Yesterday I saw something on social media pertaining to the defence of Phil Spencer and the Starfield and redfall delay that blew my mind.
An "XBOX ambassador" stated that.
And in a strange turn of events it's revealed that this person isn't an actual gamer. She admits to preferring to watch someone else game. But what blew my fucking mind is that from following this thread, it was revealed to me that there is a slew of these types of accounts/people who don't actually game but get paid upto 50K and all of them are seemingly in unison telling, telling us XBOX gamers that we need to wait.
I didn't know this type of shit existed! Non gamers essentially telling actual gamers to "Shut up and wait." And being paid money to do so. That's underhanded right?
It made me sick to my stomach to see the hobby I care about be infiltrated by these types who are paid to push corporate damage control while pretending to be gamers. Kinda makes my skin crawl, kinda.
Oh fuck

Why is it never ‘think of the customer’ with these twats?
Oh wait, never mind, I can see above that she’s bought and paid for.