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This was spoiled to me aswell, but it's not that important in the movie honestly. It didn't felt like I missed something huge...

anyway, now that we made sixteen-bit know what we think, can we chill ? peace <3



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Thanks for spoiling that for me man, appreciate it. No really, thanks a bunch. And top of the page no less.

Suddenly I'm reminded why I rarely post in Off-Topic.

Eh, to have gone 2 months without having a) seen the film and b) seeing a spoiler for the film, you were bound to have a part of the story revealed to you in some way sometime soon. Go see the movie man, that family plot point isn't even that big a deal, and it's revealed super early.


Ehhh it's been about two months. I'd say the statute of spoilers is about up, especially if you consider yourself a fan.


Ehhh it's been about two months. I'd say the statute of spoilers is about up, especially if you consider yourself a fan.

There are a plenty of people, who go to theaters when crowds have decreased. It's laughable to imply they're not fans, if they avoid the crowds. I've got too many theater experiences ruined by people near me, who can't keep their mouth shut.


Gold Member
I'm not sure how people know that this is a spoiler if they haven't actually seen the movie...

Also here's a picture that I found on imgur
There are a plenty of people, who go to theaters when crowds have decreased. It's laughable to imply they're not fans, if they avoid the crowds. I've got too many theater experiences ruined by people near me, who can't keep their mouth shut.
It's been two months on one of the most popular movies ever. Getting spoiled is the risk if you don't go right away to events like this.

Maybe if you get your theater experience ruined a lot by people, learn from it and watch the movie sooner. Don't expect people to ask everyone they know "can I please talk about this, or have you maybe not seen this popular movie that everybody has talked non stop about for the past weeks."



It's been two months on one of the most popular movies ever. Getting spoiled is the risk if you don't go right away to events like this.

Maybe if you get your theater experience ruined a lot by people, learn from it and watch the movie sooner. Don't expect people to ask everyone they know "can I please talk about this, or have you maybe not seen this popular movie that everybody has talked non stop about for the past weeks."


Deifnitely, if people post spoilers on unrelated threads without properly tagging them. Everyone in my FB circles knows people don't watch movies rightaway, or at the same time, so they don't bombard the news feed with spoilers. That's just common courtesy.

What I meant is, that some people don't go to theaters when they're packed with people, as too often someone ruins the experience by talking, munching snacks loudly, or kicking your seat. The theater experience is far better, when you have few seats/rows between you and them.


Getting spoiled is the risk if you don't go right away to events like this.

And this is totally an argument why being an inconsiderate asshole is suddenly ok. Yep. I mean, it's so much work spoiler tagging spoilers. And guys, it has been two months. What do you expect?! You need to consume everything pop-culture-related immediately after it is released! Everybody knows that.
I've been debating posting the pictures of news articles with TFA spoilers spliced into the headlines for a while and now I really think I should have. Like 2 weeks ago.

PS, Snape kills Keyser Soze and Kevin Spacy is Dumbledore.
Anyway. It's a pretty mild spoiler compared to other parts of the movie. At least it's not this:
lol. I haven't watched the movie yet (don't care much about it to be honest) but that's a pretty brutal spoiler for those that do. I already knew about it though.
Actual TFA spoiler, tagged for your convenience!

Note: Actually a spoiler. Seriously. It IS a spoiler. Don't be a fucking melt and click on it if you haven't seen TFA yet.

don't click if you don't want to be spoiled on how TFA ends

I saw that coming a mile away.
Don't forget about the post credits scene : http://i.imgur.com/aogQ3zg.jpg
I don't know what I expected.
Actual TFA spoiler, tagged for your convenience!

Note: Actually a spoiler. Seriously. It IS a spoiler. Don't be a fucking melt and click on it if you haven't seen TFA yet.

Now that is funny.


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