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James Earl Jones dies at 93


The Lion King Disney GIF by Maudit


Gold Member
A legend whose voice and screen presence is so iconic.

Mufasa, Vader, Greer, I even have a digital King James Bible from decades ago narrated by him.


Gold Member
For my money his most endearing and enduring role is from The Sandlot. I have ZERO faith that Disney won't totally replace his Vader and Mustafa VO work when they recast it in later films, making it retroactively this future actors voice. Though he did agree to an AI of his voice, so maybe not.

Everyone loves Vader, but he’ll always be Thulsa Doom to me.

“Contemplate this upon The Tree of Woe.”

“Infidel defilers, they shall all drown in lakes of blood. Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they will learn why they fear the night.”


Gold Member
I have ZERO faith that Disney won't totally replace his Vader
They already have an arrangement with his family to use their AI dialog tool. Vader in the Disney+ shows are his voice, but the lines are stitched together with AI. They have the same agreement with Hamill (it was used in Boba Fett). So he’ll always be Vader in shows and movies that Lucasfilm produces.


Gold Member
They already have an arrangement with his family to use their AI dialog tool. Vader in the Disney+ shows are his voice, but the lines are stitched together with AI. They have the same agreement with Hamill (it was used in Boba Fett). So he’ll always be Vader in shows and movies that Lucasfilm produces.
Sure, until it doesn't suit them anymore. Can totally see some rebellious auteur they hire for some god knows reason that wants a "different Vader, perhaps female?" and they retcon all their films in real time to fit. Disney will ABSOLUTELY destroy their film legacy to support a current topical issue, no question.


Gold Member
Disney will ABSOLUTELY destroy their film legacy to support a current topical issue, no question.

This is the same company that fully restored Song of the South in pristine 4K while eliminating the camera judder from it just so there's a perfect copy in the archives.


Gold Member
This is the same company that fully restored Song of the South in pristine 4K while eliminating the camera judder from it just so there's a perfect copy in the archives.
Call me when it hits Disney+

Did they restore the black centaur (Sunflower?) from Fantasia as well? Or is she still invisible (at best)?

It isn't a racism thing with JEJ, just that if they do some future Vader project that dives deep into Anakin with a different actor and they decide to change Vaders voice, will they go back and change it through all the previous stuff? I mean, they HAVE already done this by adding Hayden as a force ghost instead of "old man anakin", so it ain't some wild accusation.


Gold Member
The version in the archives they restored to 4K is complete, yes.
Well, give me a ring and we can do a Mission:Impossible raid "into the vaults" and recover these 4k restorations, as well as The Black Hole, 20,000 Leagues, and The Black Cauldron :p


What a legend. So many great roles. One of my favourites was when he guest starred on Frasier as the blind man with a sculpted replica of his dead wife’s face. Funny and touching at the same time.

RIP. 💔


Gold Member
The Maker issued a statement:

“James was an incredible actor, a most unique voice both in art and spirit,” says George Lucas. “For nearly half a century he was Darth Vader, but the secret to it all is he was a beautiful human being. He gave depth, sincerity and meaning to all his roles, amongst the most important being a devoted husband to the late Ceci and dad to Flynn. James will be missed by so many of us…friends and fans alike.”
yet another true icon of our world. his preformance in everything he's in is always great. RIP Thulsa Doom, RIP Darth Vader, and RIP Mufasa. :messenger_pensive:
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Fuck man...
This guy really inspired me to create a channel and do voice work. Not that I'm anywhere near his level, but just knowing the one who inspired you to create something being gone stings. That's selfish of me, but I grew up hearing his voice resonate within the homes I lived. I bet he was a fucking amazing man, and added value to those around him beyond measurable. May the light be with him on his journey after life, whatever and wherever it may be 💜

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I grew up with this man... One of the few actors in cinema that I respect and continue to this day.
6+ years shy of a Century Old. What a long and storied life.
Rest Peacefully, My Friend.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I remember hearing him in Dr. Strangelove and thinking "this guy is going places"


Saw this today while at work. It hit hard. Not just because he was Darth Fucking Vader. One of my favorite movies was Field of Dreams. He was so goddamn good in that movie. He was great in everything he was in. But that movie as a kid shaped my love of baseball.


not tag worthy
RIP sad loss. One of the Voices of my childhood. Not only Vader but Mufasa and the king from coming to America. 93 is good innings. I doubt many of us will make it to that age.
But at least Disney have his AI voice so they can keep producing quality Darth Vader moments right ?
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