Case 5...hmm...I've just passed the first trial and entered the second investigation. Really enjoyed the first trial
Everything after that though is
Obviously, I'm gonna stick with it. And I expect it to get better. But the format seriously kills my immersion.
and seeing Wright VS Apollo was novel. It was also nice how it was an actual battle of wits (and Apollo kicked Wright's ass) rather than the predictable outcome of Wright leading Apollo on until he reveals the truth. Layton VS Wright was a downer for this reason. It's a shame it was just a hostage situation and not a real disagreement, though.
Everything after that though is
kind of losing my interest, not to mention that the format is completely wrong for the story they're telling. I'm just not invested in these dramatic hostage situations, fights or anything when they're told through the screen fading to black and playing sound effects, or just seeing a still picture that represents an object being thrown, etc. It's like watching someone play Yugioh. And having a large amount of characters in one place but only ever displaying one on screen at any given time is super tedious, the way they keep fading in and out. The AAI format would have probably been better.