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Peter Moore on Japanese Market and Xbox 2


Translated/paraphrased from Nikkei Business via Gamefront:

Moore attributes the fact that Xbox was no able to prevail in Japan to three factors: Xbox is as big as a VCR and the design does not appeal to Japanese tastes. Secondly, there were too few games available, and those that were available did not appeal to Japanese consumers. Finally, Playstation 2 had a two year head start and it would have been impossible to catch up in any event.

'Next time we wont make the same mistakes', says Moore. Xbox2 will have a smaller and simpler design. In Japan Moore wants to offer an extensive software range from the outset, and one that is better suited to Japanese tastes.

Because Sony wants to use Blue-ray Discs with the PS3, it is likely that next to games, films and music will play a larger role. Nikkei Business Publications bases that on a statement by Ken Kutaragi, that an increased convergence of the three media is possible.

According to Peter Moore, Microsoft is retaining the concept of a pure game console with Xbox 2, which will be online-capable from the outset. In particular, an expansion of online services is being targeted, and Internet telephony could be an option.

Moore will not comment on the launch date for Xbox2, repeating only that the competition will not get a head start. He sounds a combative note: “Victory in the game business is not decided in a single generation.”


you may like to hate them but you gotta give microsoft credit for sticking with the japan support. at least they're TRYING to make it right over there. can't wait to see how it all turns out.

aoi tsuki

Anyone else thinking Xbox and it's successors will always fall behind Sony and Nintendo because it's an American console? i'm reminded of an Xbox Nation article (written by Adrew Vestal IIRC) which detailed what was essentially predjudice against American games, regardless of quality. Call it Japanese pride or whatever, at best i only see Microsoft errodiing the other two's sales over time.

Kon Tiki

aoi tsuki said:
Anyone else thinking Xbox and it's successors will always fall behind Sony and Nintendo because it's an American console? i'm reminded of an Xbox Nation article (written by Adrew Vestal IIRC) which detailed what was essentially predjudice against American games, regardless of quality. Call it Japanese pride or whatever, at best i only see Microsoft errodiing the other two's sales over time.
Actually I think Nintendo will always fall behind Sony and MS. Just for the fact that they are not successful in other areas. Sony and MS are known for more than video games, it is easy for people to relate to them.
aoi tsuki said:
i'm reminded of an Xbox Nation article (written by Adrew Vestal IIRC) which detailed what was essentially predjudice against American games, regardless of quality.

Congratulations on being the first person ever to exclusively misspell my first name. :)


Society said:
Actually I think Nintendo will always fall behind Sony and MS. Just for the fact that they are not successful in other areas. Sony and MS are known for more than video games, it is easy for people to relate to them.

He just meant Japan.


aoi tsuki said:
Anyone else thinking Xbox and it's successors will always fall behind Sony and Nintendo because it's an American console? i'm reminded of an Xbox Nation article (written by Adrew Vestal IIRC) which detailed what was essentially predjudice against American games, regardless of quality. Call it Japanese pride or whatever, at best i only see Microsoft errodiing the other two's sales over time.
I don't believe such a prejudice exists. Gaming tastes are different, but if an American company makes a game that Japanese gamers like, there is no reason it won't sell. Crash Bandicoot has sold a boatload in Japan before. Even SOCOM and Medal of Honor did OK on the PS2, for a market that supposedly doesn't like the FPS.


Gold Member
I'm very confident Microsoft will do extremelly well in next generation. I'm not yet bold enough to say they'll be on top, but I'm starting to turn towards that.

Xbox was an excellent effort for their Microsoft's first console, they are a quick learning company and have certainly a significant competitive advantage against Sony in some key areas - online competence and developer platform. If they can match the performance and core features of PS3 - which historically seems to be likely - the outcome will depend purely on content, which relies on the development and online platform

Sony, on the other hand, seems at the moment to stumble with their convergence strategy. I feel the addition of Blueray is unlikely to bring as significant a consumer benefit as the inclusion of CD in PS1 and DVD in PS2 did. Also, Sony's thrive for convergence products currently seems to lead to hugely unbalanced products - PSX, PSP.

Nintendo, in my books, is out of the mainstream market race. They have a perfectly profitable niche-strategy with innovative, but not bleeding-edge products. Ones that are cheap to manufacture and that have a loyal userbase. I do not see any reason for them to go head to head with MS and Sony, if it can be avoided. Their last positive profit warning shows their strategy is spot on.


Gold Member

Of course you do :D


Joe said:
you may like to hate them but you gotta give microsoft credit for sticking with the japan support. at least they're TRYING to make it right over there. can't wait to see how it all turns out.

