Lol twisted words there hey

fun at parties I imagine.
There's a difference between showing support for Ukraine and using the current hot topic on your social media profile... if you can't tell the difference between those two things then I don't know what to say.
Putting a flag on social media is just essentially saying "hey look at me, aren't I cool" it's literally in the name social media... as always you wanna prove you care then do something meaningful and actually help people. You can even volunteer at a local charity sending care packages and helping them pack parcels or something, if you truly care about something you will find any way possible to help.
You will never convince me that doing something for social media isn't entirely for personal gain, it's literally what the platform is designed for.
We've seen it all from covid to Palestine to LGBT to BLM to metoo and so on, this guy will have a new flag or symbol in a couple of years just like everyone who does it on Twitter who isn't literally Ukrainian.
If you are Ukrainian then you wear that flag with pride and make everyone see