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Pikmin 2: "Speed Boots"


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I just got some item called "regnant container" that makes the spacemen run fast. Is there a way to turn this off? I don't like it. The pikmin can't keep up anymore and it serverely hinders the sense of exploration and relaxation.


It was a kids shoe, like a baby shoe. .. you'll want it as it will add more to your tally and the dungeon won't be complete without it.

I agree it is a bit of a funny power-up, but if you just run in a straight line, and then wait for your Pikmin before going around a corner, it's ok. or you could just not hold down the thumbstick as far like olimario suggested.


olimario said:
To correct this problem, don't hold down the control stick as hard.
doesn't work. the analog control doesn't affect olimar's movement rate, just whether or not he moves. strange, i know.
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