Yeah they have been handling Japan perfectly. Mucho respect to Peter Moore. He deserves a promotion.

john tv

If MS would've responded to those launch era complaints in Japan about scratched discs in the proper fashion (immediately taking action and offering replacement discs for all dissatisfied consumers), they would've saved UNHEARD OF amounts of face in the Japanese market. Instead, they bitched and made excuses and everyone was like "OK F U stupid American douchebag company, we'll stick with our PlayStations." By the time they realized what the right thing to do was, it was already too late.
john tv said:
If MS would've responded to those launch era complaints in Japan about scratched discs in the proper fashion (immediately taking action and offering replacement discs for all dissatisfied consumers), they would've saved UNHEARD OF amounts of face in the Japanese market.

Yeah, that was a huge deal, they were basically "well, it doesn't affect playability, it just makes the discs look like crap."

Maybe that would fly in America but in Japan people TAKE CARE OF THEIR DISC-BASED SOFTWARE.

F- thank you for playing see you next generation.


In a way it's uncertain what will happen, but something that is not out of the question is that XBox 2 is going to have a hard time keeping up with PS2/GCN anyway before PS3/Revolution.

There are still quite a few anticipated games for those systems that would be popular in Japan (FF12, Maturelda). And, the systems are already small (even smaller PS2 getting released) and sold at a good price, so XBox 2 isn't going to be first in that way.

Sony could just put out a Final Fantasy or Nintendo a Mario Party title out the week of XBox 2 and it would already be overshadowed...


Unless Xbox2 has a technological advantage over PS3(and i don't believe it will) I actually see the gap between the two widening.
The only consistent thing Xbox had going for it this entire gen is hardware supremacy. That's the reason it received certain exclusive content for it and it was the biggest marketing draw to gamers. If Xbox2 doesn't have that technological gap it essentially loses what gave Xbox its momentum.

Deku Tree

efralope said:
Sony could just put out a Final Fantasy or Nintendo a Mario Party title out the week of XBox 2 and it would already be overshadowed...

How about releasing Zelda Reborn on the same day as xbox 2 gets released?


That article also expects Xbox2 to not have HD, no HD-DVD (or BR) player either, therefore to be much cheaper than competition.


Insertia said:
Unless Xbox2 has a technological advantage over PS3(and i don't believe it will) I actually see the gap between the two widening.
The only consistent thing Xbox had going for it this entire gen is hardware supremacy. That's the reason it received certain exclusive content for it and it was the biggest marketing draw to gamers. If Xbox2 doesn't have that technological gap it essentially loses what gave Xbox its momentum.

There will be no clear winner next gen as far as technology goes. Consumers won't be able to immediately see which console is more powerful. Even now it's difficult to tell. There are a lot of games on PS2 that would go toe to toe with the Xbox's best.... graphically speaking. GT4, Jak, R&C, MGS3

The advantages next gen are going to be features and games. Features for both consoles haven't been flushed and MS is pushing for developers heavily with XNA.

That article also expects Xbox2 to not have HD, no HD-DVD (or BR) player either, therefore to be much cheaper than competition.

From the information I've seen and gathered, Xenon will NOT have HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. The only disadvantage I can see in that is no high def movie playback.

Xbox will have a mass storage device, but it will NOT be a hard drive.


Insertia said:
Unless Xbox2 has a technological advantage over PS3(and i don't believe it will) I actually see the gap between the two widening.
The only consistent thing Xbox had going for it this entire gen is hardware supremacy. That's the reason it received certain exclusive content for it and it was the biggest marketing draw to gamers. If Xbox2 doesn't have that technological gap it essentially loses what gave Xbox its momentum.

I don't agree. The key to succeed in the next gen is: <Steve Ballmer>DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS!</Steve Ballmer>.

Sony must change its policies about developer's support. Microsoft treats them very well and has an easier platform to program for.
jedimike said:
From the information I've seen and gathered, Xenon will NOT have HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. The only disadvantage I can see in that is no high def movie playback.

Err, storage space? I'd definitely be one to agree that ~9 gigabytes will be plenty to have a large game that still looks like what we'd expect from a next-gen game... but I also say the same thing about 1.5 gigabytes now. If the competition has the extra space, it will be used, and end up a negative for the smaller disc.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
bobafett said:
Sony must change its policies about developer's support. Microsoft treats them very well and has always had a easy platform to program for.

Are you saying that Sony doesn't treat its developers well(not true).
Sony's platform can be hard to program for?(true).

Some developers do base their decisions on how hard a platform is to program for, however others go by userbase... and if there is still a prevalent perception that the PS3 will have the bigger usebase that's where they'll go... others of course simply play it safe and mult-platform publish(EA).


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Moore attributes the fact that Xbox was no able to prevail in Japan to three factors: Xbox is as big as a VCR and the design does not appeal to Japanese tastes. Secondly, there were too few games available, and those that were available did not appeal to Japanese consumers. Finally, Playstation 2 had a two year head start and it would have been impossible to catch up in any event.

Weren't all those things crazy obvious to begin w/?! But yet they go ahead and dump millions into the territory anyway.


DarienA said:
Are you saying that Sony doesn't treat its developers well(not true).
Sony's platform can be hard to program for?(true).

