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Phantom Dust Videos(First 10 Min)


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member

The first 10 minutes : Phantom Dust demo
05/09/2004 09:47:53 by BlimBlim

I've been able to figure late last night how to play Phantom Dust, so I've done this video a bit earlier than anticipated. Without any japanese reading skills the game is still very hard to play, but I'm happy to say that I've just had confirmation that the full version will have an english language option !

I'll do a full report on Phantom Dust when I get the full version, but here is a quick guide of the gameplay.

In Phantom Dust you get to play in small to medium destructible arenas, with up to 4 players. You move your player using the left stick, and the camera with the right stick. You can lock on any enemy with the right trigger.
When you appear in the arena 3 colored spheres are available nearby. By walking on a sphere and pressing one of the 4 A/B/X/Y buttons you assign the power contained in the sphere to that button. There are 5 types of spheres :
- White : Aura (increases your maximum magic) - Red : Attack powers - Blue : Defense - Yellow : Special - Green : I'm not too sure...
Each sphere can contain any power of the type. Attack powers can be short, medium or long ranged. Each power uses a certain amount of Aura, some disappear as soon as you use them, other stay until you assign something else to that button.
The powers are described when you pass on a sphere or by using the D-Pad, but since it's in difficult japanese you can only get a quick idea of what's it doing (eg the range, the power used).
Each power uses a certain number of magic points. The magic points increases automatically up to a maximum. This maximum increases each time you get and use (so you have to assign it to a key first) a white sphere.
I'll let you watcht the video so you can get a better idea of how the game looks (hint: it's amazing). Just do not watch while expecting me to play correctly, I'm even worst than usual
I don't know much about the gameplay of Phantom Dust, but watching the video makes the game seem boring with a repetitive pattern going on and on: collect colored spheres, lock on the opponent, shoot fireballs, collect colored spheres, lock on opponent...... Maybe I'm wrong. If somebody knows more, please tell me.


The Inside Track
johnjohnson said:
I don't know much about the gameplay of Phantom Dust, but watching the video makes the game seem boring with a repetitive pattern going on and on: collect colored spheres, lock on the opponent, shoot fireballs, collect colored spheres, lock on opponent...... Maybe I'm wrong. If somebody knows more, please tell me.
Well the first few minutes of the game are not the most interesting since it's the tutorial. I'm waiting to find someone speaking english with the demo so I can make some more interesting videos of the Xbox Live mode. That's where it really gets interesting and way more tactical.
I really can't wait to be able to understand the game when it's finally released with english language. I more or less understand what the attack powers are about because the range and power used is written in english, but the other one are totally beyond my understanding. For such a game it's quite a problem. I don't think I've been able to live more than one minute on a live game...
Phantom Dust is really a game totally different from anything I ever played, it's really nice to actually play something new for a change.

Edit: Btw take a look at the attract mode video for some more interesting/amazing ingame footage.


Blimblim said:
That's where it really gets interesting and way more tactical.

I agree with the tactical bit, but it didn't seem to get much more interesting. More support to my theory that Microsoft Japan only approves games if they have the most awkward controls and camera possible, too.


The Inside Track
D2M15 said:
I agree with the tactical bit, but it didn't seem to get much more interesting. More support to my theory that Microsoft Japan only approves games if they have the most awkward controls and camera possible, too.
Except for the jumping by clicking on the left stick I don't see anything wrong with the controls. The camera is either totally free or locked and pointing straight to the selected opponent. I can be a bit strange at first but once you are used to it it's ok (and no it does not take 60 hours ;))
I'll know more about the game when I'll get the Famitsu Xbox review translated, expect me to post here tomorrow or on tuesday.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Unfortunate if it doesn't play well because it certainly looks the part. I esp. like the streaming aura on the player character, most of the spell effects and some of the environmental destruction effects.

Is there no melee attacks at all?


The Inside Track
kaching said:
Unfortunate if it doesn't play well because it certainly looks the part. I esp. like the streaming aura on the player character, most of the spell effects and some of the environmental destruction effects.

Is there no melee attacks at all?
You can't use your feet or hands, but there are some very short range attacks like the awesome and very destructive sphere I show in the video, or that weird lighting sword like power.
The game plays very well as long you understand what each power does.


Thanks for the movies blimblim, loved to see one with you playing it online. I have a couple of friends(from TEKKI Beta) on XBL that also plays the game, you may like to contact them. Gamertag WolfishToaster and another person on my list but I can't remember who it is, I will post it later when I saw him online in Phantom Dust.


Yes, Phantom Dust will ship with English language options. This is because it is also being marketed in Singapore, where English is the official language.

The camera works quite well, in fact. The key is to learn when to unlock from your opponent. When climbing stairs or jumping away to escape from an opponent, it's best to flick the right trigger and unlock.

There are melee attacks, and some are pretty deadly. The Psycho Blade and Psycho Knife do great damage, and there are also some skills that execute a martial arts-like combo. Personally, I've built my arsenal (collection of preferred skills) around close-range attacks. Others build long-range arsenals with sniper shots and the sort.

After Tuesday I should have more free time to play. For anybody with the demo disc, my gamertag is 'rp'.
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