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Pics that make you laugh |OT4| Aw yiss. Motha. F*ckin. Reposts.

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What's going on with NeoGAF?

NeoGAF is the name of the website you are posting on. It's called "NeoGAF" which stands for "New Gaming Age Forums". If you look closely, you can see the logo of "NeoGAF" in the top left-hand corner of your computerized browser window.
ha ha how interesting tell us more about your cat who acts like every other cat on earth

Will do! His name is Rascal, and he's a big fat white-furred baby. He eats and sleeps all day, and when he isn't eating and sleeping he's trying to get on my lap while I watch TV--to sleep some more. He's super sweet, but at times can be very annoying. He's also heterochromatic: he has a blue eye and a green eye.

its a cruel fate that im allergic to them. but i do like them nonetheless :3

I'm allergic to them too, but only mildly. If too much fur gets on me I can have a massive sneeze attack w/itchy eyes, but I put up with it because I love them.

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