I don't think anyone who wants some form of quasi-immortality or even basic life extension truly believes that anything lasts forever -- yes, even the life-bearing characteristics of the universe will eventually fade away... the quest for youth, a longer life, and anti-aging therapies in general are merely a way of revolting against the ridiculously short lifespans we are born into. If you live long enough you will eventually grow weary of the struggle to continue existing so you'll begin to view death not so much as an inescapable, terrifying fate.. but more so a well-deserved rest.
Being dissatisfied with the lot we humans are given is completely natural given the freak evolutionary emergence of consciousness. We are elevated minds trapped in the bodies of animals. Dreaming lights afloat in a sea of cold and darkness. To be satisfied with a scant 70 years of life(with at least 30+ of those years sucking due to our bodies slowing down) is a ridiculous ideal to hold yourself to. If we could each get a couple hundred more years in this universe I don't think we would be so terrified of the infinite nothing at the end because it would truly feel like stepping into a new experience as opposed to feeling like the end of everything.
Are you hungry?
Are you sick?
Are you begging for a break?
For some people, even with 100 years of life, they never truly get with life, for they are always suckered into being caught by past or future. What is the point of the time one has if they fail in living it, in such a way I highlighted? It's 100 years of waste. Most people can't even be fully present for a single moment once per day.
In our April 2015 interview, Thiel was seemingly explicit that parabiosis was something he hadn't "quite, quite, quite started yet." A Thiel Capital spokesman said nothing had changed since
Since we can't be bothered to address human misery let's extend it!aside from this sounding a bit like pseudo-science, I don't see the issue with researching anti-aging medicine. Hopefully they'll make a break-through rather sooner than later
The entire obsession of the ultra-wealthy with anti-aging techniques is rather uh, hilariously myopic, pitiful, laughable, worthy of jest, etc.
Jokes on them obviously- the epitome of grasping at straws.
Since we can't be bothered to address human misery let's extend it!
The legitimate research goes beyond just vanity projects for the ultra rich. Helps scientists understand aging from various biological perspectives.
Is this just a really shitty hit piece on Thiel because of his Trump leanings?