, so not sure who you're even arguing with there.
But considering the OP. Do you know more than 4 f18 pilots and radar operators that tracked the same objects going 30,000mph? Why do other militaries across the world have similar stories? They're all lying?
What sort of balloon does this? Again, similar movement and look to many of the other vids. Be sure to watch it all and I'd like to hear your assessment. He has a telescopic camera and he alters the spectrum for better detail later in the vid.
Well, I saw something interesting with my son last night after we got home from his skating lessons. As I was showing him constellations and trying to show him the big dipper (he's 5) he said "dad look a shooting star!" When I looked at what he was pointing at, I noticed 3 very dim lights in a row which were all part of the same structure. By dim lighting I mean that the lights appoeared to be visible, but not clear, like something was covering them. Another thing that I noticed was, whatever the thing was, it was also transparent which was noticeable as it faded off into the horizon because it literally disappeared. It was very surreal and not like anything I've seen shared online. The rate at which this thing moved was consistent and didn't appear to be moving fast so we got a very good look at it until it was gone. The way in which it disappeared was like if you had a jelly sphere, that you would find at a craft store, in a glass and then poured water into the glass. As far as size and location, it was within our atmosphere and probably a little bigger than a C130.
Anyway, two things, it was weird and my son's idea of a shooting star is possibly a UFO.
bingo, Dyson Probes.
If it is probes they would have likely been sent 100s of thousands or millions of years ago. Its probable that the organic civilization is already dead and gone.
No pics? Those orb lights are pretty common, it could be something natural or maybe not.
I've been seeing dozens of vids lately of the these energy type "craft" or whatever they are doing strange things in our atmosphere. The below is weird but theres another where a large orbs unleashes 4 smaller ones u can't find.
Is the above related to below, but in a different spectrum?
I'm still confused with all these vids with the UFOs releasing this spray, energy, or gas into the atmosphere, I've been seeing them for years.