snow in jamaica
If you take Lupin as an inspiration (which it's only one), a big focus of the series is the international aspect of exploring the world whether it's monuments, treasures, etc.
That too.
If you take Lupin as an inspiration (which it's only one), a big focus of the series is the international aspect of exploring the world whether it's monuments, treasures, etc.
I love how Igor went from "Sugar daddy of the soul" to "terrifying, unknown entity". Holy shit
Igor's previous voice:
Igor's current voice:
that P4G sample is brutal. Can't see how anyone prefers it to the dub to be honest.
P5's Igor is so much better IMHO, holy shit.
It's more that they're completely different takes.
P4 is eccentric, nice old man.
P5 is 'We need someone who sounds as baritone and menacing as possible'.
It's more that they're completely different takes.
P4 is eccentric, nice old man.
P5 is 'We need someone who sounds as baritone and menacing as possible'.
Igor was always creepy as fuck, sitting there judging you with that bulging eye and condescending sneer. Talking to spirits and hanging out with the creepiest of creepy hanger ons. I don't know what Igor ya'll are talking about being all cuddly and friendly. LOL.
I never got the impression that Igor was judging me.
that P4G sample is brutal. Can't see how anyone prefers it to the dub to be honest.
P5's Igor is so much better IMHO, holy shit.
I never got the impression that Igor was judging me.
Is this like before they go into a dungeon or something?
Yep, although there's a few different locations we've seen them enter from:
iirc, the options there are "enter the palace" and "discuss plans"
I never got the impression that Igor was judging me.
Especially not condescending. Probing, maybe?
The 1080p for PS4 version isn't completely confirmed. It's based on comments from people who have played the demo.
I don't see remote play support either.
Every PS4 game is remote play compatable.
Edit: Not if devs disable the feature.
Serious question. Has a dev ever disabled the feature?
The only game to disable it to my knowledge is Dragonball: Xenoverse.
Maybe it was because of Igor's voice actor, but I've never gotten the impression of him other than him being helpful and cordial as well.That said, he does feel more professional than his assistants as far as wanting to keep a distant role and only interfering and helping as much as he needs to.Even in Persona 2, I think he helped Ulala out with her curse. If anything, it's Philemon who players may feel is more of a jackass at the end of Innocent Sin.
Also feel like posting this video while we're on the subject:
I feel like this is coming from a post P1+P2 perspective. I always felt like Igor was the awful of the Velvet Room compared to Philemon's frank and open challenge to accept your other selves.
The jibbering of the DevilPhone...
The eerie presence and nature of his pets and co-workers...
Igor was a unknowable entity who definitely represented the Other.
Hell, it felt MORE reinforced in P3 and P4 given how the attendants were the most cordial with you while he pretty much just laid the cards and summoned while barely having much conversation with you at all...
Saw this on Twitter, Persona 5's original concept was going to be backpacking around the world, but it seems the 2011 earthquake changed Hashino's line of thought.
NPC or not, I don't think the Persona series has ever had any black woman (including Ixquicwho I'm pretty sure is not actually Egyptianor tan skinned Japanese girls like Yuko).
Hell, I think the black bodyguards in the game are the first black men, too, outside of the modified Mark.
Nobody ever remembers Funky Student ;_;
Well, unless we're just joking, he wasn't actually black. Wasn't it said that a lot of his standout personality was a result of the English localization, too?
Dunno about the localisation thing. Looks pretty black to me though.
Oh wow, I think what I circled here is a black woman in the latest Persona 5 short clip:
Oh wow, I think what I circled here is a black woman in the latest Persona 5 short clip:
NPC or not, I don't think the Persona series has ever had any black woman (including Ixquicwho I'm pretty sure is not actually Egyptianor tan skinned Japanese girls like Yuko).
That's interesting. Influencing factors could include Miss Universe Japan 2015 or the ideas Hashino had before about the game taking place outside of Japan. Hell, I think the black bodyguards in the game are the first black men, too, outside of the modified Mark.
Nobody ever remembers Funky Student ;_;
Yeah I've counted like, 3 seperate black NPCs already and it's puuuuuretty cool. They're drawn in a way that makes them look like normal people too, which seems like a novel concept in anime games.
*cough maybe DanganRonpa could learn from this COUGH*
I really don't remember a black character in DR.
Unless you mean Hagakure or Sakura, which are technically a tanned japanese case
There was this guy in Danganronpa 3.
He wasn't well received.
Starting from the top we have:
She isalso transgender on top of that, so it's a neat case of a surprisingly progressive character that nobody is really aware of
Haven't posted here in a good while, so howdy ya'll!
So what's everyone's plans for P5? I'm putting in for a week off to play through. What about you guys?
Haven't posted here in a good while, so howdy ya'll!
So what's everyone's plans for P5? I'm putting in for a week off to play through. What about you guys?