can probably max all bolded except for haru, dont think you'll have enough time
Really? Both other users said I should be fine... Now I'm worried.
can probably max all bolded except for haru, dont think you'll have enough time
Boss is pretty boring conceptually but I actually had a blast fighting it.
It's basically a baton pass fest. Make sure to cover most elements with personas with good magic stat and you should be fine. Having bonded with Hifumi for the in-battle teammate switching ability helps a lot too, it's the only time I've used it.
Just guard or if a party member is in hunger status leave them be and get a surpriseHow am I supposed to survive? I managed to once but got fucked the 3nd time around even with defense-up active.Big Bang Challenge
How am I supposed to survive? I managed to once but got fucked the 3nd time around even with defense-up active.Big Bang Challenge
How am I supposed to survive? I managed to once but got fucked the 2nd time around even with defense-up active.Big Bang Challenge
Just guard or if a party member is in hunger status leave them be and get a surprise
O wait you said hard mode idk if just guarding will work
Guard. Also make use of buffs/debuffs like Tarunda and Rakukaja to make it do less if needed.
Can someone remind me how persona's impact the MC? Like, does the endurance affect his defense? Are his melee attacks impacted by their strength?
Ok, am I doing something wrong ? why can't I hang out with any of my confidants while on the network people are doing this? Like some people are hanging out with 4 separate people when I can't even find one person to hang out with?
How am I supposed to survive? I managed to once but got fucked the 2nd time around even with defense-up active.Big Bang Challenge
Are you between finding the route to the treasure and actually going to steal it? You can't hang out with teammates between those things.
This battle is long holy moly.
Can Personas be negotiated if they're level is higher than the MC?
Can Personas be negotiated if they're level is higher than the MC?
Tarunda is a thing, you know. It seems like people are using Ann strictly for her Agi skills only while forgetting all her other ones, hahah.
Is the proficiency required for Yusuke rank 6 level 4 or level 5? I really hope it's not level 5.
Rank 4
How am I supposed to survive? I managed to once but got fucked the 2nd time around even with defense-up active.Big Bang Challenge
You won't have any difficulty maxing Sojiro, Takemi, Futaba, Makoto, or Yusuke. They're all but guaranteed with the ranks you've got them at now. Haru should be possible too if you get your proficiency up quickly.
Maxing Haru might be hard if you don't raise your proficiency soon. You should be able to get rank 7.
If you devote enough time to getting your proficiency up and Haru, you'd be able to max her without the Fortune bonuses, but with them you'd get it done much sooner and with time to spare on other confidants.
It's been a while but I'm pretty sure that the attack will heal you rather than hurt you if you have the hunger debuff up, which makes sense considering the nature of the attack. Guarding also works, of course, as it does with every attack that's broadcast to you a turn in advance.
Withsun confidant maxed, yeah.
Thank you 👍The last Sun social link ability
Palace 7 finished. Im feeling the game is going to its end. Post palace 7 questionsanything optional to do now before it ends?. Super bosses aside reaper or anything? Im gonna try to finish mementos and that stuff but idk if I have to do something to trigger extra bosses or anything.
Is there a reason i should romance any one particular person? I always romanced everyone I could in the previous games because I found it funny. Should I do this more strategically?
Thank you!Romancing multiple girls makes you a horrible monster, but beyond that there's no min/max benefit to romancing one vs. romancing everyone vs. not romancing anyone, to my knowledge.
That damn metal pig
Romancing multiple girls makes you a horrible monster, but beyond that there's no min/max benefit to romancing one vs. romancing everyone vs. not romancing anyone, to my knowledge.
I just had my first chance to start romancing. The indecision is crippling. Maybe date all of them, and pick my actual favorite on NG+....?
It's gonna be Makoto
Did you just call it a pig?
It's a PIGGYTRON, get it right, yo!
Your spoiler is the correct, and only, decision.
If you think that one was hard, you are in for a rude awakening in the third dungeon.Phew, that second boss was hard AF...that was a pretty tough battle...and I was still unable to find the weakness 😩
I just don't think I'll ever trust status ailments in a JRPG. I used the skill that raised status susceptibility on the coffin enemy in the 4th dungeon, and then every time I tried a high chance status ailment it missed.
One beef I have with bosses in this game: The whole game you are told to find the weakness (which could be a thing they are weak to, or might just be using buffs/debuffs/reflection/whatever), but then bosses just kind of throw that rule out the window.
Phew, that second boss was hard AF...that was a pretty tough battle...and I was still unable to find the weakness 😩