Have mercy on me.
I never signed up for this shit
Have mercy on me.
I never signed up for this shit
2 pizza´s slain
-Mozzarella,Pesto and Cherry tomatoes
-Mushrooms,Ham and Salami
Sorry no pineapple today.
Where's the spicy chicken option, BB
You never even signed up for this game at all. :x
You never even signed up for this game at all. :x
That's... Pretty appropriate for a bearI'm eating pizza with nothing but minced meat.
Less lip, more garlic dip
cabot's just gonna hang around and magically get townies killed.
cabot's just gonna hang around and magically get townies killed.
It's the one constant. Town or scum, I'll kill some townies guaranteed
It's the one constant. Town or scum, I'll kill some townies guaranteed
I used to be a no lynch on D1 kindof guy, but then I played anime mafia with cabot.
Policy lynch right there folks.
Do people really hate Hawaiian pizza?
Appropriation never tasted so good ☆_☆pizza appropriation
Oahu, I didn't know thatI wonder what Hawaiians think of it considering that it's really from Canada.
papa john's has the hawaiian bbq chicken. bbq sauce, pineapple, bacon, onions, chicken. it's honestly my favorite chain pizza
Poe's law: without a clear indicator of the author's intent, it is impossible to create a parody of extreme views so obviously exaggerated that it cannot be mistaken by some readers or viewers as a sincere expression of the parodied views.
I would like to suggest a new law.
Pineapple's law: without a clear indicator of the author's intent, it is impossible to create a parody of disgusting pizza so obviously disgusting that it cannot be mistaken by some readers or viewers as a sincere expression of the parodied pizza.
I have no idea if Darryl's post is a parody or not. And if I say "wow, pizza with pineapple and a mix of bbq sauce and lacto-fermented mayonaise replacing the tomato sauce is the best!" you wouldn't know if it was a parody. Unless I give a clear indicator that it is a parody, for example by saying "just kidding, and sorry for the gross imagery. I'm well aware that pineapple on pizza is the fourth unforgiveable curse (in addition to Avada Kedavra, Crucio, and Imperio). But of the four, pineapple on pizza is considered the lowest, since the target is not a human who can fight back, but a defenseless pizza."
Poe's law: without a clear indicator of the author's intent, it is impossible to create a parody of extreme views so obviously exaggerated that it cannot be mistaken by some readers or viewers as a sincere expression of the parodied views.
I would like to suggest a new law.
Pineapple's law: without a clear indicator of the author's intent, it is impossible to create a parody of disgusting pizza so obviously disgusting that it cannot be mistaken by some readers or viewers as a sincere expression of the parodied pizza.
I have no idea if Darryl's post is a parody or not. And if I say "wow, pizza with pineapple and a mix of bbq sauce and lacto-fermented mayonaise replacing the tomato sauce is the best!" you wouldn't know if it was a parody. Unless I give a clear indicator that it is a parody, for example by saying "just kidding, and sorry for the gross imagery. I'm well aware that pineapple on pizza is the fourth unforgiveable curse (in addition to Avada Kedavra, Crucio, and Imperio). But of the four, pineapple on pizza is considered the lowest, since the target is not a human who can fight back, but a defenseless pizza."
If I deep fried a slice would I be crucified?
If I deep fried a slice would I be crucified?
If I deep fried a slice would I be crucified?
So tell me how you really feel about it.
You might be wondering why I changed my profile pic to Alphonso mangoes. As much as I love pineapples, I love mangoes even more. I have never had mango as a pizza topping but I am open to trying
You might be wondering why I changed my profile pic to Alphonso mangoes. As much as I love pineapples, I love mangoes even more. I have never had mango as a pizza topping but I am open to trying
Eating a clam pie in honor of the anti-pineapple crusaders.
Eating a clam pie in honor of the anti-pineapple crusaders.
We still cleared to start today? I assume since the countdown didn't change. MY PINEAPPLE (pizza) HATRED IS READY
Chapter 1 - Cabot is Dead?! The Great Pineapple Pizza War Breaks Out!!
