So...last night I bought this game on PS4 having heard vaguely about it in the past (Genesis sytle RPG harkening back to Lunar-ish days? HELL YES). I loved it, played about an hour and a half. This whole time, I'm wondering how to save the game. The option ring has a Load and a Quit option but no save. I slept at the inn hoping for a prompt and got none. I went to the overworld and nothing was different there. Did a forest dungeon and some of a cave and still nothing.
I then went online to find out HOW to save (seriously how is this not explained or blatantly obvious in the game - and is there even a manual? I didn't see one anywhere on PS4 but may have missed it?) From the scarce details I could find people had said you can pretty much save anywhere and something about saving when you left a screen so I thought...OK...maybe it's auto-saving or when I choose Quit it will make a save. I chose Quit.
Back to title screen. NO SAVE GAMES. So, I get to replay everything I did now and try to figure out how to save the damn game. I see above someone said there is a statue or something in town??? I must have walked by it 1000 times last night. Could someone tell me where in town it is or what it looks like? Are these the only way to save the game? Otherwise I loved the game but this is some class A bullshit and it boggles my mind as to why it's so obtuse for such a basic function!
Every town has a golden circle that acts as a save point, in the first town I think it's close to the main character's home . The auto-save is not turned on automatically so you need to go into the in-game options to set it on, after that the game auto-saves every time you transition from one screen to another.
Have to agree that the lack of a digital manual is pretty annoying, as the in-game menus are kinda lacking. There are no proper status screens for the characters where you could check out their spells and special attacks, and there are no descriptions for their effects. For example, there is a spell called 'heaven blow' and from the name I expected it to be an attack spell but it's actually a healing one. According to a steam achievement there should be tutorials somewhere in the game, but I haven't found any and I'm over 5 hours in.