That's not an Australian snake, so I question the validity of this gifs claim.
That's a fucking turbo-mode snake. Look at it fly!
That's not an Australian snake, so I question the validity of this gifs claim.
What the hell's going on with the space between the standing woman's side and left arm?
What the hell's going on with the space between the standing woman's side and left arm?
Sunlight on her teeshirt..?
It looks like someone tried to edit the legs out and just color selected and deleted a portion without noticing that he deleted a portion of the shirt and arm.
Übermatik;191863499 said:Live footage of DD posting in this thread:
I din't think there's any regular folk in this thread that have not by now ruined at least one page with heavy .gifs :-3
can someone help me locate a series of pictures that I saw in the funny pics thread before? there was an american dog person who was apparently a tourist and I think it was a joke about americans riding motorize carts or something?
Übermatik;191909423 said:I'm not gonna lie, that doesn't sound familiar... like, at all.
i googled it and found it on know your meme. Apparently it is "american bear" meme. idk.