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PETA Porn Portal Planned - Pleasuring People Protects Pigs

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I'll just leave this here.



it's 4th of July in my asshole
Meh, just as bad. The world needs to bypass these fucks and give it to the people who actually want to help RSPCA, WWF etc. The worlds pretty fucked when all is said and done :(........ If you have a pet love the shit out of it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Wait, so their site is going to get me hard by showing porn, then swap in some video of animals getting slaughtered as a boner killer?

Why would I ever want to fap to this?


Monocle said:
So is the idea that they tease you with smut and then crush your boner with pictures of animal torture? That's kind of weird.

The funny thing is that most of the people who go to a site like that to get their jollies off will know what's coming and probably be looking forward to it =\
They're going to have to start killing people for me to care, and of course that won't help them out in their crusade to... whatever they want to do.

I eagerly await the positive response from sickos who get off to whatever they're planning. Fap proudly, sickos.


Good intentions on the outside + Greedy, often plainly bad people/aberrated killers hiding behind it + Pretention = ??

The ?? can be a lot of things. Peta is one of them. :(


The Broken Ska Record said:
Perfect use of alliteration in the thread title, OP.

Also, doesn't the founder of PeTA use some sort of medication that comes from animals to live?

I think it was the Vice President of PETA. I read somewhere that she is a Type A Diabetes and uses Insulin which was medically tested using dogs. Gotta find the source.


Couldn't find the exact source but did find the Penn & Teller Bullshit episode talking about it.
BertramCooper said:
HSUS is the truly dangerous animal rights group. And oddly enough, it's largely staffed by former PETA employees.

You don't have a clue do you. HSUS is Animal Welfare not Rights, you should know the difference. Very alike to what PETA is too.

PETA is always going too far wth their focus on sex, it really loses much of the point and focus on what you are supposed to inform people about. One of the reasons why I dislike them. Instead of focusing on education, they focus more on depicting naked women with vegetables with suggestive themes.
storafötter said:
You don't have a clue do you. HSUS is Animal Welfare not Rights, you should know the difference. Very alike to what PETA is too.
Trust me, I'm far more familiar with HSUS than you. Don't even try to challenge me on this one. HSUS calls themselves "animal welfare" simply because they know that the term "animal rights" has a negative public perception. They're every bit as anti-meat, anti-egg, and anti-dairy as PETA, but they're far more effective because they have a lot more money.

The Broken Ska Record said:
Also, doesn't the founder of PeTA use some sort of medication that comes from animals to live?
That would be Mary Beth Sweetland, who left PETA a few years ago to work for HSUS. It appears that she's now left them too.


Their members sound like they self-hate themselves and humans in general so much, they probably do some major S&M orgies.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Remember all those PETA protests of smoking hot girls, wearing nothing except lettuce or some shit

Or celebrities going naked to make a statement....Yeah, I think this is the evolutionary step

Now where's my Olivia Munn video?

Before Stardom:


After Stardom:



GraveRobberX said:
Remember all those PETA protests of smoking hot girls, wearing nothing except lettuce or some shit

Or celebrities going naked to make a statement....Yeah, I think this is the evolutionary step

Now where's my Olivia Munn video?

Before Stardom:

After Stardom:
But they never go really naked. Always hiding their private parts.
What I want from this site is fullblown hardcore porn with celebrities
Kinyou said:
But they never go really naked. Always hiding their private parts.
What I want from this site is fullblown hardcore porn with celebrities
If Olivia really cared about elephants, she would.

Also, there are hundreds of sane animal rights group. Just go to a local shelter or humane society and see.


Chef Cat said:
Why can't there be one sane animals rights group??

There are hundreds if not thousands. The only problem is they spend most of their money saving animals instead of taking the cheap route of killing animals and plastering your TV with vapid messages.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
A whole generation of men who get turned on by the slaughter of farm animals...Max Hardcore will have a whole new market.
Krispy said:
I'll just leave this here.


A few minutes browsing GAF and I've already learned 2 new things. The existence of Juggalos, and that there really is a Groundhog Day. Awesome!

I played WoW for a few years. Sorry PETA for murdering hundreds of thousands of animals during my time in Azeroth.

Nah, not really, I thoroughly enjoyed it :p


y'all should be ashamed
Foxy Fox 39 said:
Well she's done something right...
I believe she also wants her body to be eaten after her death by her friends and relatives.

Not the most put together lady out there.

edit: well turns out she wants to spread her body parts around like Thanksgiving dinner.


