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People who used to smoke - does CBD do anything for you?

I'm sure many of us had to stop engaging in the devils lettuce because of our careers 😂 I'd like to have a way to mellow out in my down time that doesn't include drinking. Are the CBD pens worth it? Or anything along those lines?

Dark Star

once I did feel some calming effects after taking a few puffs from a cbd cart at a cbd shop. Maybe it was not purely extracted cbd.

Cbd gummies and other stuff like lotions does nothing to me. D8 can get you to the moon tho.

Nowadays I don’t use either cbd or THC, not a good habit and expensive. just drink coffee/tea lol.
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Gold Member
CBD doesn't get you high in anyway shape or form.

The Mrs takes it in hope it will help a medical issue. The Jury's out on that as well .


For me CBD=serious pain relief, but smoking it does absolutely nothing. But a dab of CBD concentrate kills pain in a SECOND.

The tincture also works, but not as fast, and perhaps too effectively when it does...


Gold Member
Speaking as a total CBD newbie here, I grabbed a tub of Cheech and Chong CBD edibles after seeing an ad on X. The ad was for the 3mg version but I opted for the 10mg "Space Chews" and they get me feeling pretty good. Made my body feel nice and tingly. I pop one before bed and it helps me fall asleep faster.


I only smoke thc now and again. I smoke cbd flower, us is the best lost oak farms do really good cbd bud. I don't feel anything but it kind takes away that itch and allows me too keep my tolerance low.


Yes but it has to be the potent full spectrum. No good if you get random drug tests. Lazarus Naturals. Do about double the recommended of their highest strength and you will be a nice little buzz that doesn't lead to the weed brain hangover. It's very subtle.
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My CBD gummies help with my back pain somewhat, but anyone used to weed is not going to feel any high from it. Unless you consume of lot of it (even then it will be mild for a weed user) THC still better for pain AND getting high (latter being obvious). I got a free sample of a non dairy THC infused creamer for coffee with my last order of weed. Most relaxing cup of coffee I’ve had in my entire life! I should order some. Sorry I go off an a tangent while high.


Gold Member
In a world where form takes precedence over substance, CBD is the perfect drug.
All form, no substance, literally.


ChatGPT 0.1
Coming from a daily CBD smoker in terms of high I think there’s a high it’s interesting because CBD exists with THC in most strains of weed.
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