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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice |OT| Khura'in, not Kurain

Burning Justice

the superior princess
You did it using the button on the touch screen and not waiting for the game to ask you if you wanted to save, right? I did it on launch day, so it's possible the DLC just wasn't up yet or something.

Yes. I did it right after the animated cutscene, as soon as some dialogue appeared on-screen. I did it only a day or two ago, so you might be right about that.


Just finished Case 4. Probably the most "filler" a filler case has ever felt in this entire series. Feels like a side story they had thought up that they threw in the game to fill out time
and to give Athena and Blackquill some time to shine
. Still enjoyed it quite a lot, though. I appreciated it's relative briskness and simplicity, especially after case 3, heh.

Man Blackquill is so good. I'm really glad they were able to have him appear somewhere, especially as a free man and not a prisoner. Having him on the defense was a wonderful surprise too. Seeing the way he acted made me realize that I would love to play as a defense attorney that has the demeanor of a prosecutor. Glad we had some more Athena time as well, she had good character development here too.

Though I wish they had a prosecutor other than Nahyuta here. Maybe Klavier just so he can show up somewhere too. It seems pretty contrived to me that they'd have Nahyuta come in all the way from Khura'in just a few days after the events of case 3 to cover a relatively minor case. It's really not a big deal though, I get why they did it.


You need to present the mirror again on the statement about Dhurke being responsible for the arson, IIRC. This is because the armband seen in the mirror is part of the Justice Minister's outfit.

I picked that spot like a dozen times before it stuck, the hitbox is weird...

Anyway, finished the game. 6-5 completely blew me away, it's easily on the level of 3-5 and I2-5 for being one of the best cases in the series.


I'm a little behind, but just finished Trail Day 1 of case 3.

Well that escalated quickly. Although I do wonder how they're blaming Maya for the second murder if it happened while she was right there, in the Hall of Justice, in plain view of everyone. Not that logic and common sense has stopped them yet.

The Divination Seance was pretty tricky, too. Not because of it being that hard to do, but because of how finicky it was with choosing the exact right spot. "It's the lantern" *Penalty* "It's the wind?" *Penalty* "It IS the lantern!" *Penalty* *Reset* "...is it the lantern?" *SUCCESS!* "...what?"


Case 5 Trial 2

This transformation is so over the top it's stupid. It's like 'look at me, I'm super evil' level of stupid.


I think I'm closing in on the end of case 5 trial 2.

Fucking hell that was a good twist. This game's writing has exceeded my expectations after I had like no expectations at all. I was able to guess Nanya's identity way early in advance, but figuring out the truth behind Dhurke got me. I have to admit though. Apollo's head-desk was a bit ridiculous.


So uh, I'm only at the start of case 2 but this game is pretty AMAZING so far? I was playing Dual Destinies right up until before this all, still had to beat it, and this all feels so much better so far.

First case has gotta be one of my favourite first cases ever. DD's meanwhile I thought was a big old snoozefest. I was really skeptical about the Khura'in setting, the whole mysticism aspect of Ace Attorney has always been hit or miss to me, but Khura'in was pretty captivating. I didn't realize it had this whole revolution plot going for it, or how violently aggressive of an attitude people were going to have towards lawyers. I'll need a good payoff but it's definitely adding some tension. And then
the whole hippie metal jesus thing happened.
Yeah, this one's a case to remember.

And I don't know how the second case's going to turn out,
but I'm just so happy it's focused on Trucy. She was SO underutilized in DD.
And the return of free investigation is already paying off, I've read so many neat little reactions already that we wouldn't have gotten if things were restricted again.

And generally speaking, this game seems to be a whole lot more comfortable addressing Ace Attorney 4 plot threads than its predecessor was. I wasn't much of a fan of 4 but the way 5 ignored things felt really unnatural. I don't know how far 6'll go with this, but stuff like
a Lamirior mention, Troupe Gramarye, Mr. Hat, Emma (I was real worried when I heard they changed her character from being grumpy again, figured they'd retcon things. But the explanation makes sense so I'm happy with it),...
It just makes things feel more natural. And it gets me hopeful they'll address some stuff. Fingers crossed.

Oh, and the soundtrack's real good and the anime cutscenes seem a whole lot better utilized so far. So yeah, definitely into it so far. Hope it keeps it up because this has been really good stuff.


The only overall thing I'm not liking about this game are the flashbacks. Sometimes characters start remembering things that happened, like, a minute ago. And on one occasion there was a flashback and minutes later we got THE SAME FLASHBACK AGAIN.