Some developers do base their decisions on how hard a platform is to program for, however others go by userbase... and if there is still a prevalent perception that the PS3 will have the bigger usebase that's where they'll go... others of course simply play it safe and mult-platform publish(EA).

I didn't mean that Sony doesn't treat them well, just that Microsoft is smarter regarding this issue. A lot of developers are programming for Xbox because it is easier to program for and Microsoft gives them a nice set of tools and support.

IMHO, a friendly developing environment will play a key role in the next gen (saving costs and developing time).


JoshuaJSlone said:
Err, storage space? I'd definitely be one to agree that ~9 gigabytes will be plenty to have a large game that still looks like what we'd expect from a next-gen game... but I also say the same thing about 1.5 gigabytes now. If the competition has the extra space, it will be used, and end up a negative for the smaller disc.

The biggest game I have seen on Xbox takes up less 4Gb of space. I'm not saying developers can't or won't use the extra storage available with blu-ray, but at this point it seems like overkill.

Are you saying that Sony doesn't treat its developers well(not true).

No, but MS treats their customers exceptionally well and don't have as many restrictions on their certification process.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
bobafett said:
IMHO, a friendly developing environment will play a key role in the next gen (saving costs and developing time).

Well we hear that each gen.... maybe this next gen will be the one where that actually means something....

jedimike said:
No, but MS treats their customers exceptionally well and don't have as many restrictions on their certification process.
Considering some of the games we've seen released across the board I think we probably need a bit more restrictions in some cases....


jedimike said:
No, but MS treats their customers exceptionally well

Heh. Heheheh. Heheheheheheheheh.

(Sorry, that's about two-decades worth of putting up with Microsoft's glacial pace of "innovation" and "consumer experiences" welling up to the surface.)

DarienA said:
Considering some of the games we've seen released across the board I think we probably need a bit more restrictions in some cases....

I agree. Being less restrictive doesn't foster innovation, it opens the floodgates of mediocrity.
bobafett said:
I didn't mean that Sony doesn't treat them well, just that Microsoft is smarter regarding this issue. A lot of developers are programming for Xbox because it is easier to program for and Microsoft gives them a nice set of tools and support.

IMHO, a friendly developing environment will play a key role in the next gen (saving costs and developing time).

I think Sony realises that they can't make the PS3 hard to develop for. They've shown that with the PSP where they've mentioned one of their goals with the system was to make it where developers could develop for it really easily.


jedimike said:
The biggest game I have seen on Xbox takes up less 4Gb of space. I'm not saying developers can't or won't use the extra storage available with blu-ray, but at this point it seems like overkill.

Rallisport 2 comes in at around 5.5-6Gb.
“Victory in the game business is not decided in a single generation.”

Wait. Peter Moore was never on a winning team, so how would he know how many generations it takes?

Nintendo did it in one, Sony did it in one... I see a trend there. Granted it usually takes MS 3 tries, but I seriously doubt MS will back Xbox a third time if it doesn't make profit. The software exit strategy is there, they have it in place. Just in case


All these announcement are pushing me closer and closer to buying only one console next-gen (most likely PS3).
jedimike said:
don't have as many restrictions on their certification process.

Really? I guess you never had to wade through the over 100+ pages in the Xbox TCR to make sure your game passes cert have you?
jedimike said:
No, but MS treats their customers exceptionally well and don't have as many restrictions on their certification process.

They DO. The best thing about XBox games is that aside from HALO; they're guranteeded to hit rock bottom prices before you can say "xbox is awesome" good for consumers; not so great for DICE.


Queen of Denmark
Duckhuntdog said:
Nintendo did it in one, Sony did it in one... I see a trend there.
Seriously...what game company has had to take more than one generation to achieve "victory" (I'm assuming he means the most sales)? The Genesis was a very good second effort by Sega, but in the end, it wasn't completely "victorious", even with a giant head start on the SNES. Other than that, you have Nintendo and Sony, and...yeah.

I'm not saying that history absolutely predicts all future events -- it's certainly possible (though maybe not probable) that Xbox 2 will "win" -- but you have to wonder where he's getting this stuff from.

User 406

bobafett said:
I don't agree. The key to succeed in the next gen is: <Steve Ballmer>DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS!</Steve Ballmer>.

Sony must change its policies about developer's support. Microsoft treats them very well and has an easier platform to program for.

Wait, last generation Sony took the game market from Nintendo and Sega because they wooed third parties and got massive support.

This generation, Microsoft touted the Xbox for its hardware power, "Only the power of the Xbox..." and so on. Sony won because they got massive support from third parties again.

Who needs to change what now?
human5892 said:
I'm not saying that history absolutely predicts all future events -- it's certainly possible (though maybe not probable) that Xbox 2 will "win" -- but you have to wonder where he's getting this stuff from.

It's good to keep in mind that Peter Moore is the same guy that believes that making the Xbox a black console was a reason for a reason alot of casual gamers didn't buy it.

"But we’ve also learned other things. For instance, making a black console was enough to deter casual gamers, he adds, without telling us which colour the Xbox 2 will be..."


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