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Phil Spencer admits defeat in console space, and doesn't think great games would help Xbox's market share.


If they were to go third party then it would be all about the games.

And that doesn't seem to be an area Phil excels in or has a deep desire to excel in based on his statements.

It's best they keep things the way they are for now until they can get someone in who knows what the hell they are doing with regard to managing creative teams and processes.
I think is becoming obvious that their strategy always was the gamepass service push and that they were not invested in creating great games as the ultimate goal, instead buy studios that could pump as much games as it could to feed the gamepass machine, the ABK aquisition must have always being the plan as COD would be the ultimate gamepass killerapp and CMA shut down that hard... now that they have to create great games to compete they just dont know how and/or simply dosent care because its not what they were planning for...
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There are several things xbox can do to help the situation.

1) adjust your games back to 60 dollars. Enough of the 70 dollar games. Too expensive.
2) Gamerscore needs to mean something. They need to institute a reward system where your gamer score can earn you swag... either real life or virtual
3) release an honest timeline. They need to focus on games that are here are will be here this year. Enough of showing games that will not be ready for another 2-3 years.
4) Simplify your naming system and stick with it. Enough of the S, X, one X, Series X... What in the actual fuck?
5) they need ambassadors to come out and show off the console... bring it to the masses to let them play with it and test it out. You can never do too many product demos.
6) they need a pack in game or free game with every console. I would throw the newest Halo in ... as the engine is good enough to bring in players as a reintroduction.

focus on fun. MS is always trying to be serious and overly complex... just make it fun.

And finally... please redo the User Interface. It is overly complicated.
There are several things xbox can do to help the situation.

1) adjust your games back to 60 dollars. Enough of the 70 dollar games. Too expensive.
2) Gamerscore needs to mean something. They need to institute a reward system where your gamer score can earn you swag... either real life or virtual
3) release an honest timeline. They need to focus on games that are here are will be here this year. Enough of showing games that will not be ready for another 2-3 years.
4) Simplify your naming system and stick with it. Enough of the S, X, one X, Series X... What in the actual fuck?
5) they need ambassadors to come out and show off the console... bring it to the masses to let them play with it and test it out. You can never do too many product demos.
6) they need a pack in game or free game with every console. I would throw the newest Halo in ... as the engine is good enough to bring in players as a reintroduction.

focus on fun. MS is always trying to be serious and overly complex... just make it fun.

And finally... please redo the User Interface. It is overly complicated.
is much more simple than that:

Just release AAA GOTY contenders in a constant basis. (it doesn't matter if they are Single or Multiplayer) they need to capture the zeitgeist of the gaming culture.


People thinking creating great games won't change anything are fucking morons.
Millie Bobby Brown Reaction GIF by Converse

Imagine an alternate reality where instead of Take Two being the creators of the GTA and RDR, it was a Xbox IP and was developed by their own internal studios, so every GTA and RDR ever made was a first party Xbox exclusive.

Do you think the market split wouldn't be a bit different?

Step into fucking reality.
Come Austin Powers GIF

Halo 1/2 alone propelled the original Xbox and made the 360 even possible and that console gained marketshare.

Why? Because great exclusives games matter.

Nintendo literally to this day lives off of Mario, Zelda and a few other IP.

Why? Because great exclusives games matter.

This is kind of scary, it seems some of you guys have literally been fucking brainwashed by this campaign Xbox has been on for a while now.

Wake the fuck up.

Great games or the absence of them is really the only thing that matters in this industry.
go away gtfo GIF
But have you heard of gamepass ??? ... 🥰🥰🥰


It's like what they say in Professional wrestling, if your goal isn't to be the World Champion then you shouldn't be in the business.
You don't need to be on top to be very successful. Look at Apple, Windows and Andriod dominate the market but Apple is still very successful.

