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PETA Porn Portal Planned - Pleasuring People Protects Pigs

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PETA Plans A Porn Site

Huffington Post said:
PETA knows how to raise eyebrows. The animal rights group's memorable campaigns have entailed everything from celebrities posing nude for its anti-fur campaign to scantily clad women having an erotic moment with their vegetables to support veganism.

Now, PETA has pulled out all of the stops with a XXX porn site for its next clever marketing endeavor, reports The Register.

PETA confirmed the XXX site in a phone interview with The Huffington Post.

"We live in a 24 hour news cycle world and we learn the racy things we do are sometimes the most effective way that we can reach particular individuals," said PETA spokeswoman Lindsay Rajt.

Instead of focusing on anti-fur, the porn site will raise awareness of veganism, said Rajt. "We really want to grab people's attention, get them talking and to question the status quo and ultimately take action, because the best way we can help the greatest number of animals is simply by not eating them."

An increasing number of groups are suggesting that eating less meat is better for your health, and certainly better for animals. PETA's website describes life for animals on factory farms:

Chickens have their sensitive beaks seared off with a hot blade, and male cattle and pigs are castrated without any painkillers. Farmed chickens, turkeys, and pigs spend their brief lives in dark and crowded warehouses, many of them so cramped that they can't even turn around or spread a single wing. They are mired in their own waste, and the stench of ammonia fills the air.
So how pornographic will PETA go? According to Rajt, it will have enough adult content to qualify for the XXX domain site but also some other graphic images of animals that viewers may not expect to see.

Australia's Herald Sun reports that "PETA's sexy side displayed in galleries and videos will quickly give way to the sinister world of animal mistreatment uncovered by the group’s hidden camera investigations in a very different kind of graphic content."

With the finer details still to be finalized, PETA did confirm that regular people, not just celebrities, will also be featured in the project.

"There will be a lot of girl and boy next door content, but we haven't ruled out celebrities on the site as well," said Rajt. "People who are extraordinarily dedicated to helping animals and who are willing to do whatever it takes to draw attention to the suffering they endure."

The first environmental porn movement was founded back in 2005, reports The Independent. Set up by a Swedish and Norwegian couple, the duo offered a subscription video service with money being raised for the environment.

PETA's jump into adult content comes on the heels of Brooke Hogan posing nude for a photo exhibit to benefit PETA, although there was no direct affiliation.

PETA has done ad campaigns with adult film stars Sasha Grey, Ron Jeremy and Jenna Jameson. In 2008, the organization's YouTube account was temporarily shut down after posting racy videos of celebrities and others posing nude.

Even though PETA's intention is to improve animal welfare, some argue that the move to protect animals comes at the cost of exploiting women. A Facebook group, Real Women Against PETA, was created after the organization posted a billboard of an obese woman that read, "Save the Whales, Lose the Blubber, Go Vegetarian." A headline for The Sydney Morning Herald once read, "Pro-vegetarian group treats women like meat."

But Rajt explains the motives behind these tactics are cleverly thought out and ensure they get results: "We try to use absolutely every outlet to stick up for animals ... We are careful about what we do and wouldn't use nudity or some of our flashier tactics if we didn't know they worked. We also track the effectiveness of our actions very closely and see if we get visitors checking out other features on our site."

I have a feeling posting abused animals alongside porn may end up backfiring, particularly with the furry crowd.
Sun said:
"PETA's sexy side displayed in galleries and videos will quickly give way to the sinister world of animal mistreatment uncovered by the group’s hidden camera investigations in a very different kind of graphic content."
If I'm reading this right that's a pretty damn jarring transition


Instead of focusing on anti-fur, the porn site will raise awareness of veganism, said Rajt. "We really want to grab people's attention, get them talking and to question the status quo and ultimately take action, because the best way we can help the greatest number of animals is simply by not eating them."

Vegans don't eat any part of an animal so... I'm guessing she is going to spit then.

