LOL where is this from?Getting XBoned
I left DotAboy those would probably be funny if i spoke Portuguese
Now that's funny.nevermind, they weren't funny
lol is there video of this?
I think there's more than oneodd request, anybody got that pic where a little kid comments on some hot girls picture on facebook saying something along the lines of "i would tear that ass up" and then it zooms in on his profile picture and he is clearly 10
The video was so great I had to make a gif.
Anti-Pervert Hairy Stockings for Girls During Summer
One of the most popular posts currently on Chinas microblogging service Sina Weibo, "Super sexy, summertime anti-pervert full-leg-of-hair stockings, essential for all young girls going out." Wow.
I wait for the day this gif stops making me LMFAO!!!
Dat jawline
So, have an accident for this here thread, to even it out:
I don't care whether it's staged. Still cute and funny.