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Pentagon: Rumsfeld misspoke on Flight 93 crash

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Pentagon: Rumsfeld misspoke on Flight 93 crash
Defense secretary's remark to troops fuels conspiracy theories
From Jamie McIntyre
CNN Washington

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A comment Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made during a Christmas Eve address to U.S. troops in Baghdad has sparked new conspiracy theories about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

In the speech, Rumsfeld made a passing reference to United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to stop al Qaeda hijackers.

But in his remarks, Rumsfeld referred to the "the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania."

A Pentagon spokesman insisted that Rumsfeld simply misspoke, but Internet conspiracy theorists seized on the reference to the plane having been shot down.

"Was it a slip of the tongue? Was it an error? Or was it the truth, finally being dropped on the public more than three years after the tragedy" asked a posting on the Web site WorldNetDaily.com.

Some people remain skeptical of U.S. government statements that, despite a presidential authorization, no planes were shot down September 11, and rumors still circulate that a U.S. military plane shot the airliner down over Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

A Pentagon spokesman insists Rumsfeld has not changed his opinion that the plane crashed as the result of an onboard struggle between passengers and terrorists.

The independent panel charged with investigating the terrorist attacks concluded that the hijackers intentionally crashed Flight 93, apparently because they feared the passengers would overwhelm them.
Either way does it really matter? Let's say that it was shot down, what difference does it make? I wouldn't have wanted to be the one to make that call but I'll tell you this if it were headed to a nucelar reactor or something I'd much rather see them shoot it out of the sky.

Regardless what happened that plane would have never made it to a crowded population center.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
Either way does it really matter? Let's say that it was shot down, what difference does it make? I wouldn't have wanted to be the one to make that call but I'll tell you this if it were headed to a nucelar reactor or something I'd much rather see them shoot it out of the sky.

Regardless what happened that plane would have never made it to a crowded population center.

How about telling the american public the truth for once?
It's like a dream, as if walking around without any sight or knowledge. Not ever knowing what is truly there. Doesn't it scare you sometimes that this insitution that we must put our trust into for saftey and well being is going behind our backs and lying to us to create some blanket of false saftey?


keep your strippers out of my American football
Tommie Hu$tle said:
Either way does it really matter? Let's say that it was shot down, what difference does it make? I wouldn't have wanted to be the one to make that call but I'll tell you this if it were headed to a nucelar reactor or something I'd much rather see them shoot it out of the sky.

Regardless what happened that plane would have never made it to a crowded population center.

Sad to say, but the lawsuits would start flying if it ever came out that the US shot that plane down. The weird thing is that on 9/11 on the radio, NPR reported that the US scrambled military jets to intercept the plane. This was reported as the emergency was going down. Then we never heard anything else about it. At that time, the radio was the only source of news I had as I was at work.


Wow! I didn't know they will still telling that bedtime story to the public (brave passengers gave their lives fighting the terrorists and plane crushed after their heroic efforts, good hollywood scenario - bad real life story). I thought everyone knew that the plane was shot down.


kitchenmotor said:
It's like a dream, as if walking around without any sight or knowledge. Not ever knowing what is truly there. Doesn't it scare you sometimes that this insitution that we must put our trust into for saftey and well being is going behind our backs and lying to us to create some blanket of false saftey?
Ah, how fun.
What about all those reported explosions in Washington DC? There were dozens and dozens of reports that were never confirmed during that time.
Hell, I was looking through goodcow's archive of the GA forum from 9/11 and there were a whole bunch people posting of other disasters being said on the news that turned out to be false reports. Did those happen too then? Where's the proof of those events? Did the government also wipe it out, just like they did with Flight 93's wreckage from the first explosion caused from the missile a jet supposedly shot at it?
The government is awesome like that! They managed to make the entire crew and passengers from the pentagon crash disappear too! Didn't you know that the explosion at the Pentagon was caused by a missile and not a passenger plane??

And surely, all those people who witnessed an unmarked military aircraft following the airliner must have correct memories of the event, right? Because we all know that witnesses never see things that aren't there or create false memories.



The plane could well have been shot down. That particular flight was "missing" for a little bit on the day, wasn't it? Seems a bit fishy, but whatever. Even if it was shot down, it was for a good reason. If the plane was indeed hijacked, those passengers on-board would die anyway, so why not save some lives? That said, Rummy is a douchebag who will not serve out his term. He's got the worst case of foot-in-mouth disease that makes him the easiest target for the media since Trent Lott. PEACE.


keep your strippers out of my American football
luxsol said:
Ah, how fun.
What about all those reported explosions in Washington DC? There were dozens and dozens of reports that were never confirmed during that time.
Hell, I was looking through goodcow's archive of the GA forum from 9/11 and there were a whole bunch people posting of other disasters being said on the news that turned out to be false reports. Did those happen too then? Where's the proof of those events? Did the government also wipe it out, just like they did with Flight 93's wreckage from the first explosion caused from the missile a jet supposedly shot at it?
The government is awesome like that! They managed to make the entire crew and passengers from the pentagon crash disappear too! Didn't you know that the explosion at the Pentagon was caused by a missile and not a passenger plane??

And surely, all those people who witnessed an unmarked military aircraft following the airliner must have correct memories of the event, right? Because we all know that witnesses never see things that aren't there or create false memories.


OK Mr. Rumsfeld. Where the fuck did all that come from? Actually, if you want proof, where is the proof that everything happened as officially reported? Where is the proof that it wasn't shot down?

I have no idea why you want to write a book in reaction to my post like I slapped your mom or something. My major point was even if it was shot down, there is no way the US would admit it. Public opinion and fear of being sued would prevent that from ever coming out.


dskillzhtown said:
I have no idea why you want to write a book in reaction to my post like I slapped your mom or something. My major point was even if it was shot down, there is no way the US would admit it. Public opinion and fear of being sued would prevent that from ever coming out.
heh.. sorry, accidently used your post. I meant to quote kitchen and respond to both what kitchen and open said.


Is it like every other 9/11 conspiracy theory, where you have to take the viewpoint that "Everything reported by the media that supports my theory is true; anything that contradicts it is a lie!"


border said:
Is it like every other 9/11 conspiracy theory, where you have to take the viewpoint that "Everything reported by the media that supports my theory is true; anything that contradicts it is a lie!"



Oh come on you have to say that it being shot down is not too much of leap.

Personally I think that both it was shot down and the administation knew it was going to happen, but that is me.

Like others have said, I don't see the big deal here. That plane needed to be stopped before it reached it's target, one way or another. There was no way to save the passengers at any point. Letting the plane go on would have only concluded in more casualties.
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