I understand that this is done sometimes to help the player, but other times it feels too distracting and ruins the momentum. They could at least let you fast forward the text during flashbacks.


i actually don't mind the flashbacks because I've been playing it off and on and for some reason the flashbacks help me remember stuff. It's silly when the scenes wasn't too far back or they repeat it too often but they def make it seem like people take breaks from the game during commutes or something.
Just finished Case 3.

Shit is good.

I think I guessed about what happened correctly which was neat, but the story took me for a nice ride.


Just finished case 2 last night and really enjoyed it. The presentation in this game is stunning - I love the new prosecutor (case 2 animations)
throwing his prayer beads at Apollo
haha. Although he doesn't feel like much of a threat, unlike the main prosecutor of AA5. Kind of feels similar to Klavier in that regard, very pretty and nice animations but he isn't formidable enough. Looking forward to finding out what's up between
him and Apollo
, seems random.

Case 2 thoughts: It was so nice to see more of
Trucy and the Gramarye Troupe
stuff. It actually made me want to refresh my memory on
the events of AA4, and Trucy is oh-so endearing
. The final reveal of the case (
blade hidden in the mattress
) was clever and I thought that the
DeFamme twins and Retinz' true identity
were satisfying twists, if predictable. If anything I felt accomplished for guessing them ahead of time, and
the twins are SO CUTE! My opinion on them went all over the place as it was revealed who was doing what, with their appearing together and bickering
finally winning me over. Also, the
aspect of the case was hugely entertaining. I do love all the pop culture references and the script is as good as ever. Pun game is still on over-the-top form.

Now, onwards to case 3!


Case 4 is such a drag after Case 3. hope it gets better. i couldn't care less about what's going on in it so far.


I just finished the day 1 trial of Act 5, don't agree with those of you who didn't like it, i think they explain well the all thing in the end...


Nearing the end of the game and I'm already tired of it. The first part 5th case had such an interesting premise but pftbdttbdt
I finished case 3 last night but didn't get a chance to reflect on it til now.

It was a really great case. The more I think back on it the more it grows on me too. Though I think I read one too many "wow case 3 is the best thing ever!!!"-type posts as I did feel a tad underwhelmed when it was over, heh. Still, it was a ride.

Some thoughts on it and the game itself thus far in no particular order just to get things out of my system

I really can't stand Phoenix's characterization anymore. It was a problem I had in Dual Destinies but it's even worse here. He acts way too, I dunno how to really describe it, inexperienced and on edge every time he's in court. It's like he has no idea what he's doing and he's constantly relying on bluffs (with a tendency to constantly point out to himself that he is indeed bluffing it). I get that here, if he doesn't get the Not Guilty he will die alongside his client, but even so, it's like all those years of experience he has just disappears in court. I want a cool, calm and collected Phoenix and not one that feels like he's screaming NOOOOO!! in court every 10 minutes when something goes south. I really shouldn't let this get to me so much but fuck, I think it's actually harming my enjoyment of the game a bit. I feel like I'm probably in the minority for wanting a Phoenix more akin to his AA4 incarnation so badly but whatever... just the way I feel.

Apollo on the other hand I feel like they've done a great job with, based on case 2. I feel like they have really conveyed a solid character growth with him since his debut and I'm so excited to see what role he plays as the game continues. Especially since I've seen people say that this game is really Apollo's more than it is Phoenix's. I wish he was the lead of 5 and 6 instead of Phoenix but what are ya gonna do?

I felt like case 3 kinda got a bit too complicated for it's own good as it kept progressing. To the point where it lost some of it's impact for me when it was finally all over. Mostly that final string of twists regarding Puh'ray being the Lady Kee'ra killer, Beh'leeb's role in the murder, Tahrust committing suicide and how it all tied back to the DC act etc etc... I definitely feel like the case will be a lot easier to digest on a replay when I know how it's gonna play out.

Tahrust just randomly dropping "taiko drums" at the end to give away that it was the Steel Samurai theme and not the Plumed Princess (or whatever the name of it was) and that being what ultimately causes his entire alibi to fall apart was way, way, way too fucking convenient. Why would he just say "yep those taiko drums in the theme definitely give away that its Maya!" makes no sense.
You're not alone with these thoughts, I brought up my similar gripes with Phoenix earlier in the thread.
Case 5 is giving me some hope though on that front.

And yeeaah, while Case 3 was good it felt a bit all over the place,
agreed on the drums point.

