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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice |OT| Khura'in, not Kurain


Case 5...hmm...I've just passed the first trial and entered the second investigation. Really enjoyed the first trial
and seeing Wright VS Apollo was novel. It was also nice how it was an actual battle of wits (and Apollo kicked Wright's ass) rather than the predictable outcome of Wright leading Apollo on until he reveals the truth. Layton VS Wright was a downer for this reason. It's a shame it was just a hostage situation and not a real disagreement, though.

Everything after that though is
kind of losing my interest, not to mention that the format is completely wrong for the story they're telling. I'm just not invested in these dramatic hostage situations, fights or anything when they're told through the screen fading to black and playing sound effects, or just seeing a still picture that represents an object being thrown, etc. It's like watching someone play Yugioh. And having a large amount of characters in one place but only ever displaying one on screen at any given time is super tedious, the way they keep fading in and out. The AAI format would have probably been better.
Obviously, I'm gonna stick with it. And I expect it to get better. But the format seriously kills my immersion.


Case 5...hmm...I've just passed the first trial and entered the second investigation. Really enjoyed the first trial
and seeing Wright VS Apollo was novel. It was also nice how it was an actual battle of wits (and Apollo kicked Wright's ass) rather than the predictable outcome of Wright leading Apollo on until he reveals the truth. Layton VS Wright was a downer for this reason. It's a shame it was just a hostage situation and not a real disagreement, though.

Everything after that though is
kind of losing my interest, not to mention that the format is completely wrong for the story they're telling. I'm just not invested in these dramatic hostage situations, fights or anything when they're told through the screen fading to black and playing sound effects, or just seeing a still picture that represents an object being thrown, etc. It's like watching someone play Yugioh. And having a large amount of characters in one place but only ever displaying one on screen at any given time is super tedious, the way they keep fading in and out. The AAI format would have probably been better.
Obviously, I'm gonna stick with it. And I expect it to get better.

It really feels like Case 5 could have been split. I remember reading some criticims that in AA5, the two final cases should have been the same case - but this game folding to that notion definitely makes it suffer a little bit since it's piling on a lot of things to pay attention to. In retrospect I think it shows why the way AA5 did it was probably for the best. It made things a little more "digestible".
After playing case two I realized I've been wondering something for a while...

How are you supposed to pronounce Gramarye?

Fake Edit: I just looked it up, apparently it's gram-uh-ree. The E at the end threw me off. It's an archaic French word for magic. Learn something new every day I guess.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Case 3 totally threw me off. I was wrong on what was happening basically right up until the end, which then meant I didn't spend much time "with" the game's writers. As a result, the narrative didn't really have much of an impact since it had little time to sit with me. I think this would have been avoided if there had been one tiny "that was weird..." type of hint earlier (which, maybe there was and I missed it). Then I could have held the idea longer in my head. I like what they went with, though. I feel like I'd appreciate how it turned out more if I played it a second time with the truth in mind. Case 3 would make a great multi-episode TV show arc or a somewhat short movie.

EDIT: Thinking about it more, the ending is probably the one place so far in this game where I would have appreciated a flashback. Or a lengthier summary or some kind of visual retelling with art. Maybe more of a moment-by-moment recap of the sequence of events, just so I could have seen the case differently. I'll keep thinking about it.

PK Gaming

Re: Case 1

A good case, but it draaaaaaaaaaaaagged. Really should have condensed it. The culprit was
hella entertaining but ultimately ruined when they revealed his motive. Pressure? Really? A guy with that much malice and, uh, zeal, did his crime because of being pressured? I was hoping for something more...more passion, you dig? I was hoping he'd go on a rant about how shitty their culture was, and he was just in it for the kicks until a golden opportunity presented himself. Also way too many "EXTERMINATE" segments.
Case 3 and the Judge talking about
having a tattoo on his ass
was uh, something else. Not to mention
Abbot Inmhee rather enjoying Maya's hair to creepy levels

Really enjoying the game so far. I keep tripping up in Seances as a general rule though.
Case 5 Trial Day 2 spoilers:
I totally called Nayna actually being Queen Amara in disguise! Except... now many other things don't make sense any more... why is she acting like this? Guess I'll just have to keep playing...
I disagree with the new Judge. I always thought the classic PW Judge was a senile buffoon and he got stupider and stupider as the series went on. This new Judge actually seems fairly smart, and I really like it.
I agree completely. I'm just on case 1, but, even from the start, the new Judge seems like someone who actually takes his job seriously and doesn't have shit for brains. The passivity and incompetence of the Judge actually got on my nerves on previous games sometimes, so I'm glad they did something about it.
Case 5 Trial Day 2 spoilers:
I totally called Nayna actually being Queen Amara in disguise! Except... now many other things don't make sense any more... why is she acting like this? Guess I'll just have to keep playing...
At around the same point, and while I haven't heard the definitive answer, I'm pretty sure I know why as something I've been guessing at for most of the day 2 stuff


I agree completely. I'm just on case 1, but, even from the start, the new Judge seems like someone who actually takes his job seriously and doesn't have shit for brains. The passivity and incompetence of the Judge actually got on my nerves on previous games sometimes, so I'm glad they did something about it.