Microsoft's problem is bad management. They make really bad decisions, remember Fable Legends and Project Spark? They let Halo, their biggest franchise, release the way it did. I don't even understand how something like that happens. Microsoft needs to take control of their studios like Sony does. It's been 5 years since Sea of Thieves released and we still have very little info on Rare's next game, in the same time frame Insomniac released 2 games, has a third game coming out soon, and their next game has already been announced. Microsoft needs devs like this.


This is honestly embarrassing
Make-Up Meme GIF by Justin

That interview was insane. The guy who runs Xbox doesn't even have confidence in Xbox or the staff he has producing games.
That's not surprising at all. Since he's in charge he's focused on one thing : making money, not great or even good games. It explains ALL his actions. And yes I know big companies are here to make money, Sony, Nintendo, all of them, but MS is the only one going "all in" in the micro transactions, GAAS, and those kind of shit, and nothing in producing awesome games like they were doing on OG Xbox and 360.

That's the direction of Xbox since 2013 and the arrival of Spencer in 2014 changed nothing except that nobody wanted to see the face of Mattrick anymore, so here comes Spencer. The strategy was "hey every time I appear in public I'll wear a gaming T-shirt, those "gamers" are dumb, they'll bite". And he was right.

And I mean how it is possible to be surprised by how gamers and reviewers received Redfall... I played the game 2 hours and if he (or someone of his team) did the same (which should be the minimum) would also see that the game was unfinished, with blank gameplay, full of bugs (day one Assassin's Creed and Elder Scrolls can't beat this) and graphically pathetic. I am disappointed since I was supporting the game since its first announcement... I believed it would be one of those hidden gem, but no... Well we can always hope for patches but first impression is very important...

I can say I'm a fan of Xbox, I support them since day one, I bought all of them on day one (even the OG Xbox that I could get the day before !), I've hundreds of fond memories of OG Xbox and 360, I even enjoyed the day one of Xbox One with Killer Instinct and Dead Rising 3, but wtf they're doing since... All those speeches (from Spencer the fraud himself) about "multiplayer is all that matters, nobody cares solo games" and after few months "we're committed to solo games" saying everything and its opposite depending and who's talking to him... Fuck this guy, renew the team, hire people actually caring gaming like Allard or Fries were.
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Don't care. Give me good games. Redfall sucks. Trying my best to even finish the firestation quest. 😂 Train wreck of a game.


I know people are going around using this argument because benji sales mentioned it, but he glossed over things and simplified it and it's not a good example IMO.

I agree that BOTW, Mario Kart 8, and Mario Odyssey were a triple-combo from hell that did wonders for Nintendo in 2017, but to be able to deliver that, you need a few things in place that Xbox didn't have.

- The market at large thought the Wii-U was an upgraded Wii. It was the worst branded big-three console ever and is hard to compare anything to.
- Even so, the Nintendo games themselves sold fine, even on the tiny install base, this shows how incredibly strong those franchises are. They just needed a different console to thrive on.
- Halo and Gears, the big Xbox franchises, got absolutely decimated during the Xbox One lifecycle, they were not console sellers anymore.
- Xbox's studios from the 360 era degraded during the Xbox One era and lost a lot of talent and momentum.

Xbox did not have big games to push Xbox Series S/X. And I know that you would answer with: "They need to have a higher standard, it's on them if they can't make better games" or something like that. But the truth is, the Xbox studios are not on the level of Sony Santa Monica or internal Nintendo studios. Those studios took years and years to become who they were, you just don't put together studios that can make 95+ games out of nothing. It's a long process and Xbox had nothing like that, the prime-era early 2000s Bungie was the closest to that they ever had.

Imagine this, a huge triple-A game usually takes 4-5 years, so to have any sort of gigantic transformative Halo or Gears game ready for the Series consoles, Phil and Xbox would have had to build top-tier studios in 2014 or 2015. That is when Phil Spencer took over. And even then, that they would be able to build top-tier studios on that scale and that their first game would be a 95+ game, is not realistic.

