4chan I think. moot opened a new sub s4s (shit 4chan says) as an April joke and started with check your privilege threads. It's a permanent board now and is like /b/ was a couple of years ago (when it was good and not full of shitty teenagers). I'm still not entirely sure what it means, but yeah if I had to guess I would say it comes from 4chan.
Well, I can make out a house, a bunch of ballons, and an enigmatic figure with red wings, what in the shit is that?
Well, I can make out a house, a bunch of ballons, and an enigmatic figure with red wings, what in the shit is that?
If I cared about that game wouldn't that be a spoiler? Uh ohlooks like a reference to the movie 'up' together with a thing from bioshock infinite
If I cared about that game wouldn't that be a spoiler? Uh oh
CoolNo. The Songbird is featured prominently in Bioshock Infinite marketing, and I can't think of any way it could be interpreted as a spoiler for the story.
If I cared about that game wouldn't that be a spoiler? Uh oh
Hey BB Gurl.
talk about grating personality
4chan I think. moot opened a new sub s4s (shit 4chan says) as an April joke and started with check your privilege threads. It's a permanent board now and is like /b/ was a couple of years ago (when it was good and not full of shitty teenagers). I'm still not entirely sure what it means, but yeah if I had to guess I would say it comes from 4chan.
"...what you actually look like."
Better stick this one in quotes since its a bit too big for even humor's sake.
Omg. I can't believe I didn't notice the poop smears until someone else said it. I was watching that gif for 3 or 4 times. Wow.fuck snails
this is what life would be like if we were snails
fuck snails
this is what life would be like if we were snails
That's one of the funniest things I've seen on 4chan in a while. I lost it when I first saw this.
It was my privilege.
Omg. I can't believe I didn't notice the poop smears until someone else said it. I was watching that gif for 3 or 4 times. Wow.
Pics that make you laugh |OT6| Revenge of Shit Falls
Pics that make you laugh |OT5| where people on a gaming forum make fun of bronies
4chan has been making fun of/raging out at privilege checking for a while. So much so that it has been it's own self parody for quite some time. The /s4s/ board was just another step in that direction as a joke.
Better stick this one in quotes since its a bit too big for even humor's sake.
Don't you mean |OT5|? But anyway I think the next Pics that make you laugh thread should be a reboot with a new name.
Something like that but with a shorter name.Internet Images That Entice Amusement [OT1] Shit Just Got Realbooted, and Reposted
Something like that but with a shorter name.