The only thunderdomes I endorse are ones where someone counterclaims a claim, but it always ends up like this so yeahWell I guess we'll just have to disagree. I still think vote policing is scummy.
The only thunderdomes I endorse are ones where someone counterclaims a claim, but it always ends up like this so yeahWell I guess we'll just have to disagree. I still think vote policing is scummy.
I thought we all agreed to call it a holy book.
So you admit you've been taking info and forcing it to fit your conclusion on Swamped being scum instead of stepping back and re-evaluating based on new info to see if your conclusion needs changing?...that's exactly what I've been doing.
Am I blind or does this not talk about Swamped's vote swap for the most part?Palmer pointed out before someone else could have been protected.
No its more fanfiction then anything.
BB putting that search to work!
I work from home and posting so tempting. 200 times. 😭 Plz send help
This is our confirmed townfan fiction, holy book, what's the difference?
So you admit you've been taking info and forcing it to fit your conclusion on Swamped being scum instead of stepping back and re-evaluating based on new info to see if your conclusion needs changing?
Just woke up to this clusterfuck, great. What in depth arguments are you talking about? Most of those same arguments stem from either a vote switch last day phase 'swamped' or just general nitpicking 'Acohrs'. Everything I've seen for 'the last 68 hours' can be summed up like that, so yeah, if someone makes a convincing argument I'll listen to them. Because I'm sick of being led into mislynch thunder domes in GAFIA with everyone screaming take a risk for the flip.
On the matter of Swamped claiming vanilla...I don't believe it. I previously stated that some of the people who previously claimed ordinary are lying, maybe all of them (sans Dragon) but it's very weird. Normally when Mafia is on the chopping block their teammates do one of two things, BUS BUS BUS BUS or try and switch the votes up frequently. I haven't seen either yet. (You can't have thought Lifeline of all people, inscrutable as he is would have after he was confirmed town) I think we could have a TT dome on our hands that some people would kill to see.
Well, and this isn't personal, out of all the vanilla claims I'm less likely to believe Palmer after going through his posts yesterday. Those weren't the posts of someone merely interested in scum hunting, they were looking for survival day 1. I'm sure he thought claiming ordinary would be a novelty but then a mass rush of ordinary claims start pouring in, dragon gets assassinated (Maybe the assassin believed she wasn't ordinary/wanted to prove there was, I don't know) and now there are about 5 vanilla claims. Palmer previously said day 1 he was sure there weren't a large amount of vanilla roles, which I'm guessing he's going to append to mean less than half the playerbase, but this doesn't seem like town behavior. He very much wants everyone to believe he's vanilla, I'm of the mind that this is a weird new gambit.
thisisneogaf.gif?This is our confirmed town
I mean you might appreciate it.If I were to collate Swamped's scumtells against Palmer's scumtells in a hard list, would I appreciate it?
I..okay. Yeah, clearly I'm just coming at all of this from a very different perspective.Yes, of course. I've said numerous times that Swamped's actions were suspicious and why they are suspicious, regardless of what the reason was. I did, however, present the three possible scenarios I saw as explaining her actions. I wasn't ready to commit to a single possibility of the three, so I just presented how likely I thought each was.
The only thunderdomes I endorse are ones where someone counterclaims a claim, but it always ends up like this so yeah
I'm not forcing a thunderdome, I am just asking people to commit. Burbeting was floating a list of three possible lynch candidates with actually voting on any of rhem. But we are getting past the time for discussion. It is the time to make a choice and vote, be it for acohrs, Swamped, or whomever you please.Also the irony is not lost on me that Sky is in here trying to force everyone into two trains because "scum could slip away and not join in" yet his D1 vote was a prod vote on page 3 that he never changed and was on a player nobody else was voting at day end.
Please watch your language. Terms like 'bitching', 'asshole' or 'roy' are not contributing to a healthy discussion.
Also I just saw that Wherearemahdragonz actually bought *and* ate pineapple pizza. Good job lynching her. Well done.