I can never truly enjoy the AA games because the stupidity of the Judge annoys me to no end. Pretty much every witness commits perjury after perjury, yet the Judge believes every single word that comes out of their mouths as absolute truth. The Judge is also ready to pronounce a guilty verdict without any real evidence presented as long as the prosecution tells him to... The prosecution should have been disbarred multiple times in every game due to hiding of critical evidence and actually telling multiple witnesses to commit perjury; there's also stuff like physical abuse with whips but at least that is amusing, especially when Von Karma whips the judge.

In spite of all this, I keep coming back to the series. The new judge looks too much like the old one but so far he isn't nearly as grossly incompetent.


Does this game acknowledge how APOLLO JUSTICE SPOILERS
Trucy and Apollo are siblings
or does the franchise continue to ignore that seemingly important plot point?
Finished Case 3 - loving this game so far! Onto Case 4.

Edit: Beat Case 4. It wasn't bad but it's definitely the weakest case in the game. Now onto Case 5 later tonight.


...the game looks stunning... seriously, its super sharp for 3DS standards... playing it in full 3d on a regular n3DS... loving every frame of it.


...the game looks stunning... seriously, its super sharp for 3DS standards... playing it in full 3d on a regular n3DS... loving every frame of it.

Yea, I can't do 100% 3D but I keep it on cuz it looks better with 3D on than 2D especially for the 3D models. Lots of really good animations.

I gotta say that every girl in this game is super cute cuz of their various animations. Love all of Ema and Maya's various animations in particular.


Finished Case 2 and that was awesome.
I feel really dumb for not figuring out Retins was Reus earlier, but I still enjoyed breaking down that asshole in court. I don't think I've ever wanted to punch someone in the face so hard in this series before.

Also glad Bonny and Betty didn't turn out to be villains. I liked them a lot and I hope they stick around. Tons of adorable animations too, specially Betty tackling Bonny.

Now I'm done with the first Investigation and Trial for Case 3. These puns are cranked all the way up to eleven.
Finally played the game today (pulled myself away from cold steel 2 long enough) finished the first trial. I like the seance stuff, the story set up, and the trial itself was fun in the typical ace attorney turnabout way. My concern is with the
rebel stuff they teased while making it obvious the rebels aren't the good guys


Early? Case 5 spoiler.
Can't believe a civil case is getting me hyped. Guess seeing something other then a murder case is a breath of fresh air.
how does this case 5 compares to the other games?

I am on case 2 btw

Fantastic though it does have some odd pacing and really should have been *minor pacing spoiler*
two seperate cases
. Still, it was fantastic and had some twists that were straight up mindblowing.


Neo Member
Note to self, do NOT play Ace Attorney at 2AM.
I totally missed the final vital clue about the
names of the keys being different
and was stuck for a while.
Although I think I also got stuck because I selected
the key
since I couldn't go back and select the other option.


Finished Case 3. Again there is some convolutedness which doesn't add to the story nor to the gameplay that they could have held back on, but the story beats are great and very engaging. The new "sidekick" is also one of the best so far so I hope the next two cases don't drag the game down. Otherwise this leaves me pretty optimistic for the next game in this series.


Case 3, Investigation Day 2.

Oh look a mural. Lemme check this picture and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Didn't the games use to have times where they would allow multiple peices of evidence to be used in objections? Just finished case 3, which I thought was AWESOME, and there were several times there could be multlple items presented that didn't count. Very sloppy.
Didn't the games use to have times where they would allow multiple peices of evidence to be used in objections? Just finished case 3, which I thought was AWESOME, and there were several times there could be multlple items presented that didn't count. Very sloppy.

I took a few strikes because I forgot
the real murder weapon
was added to the Court Record and tried using the
crime scene diagram
instead. Especially frustrating since it's
used in that fashion earlier.
I can never truly enjoy the AA games because the stupidity of the Judge annoys me to no end. Pretty much every witness commits perjury after perjury, yet the Judge believes every single word that comes out of their mouths as absolute truth. The Judge is also ready to pronounce a guilty verdict without any real evidence presented as long as the prosecution tells him to... The prosecution should have been disbarred multiple times in every game due to hiding of critical evidence and actually telling multiple witnesses to commit perjury; there's also stuff like physical abuse with whips but at least that is amusing, especially when Von Karma whips the judge.

The Ace Attorney games are a parody of the Japanese court system, not the US one. It takes things that are (or at least were when the first game was made) actually done in Japanese courts and turned it up to 11. It's a very antagonistic system, with prosecutors enjoying much greater status than defense attorneys, and evidence being hid until the last minute.

There was a great article written about it at The Escapist a few years back.


