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Philly.com: Penn Staters still seethe over Paterno’s treatment

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The Llama

It's all the students that were there too when it all went down. I remember someone from my highschool broke into tears on the Daily Show because he was so upset, and a decent amount of the people from that class and the next few classes still love JoePa.

lol @ thinking all the students who were there agree with Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship. Those people are crazy. Hell, read the article. Notice a common denominator between all the people involved? Its a bunch of old people who just won't give up on the past.
lol @ thinking all the students who were there agree with Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship. Those people are crazy. Hell, read the article. Notice a common denominator between all the people involved? Its a bunch of old people who just won't give up on the past.
Not all of the students... But a lot of them. I know people who aren't a bunch of old people, but a lot of people still in and just out of Penn State who still think of him as a hero. I know people who didn't even go to Penn State until after he died who are still convinced he's a hero.

So no, it's not all old people. The cult's still getting new followers after the fact.


Technically, it was out of scope for the NCAA, and the only reason it was enforced in the first place was because Penn State had to do something to themselves to protect that institution.

But yeah, it's called Pennsyltucky for a reason.

It was in scope for the NCAA. Penn State constantly yelled from the mountaintops about having no major infractions or incidents on campus in their recruitment pamphlets for athletes. Paterno benefitted directly from covering up anything that would lose him potential recruits.

He traded away kids he should have protected for a couple more touchdowns. Fuck him.
lol @ thinking all the students who were there agree with Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship. Those people are crazy. Hell, read the article. Notice a common denominator between all the people involved? Its a bunch of old people who just won't give up on the past.

Seconded. Same also goes for native Central Pennsylvanians such as myself. Fucked up shit happened under his watch.

The Llama

Or USC, who served just as long a bowl ban as Penn State did for a player getting a car...

Regardless of my thoughts on the Penn State matter, the NCAA is a terrible organization and I'm glad people are finally going after them in court (O'Bannon, etc.).


lol @ thinking all the students who were there agree with Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship. Those people are crazy. Hell, read the article. Notice a common denominator between all the people involved? Its a bunch of old people who just won't give up on the past.

You must have missed the big child rape party they threw with a national audience watching.
You must have missed the big child rape party they threw with a national audience watching.

They riot over everything, and while that was particularly unsettling to watch, it happens more often than it should for lesser things. Poor WTAJ has had so many destroyed news vans.
And the NCAA actually reduced the punishment, thus feeding into the persecution complex of this insane cult.

Yup. Look at that dirtbag James Franklin (who already had his own issues with rape coverups, guess he was the perfectman for the job) comments after they won their bowl game last night. They want to feed into this "Us vs everyone else" mentality which is disgusting when you think about what went down at Happy Valley.


Penn State football is a disgrace to my state and so is the sheepish cult that goes along with it.

As previously stated these fools should be happy their precious football team was not indefinitely suspended from ever stepping on to a field again. They got a deal.

Sandusky is the real monster, yes. But Paterno knew. Did he know to the extent that others did? Maybe, maybe not, but he knew that Sandusky sexually abused children and did nothing about it. The man practically ran Penn State. There's no way he didn't know what was going on.


Regardless of my thoughts on the Penn State matter, the NCAA is a terrible organization and I'm glad people are finally going after them in court (O'Bannon, etc.).

Their biggest problem is they arbitrary and even pointed that out as a good thing. Auburn, Texas A&M, Miami, North Carolina, PSU get off lightly or with nothing at all while USC and Ohio State and inert any random non name college get hit hard cause they want to still show their teeth.

When the running joke with the NCAA is that the NCAA was so mad at FSU they gave Florida A&M a 3 year bowl ban insert practically any name school with some smaller school it's a problem with arbitrary rulings
The problem isn't Penn State specifically, yet some people keep trying to make it about them as if they're different from 100 other colleges with big football or basketball programs.

Supporting some other college team doesn't make you much better than these Penn State idiots.

Every major college sports program has its skeletons, but to claim that Penn State is no different from any other school is complete nonsense.

First and foremost because there is no analog to Joe Paterno. No sports coach has ever had the amount of influence at a university as Paterno had. Not even close.
If nothing else, Penn State is Exhibit A on how runaway sports culture is ruinous to the reputation of an institution of higher education.

Bingo. Penn State is the literal worst. I don't live too far away from State College, I see and hear the insane ravings every day. They should have took away their football program permanently.


Fucking creeps.

But to expect fair or even just reasonable judgement from something as rotten as the NCAA was always a pipe dream.
Penn State got off easy and then had their punishment reduced, they should be grateful. Their disgraceful administration didn't even receive its just due.


Well, Penn State people are fucking weird.

The whole "Happy Valley" area is creepy. It's like a cult. And fuck Joe Paterno.
The guy enabled child rape. I don't really know what else needs to be said at this point. Pointing out how good he was for the program only serves to make you look like the type of person that would've done the same thing.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
College football fans are the worst fans in any sport. It's not even close.
Meh... I can see why they're mad *shrug*. If Paterno committed a crime (which he would have if he allowed abuse to occur) then he should go to jail. Its not really fair to punish the whole school and team for one man's actions. That kind of strikes me as bullshit. Situatons like this are why we have a justice system.


Meh... I can see why they're mad *shrug*. If Paterno committed a crime (which he would have if he allowed abuse to occur) then he should go to jail. Its not really fair to punish the whole school and team for one man's actions. That kind of strikes me as bullshit. Situatons like this are why we have a justice system.

