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Persona Community Thread |OT9| SPOILER TAGS OR DIE

I'm not sure about Persona, but I have no idea how a Danganronpa musou would even look like. Maybe it just shows how uncreative I am.

If we had to go by DR canon (spoilers for all DR games),
then you could have the Ultimate Despairs' campaign fighting Future Foundation troops while the DR1 survivors take on monokumas. I dunno, I just want to see the characters pull some crazy shit.

You could just bullshit some sort of noncanon excuse as to why there's a DR musou instead too, wouldn't really bug me tbh
I want a more mystery focused Devil Summoner game, that's supposed to be the detective themed subseries.

Naoto appropriates the DS brand.

"Persona User Naoto Shirogane vs. The Four Horsemen"
"Persona User Naoto Shirogane vs. The Transforming Husbando"
"Persona User Naoto Shirogane vs. The Eternal Ship Wars"

looks like I've got a whole other list to make alongside those hypothetical spinoffs.


Musou works with anything. You could make a Phoenix Wright Musou and it'd still work somehow. The whole point of that franchise nowadays is slapping famous IPs onto their brand and calling it a day. Some of the iterations like Dragon Quest Heroes and Hyrule Warriors add a few elements of their own franchises, DQH 2 even has dungeons, and it works pretty well. Hyrule Warriors and DQH were a lot of fun in a fanservicey way so there's no reason a Persona or Atlus Musou couldn't work. The series' canon is already murky as it is, throw in some Amala shenanigans in the middle and there's nothing stopping a series-wide crossover.

Save Platinum for Raidou.

PK Gaming

A Persona musou could definitely work.

-You'd have your character of choice (Makoto/Yu/Joker and their hot waifus)
-You'd fight a bunch of shadows that don't attack you
-You'd fight bosses that are basically bigger shadows

But it's just so janky and unstylish.

I'd still play it
Musou works with anything. You could make a Phoenix Wright Musou and it'd still work somehow.

They managed to get him into MvC3, so having him engaged in actual combat is enough material to start from. Same thing for anyone from the Arena games.

A Persona musou could definitely work.

-You'd have your character of choice (Makoto/Yu/Joker and their hot waifus)
-You'd fight a bunch of shadows that don't attack you
-You'd fight bosses that are basically bigger shadows

But it's just so janky and unstylish.

I'd still play it

It probably won't look as pretty as HW, but I think that would be a small price to pay for the zen feeling of mowing down ineffective hordes.

PK Gaming




I don't get why a Persona musou wouldn't work. I mean, I'm probably not playing it but I never played Arena or PQ, and I barely played DAN, so my opinion doesn't really matter in that kind of thing.

I wish Atlus would make a completely new game like Radiant Historia, but I'll take anything that's not P3, P4 or Etrian related.


Atlus PR
Been browsing and found a funny.

We don't ever announce the VA cast.*

*Unless they give us permission and are cool with it. It's their right whether or not they want to go on record about their participation, and since P5 is kind of a Big Deal™ they were defo very cool with it. And are awesome! I got to interview 8/9ths of the main cast and they are all super rad!


*Unless they give us permission and are cool with it. It's their right whether or not they want to go on record about their participation, and since P5 is kind of a Big Deal™ they were defo very cool with it. And are awesome! I got to interview 8/9ths of the main cast and they are all super rad!

Makes sense they'd want to get their name out there. I imagine this is probably a huge project for them, and a good way for a lot of them to get recognized both by fans and for new jobs.
*Unless they give us permission and are cool with it. It's their right whether or not they want to go on record about their participation, and since P5 is kind of a Big Deal™ they were defo very cool with it. And are awesome! I got to interview 8/9ths of the main cast and they are all super rad!
I'm actually hoping this will be a bit of a turnaround for cast recognition in english work. Funimation has also been making a pretty big deal about cast announcements lately too. Not this big, but at least announcing the full cast. Its nice not having to scour and guess at voice work, especially these days when I find myself caring more
*Unless they give us permission and are cool with it. It's their right whether or not they want to go on record about their participation, and since P5 is kind of a Big Deal™ they were defo very cool with it. And are awesome! I got to interview 8/9ths of the main cast and they are all super rad!

Looking forward to it.

I'm just making fun. No way am I going to hold a year-old sentence against you.


I wake up to a giant poster on my ceiling with "#Hardinlied" written on it to remind myself that every day until February 14th is just another Winter 2014.


8 of 9 so that means no Matthew Mercer interview this time (the one missing from Persona Central pic) , not surprised since the guy must be busy working in almost everything lately (seriously the guy land roles like crazy) , plus already had one with the dude for Dancing All Night so no big deal.

