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Pikmin 2 love

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Ranger X

Wow. Just rented Silent Hill 4 and Pikmin 2 for the week-end and i must say that while i'm a bit bored with the "same thing again" feeling of SH4, Pikmin 2 rock my world.
I was bored these days and this game is really refreshing for me.
I remember the first Pikmin was good but i didn't like it enough to buy it. Is it just me or Pikmin 2 looks like a title to buy now? Maybe it's just that i was bored lately or something...


Pikmin 2 has revitalized my interest in video games. I usually take little 3-6 month breaks

from gaming from time to time and Pikmin 2 snapped me right out of that mess.


What's so great about Pikmin 2? Playing the original was a chore for me. Going by the preview movies, it doesn't seem much has changed about it.


Saturnman said:
What's so great about Pikmin 2? Playing the original was a chore for me. Going by the preview movies, it doesn't seem much has changed about it.

You cannot be told what Pikmin 2 is. You must play it for yourself.

Ranger X

Shit i don't even remember what is so new compared to the first except maybe there's more colors for the Pikmins, items you can use and 2 littles astronauts to controls...
I don't know what's happening here, Pikmin 2 is just... fun!


If you didn't like Pikmin at all, you won't like Pikmin 2. It's a much bigger, better, much more polished, diverse and mechanicly improved sequel. Fun game that the lackluster original should've been. But if the concept didn't appeal to you, I doubt you'll find much here.

I've personally lost interest in it later in though. The obscenely (almost Wind Waker bad) easy gameplay is starting to get to me, and the signs of evolution it was starting to show in puzzles and dungeons simply went stagnant. The concept of challenge mode should've been built right in to the normal game to make up for the non-existant resource management, enemy difficulty and childish puzzles. Time limit, plus "perfect" rewards = always a winner.

I still like it, a fair bit and I stand by most I've said about it in the past. But for the time being Four Swords matches with friends and replaying Dragon Quarter are taking up my interest.

Ranger X

Yep, this review resume it well!
Now guys do you think you would still play this game in 2005? I mean, what about the replay value of this one?


I wouldn't say it has any replay value barring the 2-player modes (quite solid, by the way. Espically the deathmatch). Unless you're the type who just replays these types of non-changing, no alternate path campaign games regularly, just for the heck of it.

But it has a lot of value on the whole. Pulling down 100%, and getting purple flowers on all the challenge mode bits is a pretty hefty, lengthy task.
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