Devolution in 3....2....1....
it'd be nice to have an actual girl in this thread for once.
). is that ,:
~why~ !! a ; !
! ! misderect ; ;;
; ! ,' ;!
! _,---._ ,' ,'~!
.' `-,' ; ~~; such off topicality
,' / ! ~~!
;__ ! ~!
thred ruin ( o,'~~~ _ \\ !
booo /,' _(o`- ,' reading is
/ tear ( ; fundamental
,-._ / ~~,' !
sniff .'_ `,/ ~ ~~ !
: `-' ~~~ ,' !
: ,. ~ ___,-' ! wow
matrix? `'\_`. ,' ,' !
`._,' ~~ ; ,'| prohound sadness
__: \ ~~ __,' ;:
_,---'##;\ \ .--' __,';#-.
,-'######/: \ \.' ,--'\\,'`##-.__ thout this was mmerca
,'###///////; ((O))' ,'\\\\\\`###`-.
,'###|///////: ! ,'\\\\\\\\\\`####`.
cla;ssy###|///////: ! ,'\\\\\\\\\\\\|######`. missapointed
!#####.|//////: ! ;\\\\\\\\\\\\\.|#######!
;#####|///////: ! ,'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|#########!
!#####.|///////: ! ;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.|#########!
!#####|/////////: ! ,'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|###########!
;#####|/////////:!,'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|############! ^no *derailing*
!######|//////////'\\\\\\\\\\,------,\\|############! **allowed**
!#######|////////|\\_\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\############! No mri bulshet ples, just pics
funy pics only ples
Aguirre Defense Force in 3... 2....1
What sort of witchcraft is this.
What sort of witchcraft is this.
Twitter led me to this. It's a lot easier to see when it's not so choppy. Also a useful arrow to point it out.
Can Aguirre be slayed?
I know, I'm a terrible mother. This picture always makes me laugh though.
From Gaming side.
The two angle cut pieces grow slightly as they're moved so they'll fit in the end.
Is that a Virtual Boy?
I noticed it after some time.
what beautiful eyes :3