Looking forward to the others (specially Ann & Makoto)... i suppose Hardin cant say how often the interview are gonna come out (1 for week , 1 each month) ,even if he does is gonna lie anyway



8 of 9 so that means no Matthew Mercer interview this time (the one missing from Persona Central pic) , not surprised since the guy must be busy working in almost everything lately (seriously the guy land roles like crazy) , plus already had one with the dude for Dancing All Night so no big deal.

His work and his weekly D&D session he DMs with other VAs.

Honestly I wonder where he can find the time as is.


Huh, it's not a voice I expected at all. Sounds too deep at first impression, but then I ended up really liking it. Sounds down to earth, but there's range there to do the wackier stuff.

Still cannot get behind Morgana though.
Huh, it's not a voice I expected at all. Sounds too deep at first impression, but then I ended up really liking it. Sounds down to earth, but there's range there to do the wackier stuff.

Still cannot get behind Morgana though.

The term I'd use is "soulful".
It's a damn fine performance.

Morgana pronounces it "Ahn".


Considering she's a Japanese woman, that's how they'd pronounce it.
It's why I'm fine with them cutting out the "e" now.


Morgana pronounces it "Ahn".


Edit: I'm in total nitpick mode this morning, lol. Something about the line "are you really a bad person, as the rumor says?" sounds really weird to me, but I can't figure out why. Not the delivery, but the line itself.
Edit: I'm in total nitpick mode this morning, lol. Something about the line "are you really a bad person, as the rumor says?" sounds really weird to me, but I can't figure out why. Not the delivery, but the line itself.
I was just about to say the same thing. That line and the one about "that other world" sound like they were translated awkwardly or something.


The pronunciation of Ann doesn't really bother me. Makes sense, as ADD said. Either way, her voice is great, and I'm impressed they retained the "down to earth feel" I liked about the P4 dub.

As for Morgana, all of the Japanese lines I had heard were punchy and bossy, as a contrast to the cute nature to the voice. The way it's being said in the english version, so far, is very... floaty? I'll just have to wait for Morgana's video to really tell, I guess.


Ann's voice is fantastic and way too fitting

Leave it to Erika to d e l i v er

EDIT: I definitely prefer this direction over the high pitch JP version

I think she'll still be higher pitched than what we hear here, going by her battle phrases, which, to me match japanese Ann perfectly. However, I'm REALLY happy with the direction they went for these clearly down to earth and extremely personal scenes. Her normal talking voice will likely be in the middle somewhere, which is about right.

It's good VA.


We'll definitely hear higher pitched Ann later on. The English version is simply matching the tone of the Japanese version, as she had scenes where she was soft-spoken and not high-pitched.
We'll definitely hear higher pitched Ann later on. The English version is simply matching the tone of the Japanese version, as she had scenes where she was soft-spoken and not high-pitched.
or they will tone her down if it fits the language better, like rise, and thank fuck for that one at least


I was a little nervous that the dub for this game might be a little shakier than P4's, but that Ann trailer managed to give me faith in the dub again, kudos to Erica on that one.


or they will tone her down if it fits the language better, like rise, and thank fuck for that one at least

They didn't really "tone down" Rise tho. What happened was instead of using the inflection of the Japanese actress, they simply used Laura Bailey's natural voice.

It'll probably be the same case for Ann. She still sounds high-pitched and excited in a few of the lines there.
I love Ann's English voice! I'm glad I decided not to listen too much to the JP voices after the first couple of trailers, so I won't have to compare and contrast.

And I still don't get why they removed the 'e' but I'll get over it...


Real talk though, if we had really payed attention to P4 before it's launch (which some of you might have) we probably would have lost our collective minds over the jump from JP Chie to English Chie.

I mean, the two aren't even close, and I'd go as far as saying that the english voice isn't really that great of a performance, it's just weirdly endearing and kind of down to earth. A lot of us loved it, though, likely because we weren't stumbling over ourselves to compare.

I will say though, some of these lines sound clunky, and I don't mean the acting.


Real talk though, if we had really payed attention to P4 before it's launch (which some of you might have) we probably would have lost our collective minds over the jump from JP Chie to English Chie.

I mean, the two aren't even close, and I'd go as far as saying that the english voice isn't really that great of a performance, it's just weirdly endearing and kind of down to earth. A lot of us loved it, though, likely because we weren't stumbling over ourselves to compare.

I will say though, some of these lines sound clunky, and I don't mean the acting.

This is reflected in OG English Chie and Golden English Chie.

I prefer Golden.
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