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James Earl Jones dies at 93


Tragic news, dude was a legend. But his was a life well lived, his voice will be remembered for generations to come.


May he find peace. Excellent actor on both sides of the camera.

I always appreciated his little known role as Ommadon, back when I couldn't even tell voice actors apart as a kid:

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Gold Member

That’s him in 1987 with his only son Flynn, and his own father in the background (They looked so alike in the later years) :

Robert was a great actor in his own right for the time and lived to 96…seems to be something that ran in the family. And I’m appreciative to JEJ as hell that he lasted as long as he did and kept doing it.

His voice has now fell silent, but that voice will still be heard forever.

May he find peace. Excellent actor on both sides of the camera.

I always appreciated his little known role as Ommadon, back when I couldn't even tell voice actors apart as a kid:

A piece of 80’s animation that I haven’t seen, or was even aware that it existed…..
I didn’t think such a thing was possible.
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