Emily Chu

I should eat more veggies, fruit and Couscous

but it's all so fucking Delicious and filling.



Do they think that zoophilia is good marketing?. They MAD?

bad joke, i know, but some had to said it


So is the idea that they tease you with smut and then crush your boner with pictures of animal torture? That's kind of weird.


Jerking off to animal cruelty... hmm...

I suppose it'll be worth a laugh or two when I forward it to some friends.


Wasn't there a PETA leader who claimed there was nothing wrong with french kissing dogs because "it doesn't hurt them"?
DeathIsTheEnd said:
I imagine we'll see a higher percentage of videos featuring fruit or vegetables.

Namely cucumbers and bananas.

This is what entered my mind. Then, as you actually get into it, a slaughtered pig's head appears, causing penile confusion.


According to Rajt, it will have enough adult content to qualify for the XXX domain site but also some other graphic images of animals that viewers may not expect to see.

Soooo, why wouldn't I just go to a different porn site sans tortured animal pictures
Aww I wonder if during the climax of a scene they will stop the video and put up a picture of a chicken getting decapitated. ultimate boner kill


Monocle said:
A two minute search was the most I was willing to invest in my idea.

Man, it's exactly what we are all telling you: You are not doing your best. Do you think Einstein discovered the relativity on a napkin?
PETA is such a non-factor it isn't even funny.

HSUS is the truly dangerous animal rights group. And oddly enough, it's largely staffed by former PETA employees.


I was so expecting this to be an Onion article, it's not... o_O

Still, interesting concept and I will look forward to seeing how its executed.


Sounds to me like while your fapping to their porn, they'll do a switcharoo in the middle of the video and start showing animal slaughter and death videos. Who the fuck wants that?


So you want me to jack off to a porn site with images of slaughtered and maimed animals right next to the video. Where do I sign?


hirokazu said:
Sounds to me like while your fapping to their porn, they'll do a switcharoo in the middle of the video and start showing animal slaughter and death videos. Who the fuck wants that?
Better than switching to the guy's face or his ass.


You know what happens when you become a vegetarian? More meat ends up being thrown away, they're not gonna let that one cow live happy and enjoy its old age just because you're not eating it.


Stabbie said:
You know what happens when you become a vegetarian? More meat ends up being thrown away, they're not gonna let that one cow live happy and enjoy its old age just because you're not eating it.

its more about not feeling guilty yourself
it would eat away at their conscience

most vegetarians know they are with too few to impact animal killing
its a matter of principle


listen to the mad man
Stabbie said:
You know what happens when you become a vegetarian? More meat ends up being thrown away, they're not gonna let that one cow live happy and enjoy its old age just because you're not eating it.

Meat is produced to demand. If there was less demand, they'd produce less meat and thus kill fewer cows. Obviously every factory farmed cow alive today will be slaughtered regardless of what your personal decision is, but clearly the more vegetarians there are in the world the less meat there needs to be produced.
Stumpokapow said:
Meat is produced to demand. If there was less demand, they'd produce less meat and thus kill fewer cows. Obviously every factory farmed cow alive today will be slaughtered regardless of what your personal decision is, but clearly the more vegetarians there are in the world the less meat there needs to be produced.

And the more need for farmland, meaning more chemicals and fertilizers and heavy machinery to produce it all...

It's a vicious cycle of doom either way.
AceBandage said:
And the more need for farmland, meaning more chemicals and fertilizers and heavy machinery to produce it all...

It's a vicious cycle of doom either way.
You realize that the amount of farmland isn't going up, right? It's decreasing quite significantly, actually.

We're not chopping down forests to convert them into farmland anymore. At least not in the U.S.

Jamie OD

perfectchaos007 said:
Aww I wonder if during the climax of a scene they will stop the video and put up a picture of a chicken getting decapitated. ultimate boner kill

They'll cut to a video clip of someone literally choking a chicken.
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