Some variety of millipede, I think. The legs seem to have been blurred out in its transition to .gif form.Those bugs pulled me out of lurking to ask, what is that big thing at the end? A slug? It looks like one, but it seems to move too fast.
Centipede/milipedeThose bugs pulled me out of lurking to ask, what is that big thing at the end? A slug? It looks like one, but it seems to move too fast.
The newest Disney princess, Noperella.
I laughed pretty hard about NoperellaSo..... how much laughter did this picture actually give you?
I need a baseline so I can keep my laughter in check,... don't wanna over do it ya'kno
I never got why he decided to throw his spear at the drone...
At least someone liked it.
I never got why he decided to throw his spear at the drone...
Where'd you park the car?
Where'd you park the car?
He was in character and thought it was a flying demon.