I did a quadruple take when I fused Legion for the first time in P3.
EDIT: Why have I not heard of this Rhapsody thing before.
PS4 arrives for me the same day that Guilty Gear does. Otherwise, I'm stalling on getting one for as long as possible. Honestly, there's really not much on the next-gen horizon that excites me.
And yeah, I know it's partly the high from that new console smell, but at this point? P5 on PS4 would be fuvking amazing. So much hype.
PS4 is next year for me. I refuse to play Watch Dogs on a current gen system. I'm just going to imagine it's purely next-gen. Watch Dogs, Second Son and The Order 1886. That's all I need.
And Persona 5
The first time I got Legion was through a costly fusion accident.
I was upset.
Closing tiiiiiiiime~
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's eeeeeeend~
See y'all in the next thread!
This is giving me 90s flashbacks.
PSX. DS version is garbage.
That's from the sequel if you want an idea of how the game works.
People randomly break out into song. It's glorious.
So excited for The Order.
When I first saw it, I saw like "Oh, cool", and then someone shouts "Galahad!" and was like "Wut". Then I remembered that Galahad was the knight who recovered the Holy Grail and that's what pulled me in.
When they announced that one of the characters is named Mallory (After Thomas Mallory, who wrote Le Morte d'Arthur), I freaked out.
I love Arthurian Legend.
EDIT: Not sure why everyone is saying bye already. Got another 46 posts to go yet.
Time to play persona 1?
Let's not get crazy.
Let's not get crazy.
So excited for The Order.
When I first saw it, I saw like "Oh, cool", and then someone shouts "Galahad!" and was like "Wut". Then I remembered that Galahad was the knight who recovered the Holy Grail and that's what pulled me in.
When they announced that one of the characters is named Mallory (After Thomas Mallory, who wrote Le Morte d'Arthur), I freaked out.
I love Arthurian Legend.
EDIT: Not sure why everyone is saying bye already. Got another 46 posts to go yet.
19! Not too bad for a newbie if I do say so myself.
And 3 more days till you become a full member, congrats =D
I'm surprised I have that many posts in here...
How do you even get those rankings?
I'm surprised I have that many posts in here...
How do you even get those rankings?
We should do a post countdown when it gets to ten posts to go
Man what's with the depressing atmosphere? C'mon OT3!! The definitive OT with actual details to a sequel!!
Persona 3FES -Brand New Days (With Lyrics)
Also congrats to Inorigo, you are the craziest Persona GAFer!!
Top 25 crazies =P
I really don't understand the antagonism for the PS4
You're probably going to be devastated when you realise that the thread doesn't auto-lock at 20k.
How the fuck am I fifth?
I need to evaluate my life.
I'm surprised how much Dantis is posting.
I'm surprised how much I've posted.
I think I was third last time.
I really don't understand the antagonism for the PS4