Even if he somehow managed to put together a top-tier studio in 2015, they would likely just be done with their first game around these times, to be honest. The point is, Xbox lost their capability to build the sort of Halo games they needed when Bungie left, and Gears had ran its course. So his point that Xbox would struggle to out-console Playstation and Nintendo in 2020 with the Series X/S is likely the right take, but it's a stupid thing to say in public.
Lay off the copium. The battle lines have changed in gaming overnight many times.

Sony/Nintendo have these development strengths because of their internal management strategies; it's not a "free" bonus, they have it because of intentioned choices. If MS's management style fails to foster talent, creativity and quality in the same way, the impact to the brand came from a real problem in it, not some free excuse like Covid. There is no guarantee that they will ever be as good as the competition no matter how much time they have to prepare, because it starts with how they go about it. On the other hand brilliance can happen overnight in the right circumstances.

It would be nice to find some indication that their bungled management was on a tighter trajectory instead of saying "great games won't matter anyway" which sounds dangerously like doubling down on Netflix-of-gaming strategy (including their spamming of mediocre content).


This is not what he said at all. You can expect good games.

I don't understand why everyone is willfully twisting his words. I suppose it's another example of social media getting people to jump on fake narratives because it's more fun to hate.
Oh it's alright, we don't have to agreee. Words can be readead in lots of ways.

I see commentary that if you just build great games, everything would turn around. It's just not true that if we go off and build great games, all of a sudden you're going to see console share shift in some dramatic way.
I understad what he said but just comes out as lame, and I wonder if he would said the same if GTAVI were exclusive to Xbox. lol
You keep waiting on those Microsoft GOTY games. Hopefully Starfied is gonna be very good.
Look, Xbox doesn't have to make great games. What's all the fuss over great games? Look. I just like a box branded with that specific logo and playing a backlog of old games and indies and mid tier games. You guys really, really, really are obsessed with getting new great games. Personally, I think what Xbox is doing is smart. They are lowering expectation so when they have just mid games, they appear to be classics by comparison.

Don't @ me console fanboys!
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Gold Member
Look, Xbox doesn't have to make great games. What's all the fuss over great games? Look. I just like a box branded with that specific logo and playing a backlog of old games. You guys really, really, really are obsessed with getting new great games. Personally, I think what Xbox is doing is smart. They are lowering expectation so when they have just mid games, they appear to be classics by comparison.

Don't @ me console fanboys!
GOTY Contenders™ even.


That being said, he's very good to derive the subject and makes it about what he said or even himself. It's the usual Spencer show and i don't think his words here have much weight.

It would be very naive to think that all of this is because of him and his strategy. It's about how Microsoft works and i don't think he will change any of this because truth be told he is weak in the grand scheme of things.


Kinda hard for him to prove his point of great games win console wars since at most Xbox has a hit a year and those have become sequel after sequel.

Sounds more like someone justifying not getting the job done.

It was always going to be an uphill battle and I say this as someone who's owned each generation of Xbox consoles.
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Simps for Amouranth
Don't know why everyone is raggin on the dude for telling it like it is and setting expectations, MS have lost the console race and no amount of ganepass or buying up exclusives is gonna change that, they made a massive fuckup last gen and pretty much handed it to Sony on a plate who just ran away with it, there's no catching up to be had, everyone is invested in their platforms be it through massive digital librarys or some sports type brand loyalty and the Sony boat has sailed.

Hell they even came out with a superior on paper console with more teraflimflams and whatnots and still fucked up cause I ain't seeing no runaway successes like the PS4/Xbox1 days where the differences where obvious to everyone, not to mention all their games are on gamepass and PC day one why even bother buying an Xbox when you can throw a few more quid at it and get a PC.

Sony exclusives are what made me buy a playstation, if they released those exclusives same time as PC I'll probably go PC next gen


Would never happen...ever!