Just finished Case 5 Investigation Day 1. I'm devastated:

Nooooooooooooooooo. ;_; I love Phoenix. Don't make me go against him. I don't even like Apollo. I would fire him if I could. Make him go full-time with Trucy doing magic. Part of me actually hoped he was going to die in the cave... I don't want to make Phoenix lose. :( x 1000
I wouldn't usually repeat this gif usage so quickly but...


It's warranted here.

Nearing the end of the game and I'm already tired of it. The first part 5th case had such an interesting premise but pftbdttbdt
You're scaring me now, I'm enjoying Case 5 so far.


Case 4 finished.

Total bottle episode, but I'm cool with that.
Sahdmadhi was almost completely overshadowed by Blackquill. They might as well have had Winston Payne as the prosecutor.



I must say Dhurke is the best character in this game,
and that twist must be the greatest thing in the franchise
. Nahuyta was disappointing, kinda like another Klavier. I'm not particularly sold on the overall plot, but the moments in there are on par with parts of the original trilogy. I just wonder what AA7 will do though.
Now that Apollo's story is done will we see an Athena game, or will we go back to more Phoenix, or even maybe a soft reboot like what AA4 was originally meant to be?

Now to discuss spoilers in the spoiler thread.
Case 4 finished.

Total bottle episode, but I'm cool with that.
Sahdmadhi was almost completely overshadowed by Blackquill. They might as well have had Winston Payne as the prosecutor.

To be fair,
Sahdmadi is possibly the single worst prosecutor in the entire series, barring maybe the Paynes in some cases. All he does is hurl insults, demands for the defense to give up and his prayer beads, and that's it. The cases he makes are super weak, even Franziska and Klavier, who had been the weakest among the prosecutors so far, were far more compelling as adversaries than Sahdmadi is.
Especially given his introduction where he's said to be able to read the karmic flow of a trial and being capable of predicting the course of the defense's line of thinking, in the end, he's the flimsiest of all the prosecutors that aren't named Payne (and those two are made flimsy jokes on purpose), because he's just a balloon of hot air.

Granted, I haven't beaten Case 5 entirely yet, so maybe there'll be a turnaround, but what a bummer.


To be fair,
Sahdmadi is possibly the single worst prosecutor in the entire series, barring maybe the Paynes in some cases. All he does is hurl insults, demands for the defense to give up and his prayer beads, and that's it. The cases he makes are super weak, even Franziska and Klavier, who had been the weakest among the prosecutors so far, were far more compelling as adversaries than Sahdmadi is.
Especially given his introduction where he's said to be able to read the karmic flow of a trial and being capable of predicting the course of the defense's line of thinking, in the end, he's the flimsiest of all the prosecutors that aren't named Payne (and those two are made flimsy jokes on purpose), because he's just a balloon of hot air.

Granted, I haven't beaten Case 5 entirely yet, so maybe there'll be a turnaround, but what a bummer.
I haven't touched Case 5 yet myself,
but my thoughts aren't as harsh over Mr. Sad Monk.

I thought he was fine for Case 3, with the atmosphere of the Khura'in courtroom and the threat of the Defense Culpability Act hanging over your head. And even in Case 2 you're seeing what makes him tick for the first time.

But when he's threatening to send you to hell because you're defending a chubby soba noodle chef using the testimony of a storyteller with an identity disorder and a clown balloon artist, the tone doesn't quite fit.

That whole "karmic flow of a trial" thing though? Totally agree, that's been a whole lot of nothing so far.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Case 5 Trial 2

This transformation is so over the top it's stupid. It's like 'look at me, I'm super evil' level of stupid.

Yeeeeeeaaah, it's shocking what happened with Queen Ga'ran. It's so insane it almost looks like a Power Ranger. I'm just starting the Trial 2, I feel it'll be insane


Case 5 beginning of day 2 trial

What the actual shit?

Y'know, I might be mistaken, but I could've sworn hearing the concept of a judge prosecutor that writes laws somewhere before as a scrapped idea for a character...
Case 5 Trial 2

This transformation is so over the top it's stupid. It's like 'look at me, I'm super evil' level of stupid.

Just started that myself.
It's definitely over the top, but hopefully she's a more challenging/interesting prosecutor than Sad Monk. As numerous others have said, he's pretty one-note with his lines. No real personality to speak of. Even if that changes once Ga'ran is defeated, it'll likely be too late to matter.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I think my case two is glitched. I've investigated all of the theatre other than under the stage (and Apollo tells me he's already seen everything), but the client isn't showing up in the Detention Center yet, so I can't present the notebook. Did anyone have a similar issue? I've done all the fingerprinting stuff and talked to the news guy, and been up the ladder.