If you believe the Swamped vote is scummy then you MUST believe BB is scum. The vote swap did literally nothing as far as saving Palmer. It just switched who was tied with him. If Swamped was protecting anyone it has to be BB. Yet that's not the angle you're taking and thus I find your argument more than lacking.
That's super flawed reasoning. If this is town v town then scum don't give a fuck what happens. They can sit on their votes regardless and be fine. You know what's actually better at finding scum? Chaos. Making them switch and move and vote more. Limiting this to two candidates and then following it up by saying you think that's best even if they're both town makes very little sense. If they're both town then what incentive do scum have to move votes today?
Quoting my last post to correct a critical typo.I'm not forcing a thunderdome, I am just asking people to commit. Burbeting was floating a list of three possible lynch candidates without actually voting on any of rhem. But we are getting past the time for discussion. It is the time to make a choice and vote, be it for acohrs, Swamped, or whomever you please.
From a practical standpoint however, if you want a third party to be lynched, you are going to have to make a very strong case right now. Being indecisive about your target now is getting silly.
If I were to collate Swamped's scumtells against Palmer's scumtells in a hard list, would I appreciate it?
I..okay. Yeah, clearly I'm just coming at all of this from a very different perspective.
If you want the vote to descend into muddled chaos at the eleventh hour, be my guest. But only scum will benefit from the resulting confusion. To me, this sounds like you bunch are just waiting for a bandwagon to hitch a ride on.
I don't care if this is a town versus town lynch, voting patterns and after-the-fact analysis will still tell us something of use. We learn nothing from a vote that comes out of nowhere in the last hour. 95% chance the lynched would be town too, since scum will have more control over the chaos.
I am still confident about acohrs and Swamped, though. There has been enough strange behavior around them that a lynch will at least put some questions to bed and let us move onwards.
Yeah, I got that, so I was trying not to be condescending about it. You've made me revisit my thinking on Swamped, though, and although I'm not as certain as before, I can't say I'm at the point where I want to undue all my pressing for this day phase.
VOTE: Swamped
If that is how you feel, why don't you vote for 30years yourself?I regret calling you names earlier in the game(though the role name thing was still a bad idea). You're more logical than I thought.
I fully agree that have 3-4 lynch candidates is more useful than a thunderdome or a turbo. I don't even care if I'm one of them, but people really need to consider 30!
What alleviated your suspicious of mafia bandwagoning on the Swamped vote?
Hasn't really happened tbh.
Yes, if you are simply stating that everyone should be voting and have an active vote then I agree. Trying to police where those votes go is what I have an issue with. For instance I'm pretty sure there's enough of us here that find 30 scummy that we could get enough votes on him to be a lynch candidate too, but doing so would end the acorn push so I think everyone's waiting.I'm not forcing a thunderdome, I am just asking people to commit. Burbeting was floating a list of three possible lynch candidates with actually voting on any of rhem. But we are getting past the time for discussion. It is the time to make a choice and vote, be it for acohrs, Swamped, or whomever you please.
From a practical standpoint however, if you want a third party to be lynched, you are going to have to make a very strong case right now. Being indecisive about your target now is getting silly.
Then why not go after another vanilla or pressure Acohrs to figure out what the hell he's up to.
I'm gonna be here for the end of day but I'm still pretty stuck on Swamped
I've tried the former. BB isn't around; Palmer is going to tell me to shut up and that he's not suspicious. Acohrs is also not around.
Huh, can you post where Palmer was defending BB? Because that's weird if they're voting Swamped on that vote switchI've tried the former. BB isn't around; Palmer is going to tell me to shut up and that he's not suspicious. Acohrs is also not around.
Huh, can you post where Palmer was defending BB? Because that's weird if they're voting Swamped on that vote switch
I would agree that the one vanilla claim who hasn't been under great suspicion is Palmer .Palmer was away (legit) which tempered some of it. There was some press and some votes, but even Swamped - who he's now voting - said multiple times that she wanted to keep Palmer from getting killed. That plus playing more defense rather than scumhunting would be real versions to lynch Swamped for me.