It had been one week since PPAP declared war on anything that wasn't Pineapple Pizza. Much had changed in that time. The great city of GAFia was in turmoil. Arguments had broken out left and right. Bloodshed and Chaos in the streets!
In an attempt to combat the rising tensions within the air, an emergency meeting was held at the Great GAFia Pizza Conference of May 2017. The Honorable RetroMG stepped in alongside 21 other council members. Each holding their ceremonial box of pizza properly. They gathered around in a circle facing each other, a person to a podium, with their great leader standing to the northern most podium. The doors to the main area were locked behind them. A crowd gathered on the outside of the room, of both supporters and oppressors of Pineapple Pizza. They were barred from entry from the main platform thanks to the presence of bulletproof glass, with only their voices being carried over.
"Friends..." RetroMG began, his voice unable to hide his fear, "We are gathered here today to discuss the nature of Pineapple Pizza. Now I believe that between each of us, we can come to an agreement on this debate and end the violence that has broken out within our wonderful communit-"
"SHUT UP YOU PINEAPPLE PIZZA HATER", yelled a voice from the crowd. Boos erupted from another section of the crowd
"STOP THIS OPPRESSION, PINEAPPLE PIZZA IS GOOD YOU ASSHOLE!", yelled another voice back at the first.
Retro gazed over at the crowd, where the voices had came from. The crowd was beginning to form sides, and that was simply not acceptable in his eyes.
"Now now...", he replied, "Let us keep this civilized. There is no need for the violence and hatred that has spread about our loving city."
But before Retro could finish another word, the voices yelled again.
"Loving? We're fucking murdering people in the streets!" yelled a female voice
Retro hesitated as he heard the distasteful comment. Clearly things were getting out of hand. He knew this wasn't merely for popularity or publicity...But before he could do anything else, one of the 21 council members jumped up from his seat. His name was cabot.
"Shut yer goddamn mouth, you mother fecker." he began while chomping down on a piece of pizza from his box. Directing his voice into the crowd of people, he continued, "We're trying to fix this shit and ya'll are acting like a bunch of manchildren."
"Screw you, you drunkard!" shouted a voice.
"Screw you!", shouted cabot back.
As cabot began a screaming match with the member of the crowd, he suddenly froze up... Everyone realized at that moment that something was horribly strong. Cabot began to choke on something unknown, before throwing up what appeared to be a piece of his pizza, with pineapples inside of it. Seconds later, cabot fell over, and passed out.
Quickly, Retro got down on his knees and looked for a pulse.
There was none.
"He's dead..." whispered Retro.
Even though he had whispered it, chaos had broken out, as panic ensured. The crowd dispersed in a panic, and moments later, only the Retro and the 20 remaining members of the council remained.
The doors had been locked. Who could have killed cabot...? How did Pineapple get inside of his Pizza? Did someone in this room murder him...?
"We'll have to solve this mystery before anyone can leave. Nobody leaves this room until we figure it out. Do you understand me?" claimed Retro, his voice stern. The other members of the group nodded in agreement.
The war to end all wars is here
Welcome to Pineapple Pizza Mafia.
You are The Day 1 Flavor Death.
You are aligned with the town
Honestly? Killing Ouro was getting pretty boring. So I decided to change things up and spare Ouro for once.
You are the sacrifical lamb for Day 1 flavor. Your death holds no meaning in regards to the actual gameplay, and is mainly just here to be funny. At any point during the game, dead or alive, you may send a PM to the moderator with the command Complain: <complaint> to complain about the flavor. Should you use your power, your complaints will fall on deaf ears and/or laughter.
You could have voted if you were still alive...
Hoepfully, you'll win when when all threats to the town are eliminated...
Yo, I told cabot in a PM that I was going to joke-vote him as the d1 lynch despite the fact that he's not even playing, so I feel like my work here is done! I win!
Let's find some scummy bastards, y'all. No coasting, no bullshit, let's get one for town.