How do you drop a hatred of women and gays?
It's an abstract sort of thing, like enemies in Dark Souls dropping Humanity.
There's the chance that you could press it and you're the one who dies.
You want to bet your ass on that?
God that was such a shitty movie.
Lets make it a period piece and give everyone accents. That will hide the fact our movie is ass and makes no sense.
There's the chance that you could press it and you're the one who dies.[/IMG]
How do you drop a hatred of women and gays?
Just to be Mr No Fun Allowed here...
Just to be Mr No Fun Allowed here...
Ramps are not as easy to walk up as they put your feet at awkward angle and there is danger of slipping.
Hiding under stairs is surely far more common?
But I accept the others, therefore ramps still win!
Just to be Mr No Fun Allowed here...
Ramps are not as easy to walk up as they put your feet at awkward angle and there is danger of slipping.
Hiding under stairs is surely far more common?
But I accept the others, therefore ramps still win!
Are they British?
Are they British?
Are they British?
Wasnt the thing about people you dont know die?
With 7 Billion human on earth right now, if I press the button 1000 times, the chances that I'm one of the randomly chosen is 0.000000014%
Pretty low, like negligible low.
What a lame bun. Mine coulda made that jump no problem.
What a lame bun. Mine coulda made that jump no problem.
Not really, but they could have also been Australian.
Not really, but they could have also been Australian.