Covering up a crime and allowing it to continue is ok in your book?


Meh... I can see why they're mad *shrug*. If Paterno committed a crime (which he would have if he allowed abuse to occur) then he should go to jail. Its not really fair to punish the whole school and team for one man's actions. That kind of strikes me as bullshit. Situatons like this are why we have a justice system.
GameGuru59 strikes again.
Meh... I can see why they're mad *shrug*. If Paterno committed a crime (which he would have if he allowed abuse to occur) then he should go to jail. Its not really fair to punish the whole school and team for one man's actions. That kind of strikes me as bullshit. Situatons like this are why we have a justice system.

If Paterno was allowing child-rape to occur then the entire system was broken, and the entire system should be dismantled.


41 > 38
Honestly, these people should feel lucky that the university itself still exists, much less their fucking football program.

The bare minimum that should have happened would have been to eliminate the entire football program for at least four years, so that when it was started up again, no student enrolled in the university would have been around when the old program existed.


If Paterno was allowing child-rape to occur then the entire system was broken, and the entire system should be dismantled.

IIRC correctly he did inform someone about the abuse but did nothing further (like inform the police) and that is why the punishment was doled out (deservedly so).

Nothing will ever exonerate Paterno and Penn St. can cry until they can fill a great lake with their tears. It won't change the events staining their school.


Ever since the NCAA didn't just obliterate the PSU program I've pretty much stopped watching college football. I've maybe watched one or two games since then.


I know some Penn State alumns. The school permeates their identity. This is common with lots of colleges but I feel it is pronounced with Penn State. Of course that kind of person is going to reject the pillorying of Joe Paterno. Penn State is Joe Paterno. If Joe Paterno is desmirched then Penn State is besmirched then the alumnia themself is besmirtched. Institutional blight writ small.

This will never end. No exoneration will be satisfactory. Certain alumni will take this crusade to their graves.


I know some Penn State alumns. The school permeates their identity. This is common with lots of colleges but I feel it is pronounced with Penn State. Of course that kind of person is going to reject the pillorying of Joe Paterno. Penn State is Joe Paterno. If Joe Paterno is desmirched then Penn State is besmirched then the alumnia themself is besmirtched. Institutional blight writ small.

This will never end. No exoneration will be satisfactory. Certain alumni will take this crusade to their graves.

New thesaurus for Christmas?
'99 B.Sc Comp Sci, Schreyer Scholar.

Would prefer they just dismantle all non-club sports programs at the school. It's just an enormous waste of time, independent of criminal behavior such as the Sandusky affair.


And supporters like the Wilsons, alumni who split their time between homes in State College and Hudson, Ohio, and drive a minivan with the license plate SuePSU1, are helping raise money for a new bronze statue - this one with Paterno sitting on a bench clutching a book. Already the effort has garnered $100,000 - a third of the projected cost.

"We want our kids to be able to sit down and talk to Joe," said Susan Beck Wilson, 64, a retired education director for a national craft retailer.

This is an awesome idea.

Let me be the first to humbly submit my idea for the design:



When it comes to sports some people wouldn't care what some people do, be it abuse, molest or worse. As long as their team and their people get the glory that is all that matters to them.

The man was a molester and no matter how much some fight against it, they will forever have to deal with they had a monster in their midst that has forever clouded the places history. It will never be escaped, no matter how much some to change that truth.


One of the reasons I detest college sports

College football fans are the worst fans in any sport. It's not even close.

Completely agree. More than other sports they seem to defend the universities and teams with little critique. I know a lot of FSU fans and none of them give a single fuck about Winston's rape allegations.
One of the reasons I detest college sports

Completely agree. More than other sports they seem to defend the universities and teams with little critique. I know a lot of FSU fans and none of them give a single fuck about Winston's rape allegations.
Because it's not like pro sports fans have ever killed each other over contests or done other things.
Yup. Look at that dirtbag James Franklin (who already had his own issues with rape coverups, guess he was the perfectman for the job) comments after they won their bowl game last night. They want to feed into this "Us vs everyone else" mentality which is disgusting when you think about what went down at Happy Valley.
like after they won their bowl game...."I think experiences and games like this has restored the hope," Franklin said.

Ahh, the hope for what exactly?

its pretty fucking gross how ESPN has spun the narrative of Penn St being back in a bowl game as plucky underdog story of grit and resolve. Let's downplay the child rape perpetratored by their old defensive coordinator and massive coverup by their former administration to protect and enable a child molester.


41 > 38
he didn't abuse any kids. he knew about sandusky and intentionally covered it up

still a piece of shit no doubt

The cover-up is arguably worse. The case can be made that a guy like Sandusky is mentally ill, but for the administration to aid and abet him like they did is actively malicious and evil.


Because it's not like pro sports fans have ever killed each other over contests or done other things.

I'm not saying they don't. I'm simply agreeing that college fandom (particularly football) is worse based on my personal experience. I live in VA (but was at FSU for grad school) and the hardest Redskins fans are nothing compared to almost the average FSU football fans.
Going to need to see some evidence of this claim. Even the most ardent penn state fans I've talked to acknowledge that Sandusky raped those boys.

My evidence is anecdotal from people I know on Facebook/around the office. It's certainly not the majority opinion and it's a fringe group even for the crazies, but they're there.
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