I think my case two is glitched. I've investigated all of the theatre other than under the stage (and Apollo tells me he's already seen everything), but the client isn't showing up in the Detention Center yet, so I can't present the notebook. Did anyone have a similar issue? I've done all the fingerprinting stuff and talked to the news guy, and been up the ladder.

There's a blue book on the desk in the dressing room. Have you examined that?

Edit - never mind, that's earlier I think.
I think my case two is glitched. I've investigated all of the theatre other than under the stage (and Apollo tells me he's already seen everything), but the client isn't showing up in the Detention Center yet, so I can't present the notebook. Did anyone have a similar issue? I've done all the fingerprinting stuff and talked to the news guy, and been up the ladder.

Did you talk with Bonny in the Dressing Room?


I think my case two is glitched. I've investigated all of the theatre other than under the stage (and Apollo tells me he's already seen everything), but the client isn't showing up in the Detention Center yet, so I can't present the notebook. Did anyone have a similar issue? I've done all the fingerprinting stuff and talked to the news guy, and been up the ladder.

I had a similar issue at one point. Did you
examine the Gramarye Troupe poster in the dressing room yet
? That was something I initially missed and feels like one of the annoying byproducts from returning to a non-linear investigation setup.
I think my case two is glitched. I've investigated all of the theatre other than under the stage (and Apollo tells me he's already seen everything), but the client isn't showing up in the Detention Center yet, so I can't present the notebook. Did anyone have a similar issue? I've done all the fingerprinting stuff and talked to the news guy, and been up the ladder.

You have to go to the
dressing room, there you should be able to talk to Bonny.


Welp, I finished it. A lot more enjoyable than I expected it to be.
It was obvious that Rita Repulsa was the culprit, but seeing Apollo finger-point KO all her guards was still great.
I'm satisfied with how
this game ended up being, and how good the game was over all, outside of the first case.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I somehow missed the blue book. Thanks all! :)


Junior Member
Are there any downsides to using a try again? I got one to see what would happen and it just goes straight back to where you failed with all your lives back... What's the point?


Maybe not everyone, but I sure did. Figured I'd finally use the notes feature, I never bothered in Dual Destinies, and it was completely useless! :|

yeah, same.

Are there any downsides to using a try again? I got one to see what would happen and it just goes straight back to where you failed with all your lives back... What's the point?

It's basically a concession that the solutions have a tendency to be completely arbitrary. People aren't here for the gameplay, so just let 'em brute force it if they want.
Case 5 Trial 2
Holy shit the Queen is an amazing villain. Finally a "final boss" who feels really beefy. The last one who did was von Karma (and while Engarde was a great final boss, he was slimy rather than beefy). Her music and soundbites are absolutely fantastic, and I do enjoy the over the top campiness. Such a shame she probably won't be coming back, I would sooooo love to have a female prosecutor with a bit of oomph behind her. They really should make a prosecutor based on her for the United Prefectures of Amerippon.


No bald cap? Lies!
Just finished case 4.
Kind of a huge let down. Talk about a filler case. No investigation, Athena only, just a single day. It had good characters, if not great. Uendo, et al, were super entertaining and so was Bucky, though he was drastically underutilized. Felt like such a throwaway case that built up nothing in the overall story for the game. At least case 2 added more to the Trucy/Gramarye storyline and led to the first connections between Apollo and Nahyuta.

I have to say overall I'm not a fan of the reduced days for the cases. Having them be so court heavy really diminishes from the experience.

Still enjoying the game a lot, but yeah.


Wow...holy shit. I'm still only on the first investigation phase of Case 5, but this whole sequence is singlehandedly making up for how contrived Apollo's character writing and backstory felt in Dual Destinies. This is genuinely good writing that gives him layers and texture as a character.

I'm really worried about Dhurke now, though. "Estranged father finally connects with his son" seems an awful lot like a harbinger for death :(

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Just finished the first Trial segment of Case 5. I take back what I said earlier.
I don't hate Apollo anymore.


lmao holy shit. Case 5 trial 2

Inga Karkhuul Haw'kohd Dis'nahm Bi'ahni Lawga Ormo Pohmpus Da'nit Ar'edi Iz Khura'in III.

This is it. The final form of name puns.
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