No need. Oculus Rift + adult Japanese adventure games are the future.
That guy smashed a Studio XPS 13... What a waste of a good laptop
I always thought that Counter Strike dude's helmet was translucent and the light spot on the middle was his receding hairline showing through.
AKA if GAFfers ever became dads.
Übermatik;73952173 said:Can someone please reverse this?
That breaks at least 3 commandments. That person should be executed for such heresy.
You play Magic?
Okay...I am looking for a photo, It's of this big dumb looking brown dog with his face tilted and it's a full head shot. His eyes are fully wide and he looks completely and utterly confused on life. I drew what it looks like from my memory. (I Know this is very vague)
I originally saw it posted here, and have spent 45 minutes going through this thread looking for it. Ha
in case this was directed towards me: careful now, we exchanged comic collection pics you hypocrite. I'm watching you
Every picture from this article
So God damn British it hurts.
Tailor your suit!!!!
damn I want that bowl