Poet Centuriate
What an odd picture. You do know what 4chan thinks about animal abuse right?
duh, "/b/ loves cats" and all that shit. but where do those gory videos and pictures get posted initially, hmm?
What an odd picture. You do know what 4chan thinks about animal abuse right?
lol thats not even her. if you're going to try a pull a fake pic at least get the eye color right. you can see hannah minx without the eye makeup in her makeup video. spoiler she looks fine with minimal face paint.
duh, "/b/ loves cats" and all that shit. but where do those gory videos and pictures get posted initially, hmm?
What's up with T.I teeth?
Meh I like her. She's poppy.
A complete failure. That paragraph fundamentally changes the plot and premise of the show in order to make it vaguely sound similar to Pokemon, in which it still fails. To start with, he doesn't have to defeat any master to become a master of any element at any point in the show. (and Fire Nation is a genocidal nationalist regime, not some organization that steals stuff)
I do like that one but this is still my favourite papercraft
GOD, she needs to do nudes already
There is at least one floating around that people think is her. Something about a matching birthmark. It is disappointing though.
Also have a sitting keanu one that is just a simple fold that seems to make people more mad when they find.
lol that's just so fucking true. it was actually even worse with my grandparents when I tried to explain that I don't want to eat meat anymore. they just figured I joined a cult.
what's up with old people and meat
Anyone who thinks this is a natural unedited picture of her without makeup is completely delusional.
GOD, she needs to do nudes already
easy mode.
Try telling someone over 60 bread isn't healthy. Or how amazing paleo dieting is.
well it was actually me telling them I'm vegan, so it's not exactly easy mode. my grandfather honestly said that I'd never find a man now because I'd be too weak to satisfy his "needs". I usually don't take shit from anybody but man that really left me speechless^^
God damn
well it was actually me telling them I'm vegan, so it's not exactly easy mode. my grandfather honestly said that I'd never find a man now because I'd be too weak to satisfy his "needs". I usually don't take shit from anybody but man that really left me speechless^^
well it was actually me telling them I'm vegan, so it's not exactly easy mode. my grandfather honestly said that I'd never find a man now because I'd be too weak to satisfy his "needs". I usually don't take shit from anybody but man that really left me speechless^^
what's with the avatar switching
what's with the avatar switching?
How can he shit through his outfit?
dental planwhat's with the avatar switching
dental planwhat's with the avatar switching?