Dragonz, it does bother me that you keep looking for affirmation for a lynch, but haven't been moving your vote much. Is Isaac still your strongest scum read?
Monkey, did you explain your reasoning for voting acohrs? I know why I am suspicious of him, but I am not sure why you are.
Seeing lots of people calling Dragonz out, but noone actually voting for her. It's like scum wants to leave a trail of I was right, without actually voting for one of their own. Not just talking about your post, but everyone who keeps calling out Dragonz but not actually following up on it or voting for her.
I also don't see anything to make me think she was surprised at the game being revealed as role madness or not being aware. I have a hard time in general with this idea that several seasoned players just didn't notice what they were signing up for, too. I mean, I guess it's possible. But it feels pretty unbelievable.

WAMD, humour me
Would you kindly vote against Lifeline for a second?
You can unvote immediately after

Scummy does he act
Yet cleared by mod, he has been
Will he die tonight?
I'll die with the sweet taste of pineapple in my mouth, I can live with that. The sweet taste of Dragon blood would be better though.
Lifeline - shenanigans

Lifeline - I dunno. Town I guess. Everything about their posts and theories make it hard to take them seriously though.
Not taking me seriously worked out so well for you at Arkham.
This surface thinking will not do. You, Launch and others latching in to this reasoning need to think below the surface - if I was scum, what was I trying to achieve? I've seen posts (like Isaac's) saying I saved 'someone'. You have to be more specific.
If Dragonz flipped mafia, you were next. A vote on Dragonz was a way for you to save yourself Day 2.
3) WAMD is scum. You were trying to bus her out of the game when you saw that the vote against her was picking up steam. Likelihood: high.
More people should listen to this dude.
goddamn why dyall have to start talking at 2 am.
welp anyway, also just read through all of Dr. Worms post, since he was also a player i had kinda no opinion on.
short story even shorter, i like it, felt like genuine townie play.
Totally a town move to come in demanding answers from BB and Dragonz and then completely ignoring Dragonz or asking her any questions. In fact, defending her instead. Totes town bro,