I have a load of them in my offices, and they would NEVER go android no matter what.
I did. Bought my first Macbook in 2005 and the first iPhone in 2008 - switched (back) to PC in 2012 and bought my first Android phone in 2013. I will never go back to Apple products.

In 2002 I bought the first Xbox and mained the brand until PS4 released. I will only "main" Xbox again if PlayStation stops producing consoles - and it will be strictly on PC, like I do now with Xbox games.

I've built a massive digital library on PS and it means a lot more than GamePass could ever offer. GamePass is great for renting games, but I will always be in favor of owning games - although it comes in at a higher pricepoint.


Gold Journalism
This is from the Xcast interview.


Does this mean that Starfield was behind Redfall in terms of production milestones? But it's releasing only 4 months after Redfall.

Am I reading this correctly, as in this is a big slip/deal and can indicate that Starfield is also likely coming hot? Or am I totally misreading it and this bears no importance?


I also wonder how much of this was Sony or even Nintendo forcing MS's hand? Maybe pushing out the console too fast to beat the PS to the market. It really felt/ feels like a rushed product and it would make sense if they are trying to beat Sony to peoples homes. They are still trying to catch up.


Marlboro: Other M
I thought the thread title was hyperbolic, but holy moly, content it's somehow worse.

Why buy so many studios then? To close them?


This is from the Xcast interview.


Does this mean that Starfield was behind Redfall in terms of production milestones? But it's releasing only 4 months after Redfall.

Am I reading this correctly, as in this is a big slip/deal and can indicate that Starfield is also likely coming hot? Or am I totally misreading it and this bears no importance?
Yeah i found that really disturbing. I hope he was saying some nonsense to reassure us about Starfield without even understanding the implications of what he was saying.
I struggle to see how this interview is positive for Spencer. Seems like he's going through a lot of stress and there's some issues with Xbox. I don't really see this as being positive.


There are several things xbox can do to help the situation.

1) adjust your games back to 60 dollars. Enough of the 70 dollar games. Too expensive.
2) Gamerscore needs to mean something. They need to institute a reward system where your gamer score can earn you swag... either real life or virtual
3) release an honest timeline. They need to focus on games that are here are will be here this year. Enough of showing games that will not be ready for another 2-3 years.
4) Simplify your naming system and stick with it. Enough of the S, X, one X, Series X... What in the actual fuck?
5) they need ambassadors to come out and show off the console... bring it to the masses to let them play with it and test it out. You can never do too many product demos.
6) they need a pack in game or free game with every console. I would throw the newest Halo in ... as the engine is good enough to bring in players as a reintroduction.

focus on fun. MS is always trying to be serious and overly complex... just make it fun.

And finally... please redo the User Interface. It is overly complicated.
And they need Hellblade Senua’s Saga to be great.


Gold Journalism
Yeah i found that really disturbing. I hope he was saying some nonsense to reassure us about Starfield without even understanding the implications of what he was saying.
So I'm not crazy (yet).

That's how I read it, and it's not good. I'm surprised nobody talked about it. Did everyone just miss it? (a big reason why I thought I was reading it incorrectly is because no one else talked about it).

If Starfield was behind Redfall in production and Redfall launched broken -- and required an additional 12-18 months of production at least -- how come Starfield is releasing in the next 4 months polished?!

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Reaction GIF


Gamerscore needs to mean something. They need to institute a reward system where your gamer score can earn you swag... either real life or virtual
You just unlocked an old memory I forgot I had...

In the early years of Xbox Live, they actually did something like this. They had a card you could get -- and it was a nice ass card too, credit card quality with embossed stamping -- that had your Gamertag on it. It gave you discounts at participating retailers. I remember buying books at Borders and the card got me like 10-15% off.

I wish I could find it, it's even been memory holed on the internet. But it was a white plastic card with an orange center and it was available around the start of the X360 generation. It didn't last long because a lot of retailers had no clue WTF it was and wouldn't honor it.

Edit: Holy shit, I found a picture of one buried on Reddit!

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