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Pics that don't make you laugh but are still cool


Woorloog said:
What the...? Does it really work like that?
Yeah. The simple way of explaining it is that the bottom of the slinky doesn't "feel" that you dropped the top of the slinky until the whole thing comes crashing down on it. The same video jammed a tennis ball at the bottom of the slinky, and even with the added weight the bottom didn't drop until the top reaches it.


MetalAlien said:

Slinkies are the key to anti-gravity!


BaronLundi said:
Thank you GAF, now I want a kid.
Just have to steal one at the mall.

dejay said:
Imagine doing that, and turning away from the shuttle/photographer, so that there's nothing but you and the continents rotating serenely beneath you. I'd trade every penny I ever had to do that.
Yes, it would be amazing, but i also shat my pants just thinking about it.


I laughed and welled up at the same time at her reaction, she is a sweet kid and they are very lucky.

You can tell she was just overwhelmed.


When I found the gif and video link on 4gifs of the little girl reaction video it only had 4,000 views. So glad it's taking off! The youtube comments say it's being posted 1000s of times on tumbler.


I live 20 minutes from Disneyland and go about 3-4 times a month but I'm telling you.. my 2 year old gets almost as excited as that little girl whenever he finds out we're going. Seeing your child so happy washes you over with a feeling that reminds you why being a parent is the best thing ever. Children are amazing.


Confirmed Asshole
PalaceBrother said:
This is so great. This was pretty much exactly my daughter's reaction when Jasmine showed up to her 4th birthday party. She lost her mind.

Jasmine was hot
Who's Jasmine?


Jin_Shihouin said:

Cologne Cathedral

when i went to Cologne and saw this thing in the middle of town my jaw dropped. I had no clue of its existence. Then I immediately thought about Castlevania.

And that little girl crying video, man, I wanted to be a dad for a long long time but this video keeps adding fuel to that fire. I'd love to have such a sweet adorable little girl like that who I can be happy to be raising.


CFMOORE! said:
And that little girl crying video, man, I wanted to be a dad for a long long time but this video keeps adding fuel to that fire. I'd love to have such a sweet adorable little girl like that who I can be happy to be raising.

Not to do a thread derail, but regarding this: 6 or so years ago I couldn't entertain the thought of being a Dad. At all. Then my GF became pregnant. Yea. Gave birth to a little girl who's 4 now and she's the most awesome, surprising, entertaining little thing in the world. It's totally worth all the sleepless hours, worrying and so on. --- /thread derail.
When I saw the gif of her crying and then started the video, I thought it was going to be like when the family gave the little boy a box for a console (forget which one) but then it was just full of clothes and he started crying. That was a really nice surprise. Funny that she doesn't look like she's happy crying though.


Confirmed Asshole
ShadyLurker said:
You've really never seen Aladdin?
Sure I have. I thought it was a reference to some singer or television person. So a chick with a Jasmine costume showed up? Sweet. (On multiple levels)
parrotbeak said:
When I saw the gif of her crying and then started the video, I thought it was going to be like when the family gave the little boy a box for a console (forget which one) but then it was just full of clothes and he started crying. That was a really nice surprise. Funny that she doesn't look like she's happy crying though.

HAHA, best trick ever




Rafflesia arnoldii is the world’s largest flower having a diameter of about one meter and weighing up to ten kilograms. It is a rare flower and not easily located. It grows only once a year and blooms for around five days. According to researches in discovery news, this flower that looks and smells like rotting flesh is related to flimsy flowers like violets, poinsettias and passionflowers. Hence it also called as “meat flower” or “corpse flower”. The flower is pollinated by flies and carrion beetles attracted by its vile smell.


Jin_Shihouin said:

Cologne Cathedral
I'm not from Germany, but I've been lucky enough to have seen that (and visited inside of it as well). When I got out of the railway station and saw that huge building, it was amazing.



Goosebumps. So much of them. Space is amazing. I really want a good moonscape/earthscape wallpaper. That is an actual photo and not a render. Someone help me in my quest.

D'aww that kid. :3
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