Man, the last bit of the seance vision in case 3 day 2 is really making me rack my brain. I can't for the life of me figure out the contradiction there.


I took a few strikes because I forgot
the real murder weapon
was added to the Court Record and tried using the
crime scene diagram
instead. Especially frustrating since it's
used in that fashion earlier.

Also the part where you had to show how they could identify the monk with the fake name, the autopsy of Inmee had text that said all monks have a tatoo to identify them in record, but the game will only accept the picture of his tattoo. In other words the people in the trial are in some cases too dumb.


The release of this game finally motivated me to play dual destinies.

My god, that yokai case was horrible. I love AA with all my heart, but this is almost making me want to stop playing the game.
Did the same and felt the exact same.

People shit on the circus case from AA2, but it's leaps and bounds better than the dumpster fire the Yokai case ended up being.

Don't worry though. I'm in the middle of case 3 and it's much much much better.


I love the interactions between Rayfa and Phoenix. She's like anti-Maya. I also love her flustered angry animation. Cute and satisfying lol
Just finished case 3. What a ride!

I love how some of my guesses sounded so good in my head, but then they'd be wrong in the end, even though it felt like I was right and thought I'd see twists coming. Good shit, good case.

I love the track that plays when Nahyuta looks at his scroll at the beginning of every case. I wish it played more. Can't wait till I'm done with the game so I can look up the OST.

ALSO, if there's ever an OT2, please, please, PLEASE let the title be "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice |OT| Flashbacks to OT1"

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
About halfway through Case 4 (at the TBC part):

Why was this not a DLC case? Everything about it feels like DLC. It comes out of nowhere, seems (so far) to be disconnected from every other case, features a much smaller cast of characters and environments than most cases, gives a terrible reason for why Prosecutor Sahdmadhi traveled to the US to handle the case, and is a single-day trial with no investigation. It's also crazy Japanese, which makes it feel like even more of a side story). Plus, it features a psychological disorder (which includes a gender-swapping prostitute) as a central plot point, which seems like the sort of thing that's a bit shaky for the game's tone and uncontroversial vibes. All of this feels like the DLC case from AA5, which was very random and out of left field but enjoyable. It feels like it should have been a side chapter to Case 3, branching off like a "meanwhile." There's no sense of time or sequence to it in the overall plot, exactly like AA5's DLC. This just feels so bizarre. Perhaps things will change as I finish it.
Started on Case 5.
Laughed quite a bit at Dhurke not even trying to hide his identity as the rebel leader. Also pleasantly surprised at how it pretty much starts off as an Indiana Jones adventure with Apollo in the lead. Quite a change of pace from the norm.


Bless you Consult button. A small hint that helps me without the need to look up any guides.

Edit: just finished case 3. One of my favorite cases in the series! So awesome.


Datz Are'bal
is probably the best side character in this series since... well since whoever your favorite was in the original trilogy.

Best character in the game honestly.


Bless you Consult button. A small hint that helps me without the need to look up any guides.
I wish Consult would have been there in T&T to help me with some of those obtuse Objections. It truly is a gift of the Holy Mother.


About halfway through Case 4 (at the TBC part):

Why was this not a DLC case? Everything about it feels like DLC. It comes out of nowhere, seems (so far) to be disconnected from every other case, features a much smaller cast of characters and environments than most cases, gives a terrible reason for why Prosecutor Sahdmadhi traveled to the US to handle the case, and is a single-day trial with no investigation. It's also crazy Japanese, which makes it feel like even more of a side story). Plus, it features a psychological disorder (which includes a gender-swapping prostitute) as a central plot point, which seems like the sort of thing that's a bit shaky for the game's tone and uncontroversial vibes. All of this feels like the DLC case from AA5, which was very random and out of left field but enjoyable. It feels like it should have been a side chapter to Case 3, branching off like a "meanwhile." There's no sense of time or sequence to it in the overall plot, exactly like AA5's DLC. This just feels so bizarre. Perhaps things will change as I finish it.

I felt the same way, but still really liked the case. I haven't beaten Case 5 Trial 2 yet so maybe there will somehow be a connection revealed to that case, though it seems unlikely. In a way it was nice to have a more standalone case mixed in, but it certainly felt a bit odd when the rest of the game is so strongly focused on the mainstory. I also wished we'd get to know the defendant a bit more; he seemed likable but didn't really speak much.


Man, the localization team did an amazing job with case 4, wow I can't believe that actually worked as well as it did.

Case 4 is a breather, between case 3 and 5. I actually really liked the case a ton, but I think I was just really impressed how the translators managed it, and made it even funnier by making
Blackquill a huge weeb. Its Sake
Whoo, just beat the game.

Really enjoyed the game and loved the surprising amount of character development for

I think I enjoyed cases
3 and 5
the most.
seemed a bit random, but I guess it was a nice breather and
was amazing throughout.


Case 5 really feels like AA3 all over again - and in the best way possible. Some of these plot developments are a perfect combination of pure insanity and elegance.
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