I am disinclined to fully go in on Palmer for several reasons. First, he's super active and I do think we should clear some suspicious inactives. Second, he will crush me, no doubt, and people will listen because he's Palmer and he's very good at getting people to listen to him even when he's yelling. I'm not super about self-preservation because I don't think individual townies matter overmuch, but I'm not vanilla and would rather not die just because of the wrath of Palmer.
But the biggest thing for me is that I'm not sure Palmer is scum hunting as much as hunting people who have questioned Palmer. He started the game being so helpful and explanatory and providing everything, even down to how to play, so his vanilla claim seemed like, well, okay. There was some questioning of it, but not a ton, thanks to how it was presented. Even the gf slant was helpful. Scum wouldn't be so open, would they?
He confessed later he'd also missed something about the role madness, something that had to do with his role pm, but when I asked him about it he was the cagiest I've ever seen him. Even invoked Sophia. Out of politeness, when asked to let that go, I did. But it's stuck in my head. Can't unstick it. It was the least Palmer move I've ever seen Palmer make. I don't know if that means it's legit there was some issue or if that was just him counting on everyone listening and leaving it alone. Why would it be out of bounds?
I don't know if I'm being shitty bringing it back up again. Dunno how the community is about such things. But I'm trying to be transparent.
So instead I'll turn back to Palmer's insistence that we focus on inactives. But now he's on Swamped. And his reasoning sounds so... reasonable, like this:
But while he acknowledges now that maybe he shouldn't have d1 claimed and he wonders if all the vanillas are there, he's still on Swamped.
I have doubts. I'm not convinced, but I have suspicions. I've said over and over that I find Palmer a very difficult read. I did misread him as scum in anime - and vice versa. But he's different here. Palmer puts the work in. But sometimes I read his analysis and I think... not really? No? But he's such a high volume poster that it's hard to go through all of them (pot, kettle, black right here).
But what the hell. I'm gonna put it out there, though I expect it will not go far, just as Verelios's didn't. And as of today, maybe it shouldn't. But if he is scum or neutral, he dominates the conversation. And it's something we should watch out for.
Huh, can you post where Palmer was defending BB? Because that's weird if they're voting Swamped on that vote switch
Add 30 and yourself, remove BB.
If swamped was okay with my claim, why did wamd deserve a vote d1 for hers? Why wasn't BB deserving of it for the even more suspicious claim?
Pretty sure he was saying that if Launch targeted Palmer, Palmer is confrontational and would just tell him to shut up.
What's your reasoning?
Oh yeah, that makes sense.Pretty sure he was saying that if Launch targeted Palmer, Palmer is confrontational and would just tell him to shut up.
Pretty sure he was saying that if Launch targeted Palmer, Palmer is confrontational and would just tell him to shut up.
Wow, yeah that's pretty selective reasoning, why has no one brought this up?.
Yes, but he brought up a good point. Palmer hasn't really engaged BB at all today, it seems like.
Calm down Darryl, just treat Lifeline as if he was Bronx.just fuck off asking me dumb questions. i explained this already - pretty sure multiple times now. your manic posting behavior is starting to irk me and your opinions are losing merit. i'm not going to waste my time re-starting my logic yet again.
I don't ever tell people to shut up. I just ask them to provide logical conclusions. If they don't, I will pursue them, cause logic > gut reads. I want everyone to talk and participate as much as possible.
Palmer pointed out before someone else could have been protected.
Yes, but he brought up a good point. Palmer hasn't really engaged BB at all today, it seems like.
Sure, I'm protecting BB. Me and him are scum buddies. After we saw how well my initial claim went, the scum team got together and decided the best claim BB could make at the end was othe one that stood to fuck with mine the most.
GG town, ya got us. Pack it up.
This is where I start calling people names again.
just fuck off asking me dumb questions. i explained this already - pretty sure multiple times now. your manic posting behavior is starting to irk me and your opinions are losing merit. i'm not going to waste my time re-starting my logic yet again.
Sure, I'm protecting BB. Me and him are scum buddies. After we saw how well my initial claim went, the scum team got together and decided the best claim BB could make at the end was othe one that stood to fuck with mine the most.
GG town, ya got us. Pack it up.
This is where I start calling people names again.