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PetGAF, weird shit your pets do?

Is it your fault if your pet is weird?

  • We make them weird

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • That's just how they are

    Votes: 19 90.5%

  • Total voters


My dog is a lousy eater, would leave food out all day (I cook a large pot of rice/chicken,etc every 3-4 days so it doesn't conserve well in her bowl out if the fridge).

It'd get stale and a lot of times she wouldn't end up eating it.

I have to make feeding time playful, being all cheery just to get her excited to eat (like wtf, just eat like every other animal), then she'll come and fetch me to show my a half eaten bowl and the cycle repeats until it is fully eaten.

Anyway, weird pets.


Gold Member
I adopted a dog earlier in the year and the weird thing he does is that he doesn't do anything. He just lays on the couch all day. He doesn't even get up and get water. He's also scared of little dogs. I have no idea what his past was so I don't know where this comes from.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
My cat makes chicken noises. He’s our youngest boy and while growing up and we were in work, he’d be in a room where he can see/hear the chickens on the land opposite.

We think he learned and copied them.

He makes the sort of brrrp, and different roosting sounds.
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I have no idea what his past was so I don't know where this comes from.

Their reactions will tell you. My dog told me by her reactions to old men wearing hats. she was chill until someone that fitted that description came near her. "Some old hat wearing motherfucker" was bad to her and she remembered.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
My cat makes chicken noises. He’s our youngest boy and while growing up and we were in work, he’d be in a room where he can see/hear the chickens on the land opposite.

We think he learned and copied them.

He makes the sort of brrrp, and different roosting sounds.
Can we please see recordings


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
My cat eats cobwebs, and a lot of other weird stuff. He’ll eat literally any human food. He used to be a fatty, but now he’s just a healthy, weird old man.

Here’s a picture I took yesterday of him licking his butthole. 👍



Gold Member
One of my cats eats cobwebs, jumps up at door handles and plays fetch. The other one tries to be intimate with objects, chews on people's hair, electrical cables and blind cords.

I've a tortoise that gets aggressive whenever he sees either of my cats and will chase after them and try to bite them.
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I see all of the Collies performing with elegance and grace at Crufts but mine is hilariously dopey.

She regularly bumps her head e.g on walks. There’s nothing wrong with her. She’s the kindest sweetest dog you could hope for. She’s just not Collie-ish as you’d expect and gets so excited she loses situational awareness.


Gold Member
I just love how pets all have their little personalities

I'm thankfull I grew up with dogs and cats on a big farm, wouldn't have it any other way


My dog is afraid of cats and he rubs his erect dick on the floor. He's a British spaniel.
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I have two water turtles, that live outside in a small water pond.
Everytime I leave the door open, one of the turtles comes inside the house. Only one of the turtles does this, no idea why.


My dog does a small dance with a few yelps around her food bowl before eating. She raises each of her front legs and pats on the bowl for a while then goes over to the sack of food that has a picture of a dog and bumps it with her nose, and then back to the bowl and starts to eat.

I think it's her way of telling me, "not this crap again; how much is left in the sack? get me something else next time" :D


Gold Member
Their reactions will tell you. My dog told me by her reactions to old men wearing hats. she was chill until someone that fitted that description came near her. "Some old hat wearing motherfucker" was bad to her and she remembered.
Yea for sure. I just didn't and don't know what to expect because he's a rescue. Very sweet dog but he freezes up when encountering stuff that scares him.
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