2. While the final decision as to the use of my body remains with PETA, I make the following suggested directions:

a. That the “meat” of my body, or a portion thereof, be used for a human barbecue, to remind the world that the meat of a corpse is all flesh, regardless of whether it comes from a human being or another animal, and that flesh foods are not needed;

b. That my skin, or a portion thereof, be removed and made into leather products, such as purses, to remind the world that human skin and the skin of other animals is the same and that neither is “fabric” nor needed, and that some skin be tacked up outside the Indian Leather Fair each year to serve as a reminder of the government’s need to abate the suffering of Indian bullocks who, after a life of extreme and involuntary servitude, as I have seen firsthand, are exported all over the world in this form;

c. That in remembrance of the elephant-foot umbrella stands and tiger rugs I saw, as a child, offered for sale by merchants at Connaught Place in Delhi, my feet be removed and umbrella stands or other ornamentation be made from them, as a reminder of the depravity of killing innocent animals, such as elephants, in order that we might use their body parts for household items and decorations;

d. That one of my eyes be removed, mounted, and delivered to the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a reminder that PETA will continue to be watching the agency until it stops poisoning and torturing animals in useless and cruel experiments; that the other is to be used as PETA sees fit;

e. That my pointing finger be delivered to Kenneth Feld, owner of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, or to a circus museum to stand as the “Greatest Accusation on Earth” on behalf of the countless elephants, lions, tigers, bears, and other animals who have been kidnapped from their families and removed from their homelands in India, Thailand, Africa, and South America and deprived of all that is natural and pleasant to them, abused, and forced into involuntary servitude for the sake of cheap entertainment;

f. That my liver be vacuum-packed and shipped, in whole or in part, to France, to there be used in a public appeal to persuade shoppers not to support the vile practice of force-feeding geese and ducks for foie gras;

g. That one of my ears be removed, mounted, and sent to the Canadian Parliament to assist them in hearing, for the first time perhaps, the screams of the seals, bears, raccoons, foxes, and minks bludgeoned, trapped, and sometimes skinned alive for their pelts; that the other ear be removed, preserved, and displayed outside the Deonar abattoir in Mumbai to remind all who do business there that the screams of the cattle who are slaughtered within its walls are heard around the world;

h. That one of my thumbs be removed, mounted upwards on a plaque, and sent to the person or institution that, in the year of my death or thereabouts, PETA decides has done the most to promote alternatives to the use and abuse of animals in any area of their exploitation;

i. That one of my thumbs be mounted in a downward position and sent to the person or institution that, in the year of my death or thereabouts, has gone against the changing tide of societal opinion and frightened and hurt animals in some egregious manner;

j. That a little part of my heart be buried near the racetrack at Hockenheim, preferably near the Ferrari pits, where Michael Shumacher raced in and won the German Grand Prix;

k. That anything else be done with my body that PETA believes will serve to draw attention to and so abate the plight of exploited animals.


Not pure anymore!
Bot really related to the article cut PETA reminds me of some of my old vegan friends who'd bitch at me every time we'd order something to eat... To me vegans are just as crazy as the religious/athiest nuts who force their point of view on other people.
chubigans said:
Batshit crazy lady quote

Holy shit. My family gives me shit because if I have control over my body I want to die in the wilderness so I can be eaten and not waste a plot with a casket. I'll have to link them to this if we ever have that argument again... I look completely sane compared to her
I just found out about this and was about to make a thread.


US - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is taking its animal campaigns a notch higher by launching its own porn website, PETA.xxx later this year.

The site will feature the animal activists' most risque ad campaigns, alongside hidden-camera footage of animal cruelty that sees foxes, among others, electrocuted and skinned by the millions for the fur industry.

"We try to use every available outlet to speak up for animals whose voices go unheard," Ashley Fruno, the senior campaigner for PETA Asia-Pacific tells The Daily Chilli exclusively. "We believe that everyone should be free to use their own words, talents, actions, and bodies to make social statements and by doing so help animals."

PETA US, which will be managing the site, has yet to decide on a specific launch date.

Among top Hollywood celebrities who have starred in racy PETA ads are Maggie Q, Charlize Theron, Anna Nicole Smith and Pamela Anderson.

Defending her group's controversial move in hyping up their animal rescue efforts, Fruno adds, "In this 24-hour news-cycle world, we have found that our racier actions are sometimes the best way to get people to pay attention to what we are saying about the plight of animals."

"PETA US anticipated that the availability of .xxx domain names would be a hot topic, and they are taking advantage of this to help animals. With tactics like this, PETA is able to initiate discussion, questioning of the status quo, and action. We must make our message impossible to forget, and launching a website with a .xxx domain name helps achieve that goal."


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I'm really sad that my country is condoning PETA.

Fuck my country. It's so bad that I want to get off of it.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
As an actual vegetarian I feel that PETA is nothing more than an elaborate scheme created by the meat industry designed to make us look bad. Really bad. I honestly have no idea why people take them seriously at all. Please stop giving them attention.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Essentially I think PETA is made by a bunch of rich people who want to do this "feel good" campaign since after all, "it's all right to plunder since I am doing this righteous organization" thing.

Kinda like those "running in a marathon to save the world from pollution!"


If anyone wants a funny story about PETA listen to the Shawshank Redemption commentary track. They wouldn't let them feed a maggot to the baby bird if the maggot didn't die of natural causes. Darabont just lied to them and told them that it did.
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