Neo Member
People in general. It's basically what she talked about in The Answer.
Yeah i can understand that but IMO it definatly seemed she was talking about P3MC then not people in general. Then again Naoto's taunts were definatly about people in general so...
I think Shadow Aigis was talking about being loved by people in general, when she said "Even if there was someone you considered to be worth fighting for, you can't be a companion to them". "A brave bluff. But a tool like yourself can never be a true partner for a human. Doesn't your heart yearn to be by their side and to be loved?" But Aigis herself probably must have thought about P3MC when she heard that.
Man, that kind of talk it's what makes me feel like P3 is much more serious business than P4.
Yeah in the P4A artbworks book it mentions about having watched her beloved live and die she obtained the wild card. (Something like that)
Will Smith, bro, come here and teach us how to be awesome like that.
LOL! just so much swag i end up in everything =)