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Pizza |OT| Food of the Gods

this place

houses this beast mode pizza

That is an amazing pizza!


Anyone like eating cold pizza?

I think there was a huge debate about this in another pizza thread on Gaf. I don't like eating pizza cold. Actually I just remembered that someone on here posted a way to reheat pizza in a pan on stovetop and covering it with foil and it worked incredibly.
My microwave does a pretty neat job of reheating cold pizza. Most have a pre-set for re-heating cold food nowadays.

I love having cold pizza but only a slice or 2 at most. Can't eat more than that, it feels weird.


I despise cold pizza. As far as I'm concerned, pizza is ruined once it hits the fridge. But then again, I've never found a good way to reheat it.

Few minutes on a griddle (or pan) with no oil for a few minutes. Makes the crust nice and crunchy, and the heat will melt the toppings.


Fuckin' awesome! The pan-foil method worked amazingly well. Tastes better than a freshly baked hot pizza!

Fuck yeah! That was my experience with it as well. I couldn't believe how good it turned out. Ya just got to pay close attention to it or it will get burned.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Damn, that's a lot of crust. Looks more like a bread bowl full of cheese (which is not exactly a bad thing).
Fuck, I wish we had pizza bases in the house right now.

It's no gourmet pizza by any means, but a ready made pizza base ladled with pre made pizza sauce and sprinkled with grated cheese and topped off with pepperoni, sweetcorn and whatever else is at hand is a great quick snack.

I have a reggae reggae branded pizza in the fridge at the moment, but I'm not great with a BBQ base at all so not sure on that right now (plus it's half midnight)
Tonight I plan to go get myself a Red Baron Supreme and watch some porno. Say what you want but frozen pizza is delicious and cheap. Pizza and porn, I imagine it's what heaven is like. Now, it really would be heaven if I had a 3rd arm.


Thanks, it's stuffed with jalapenos and moz and a little bit of parmesan. Toppings were tomato sauce (with cracked garlic), spicy oregano, onion, and moz.




so I've experimented a bit by first cooking the dough on the stone of my little pizza oven, then putting the sauce+toppings on and finishing them beneath the grill (broiler?) of our big oven

the toppings are definitely nicer; more evenly melted/browned. However the bottom seems to be less crisp, probably because it's less "fresh" and starts to soak up some of the sauce ... still it might be a viable method once I get a seperate stone for in the larger oven

simply mozzarella + gorgonzola btw, with some added Parmesan sprinkles because they brown so nicely

(also I kinda cheated by cutting the first one from a large piece of dough with a knife and a round shape, then made the second with the remaining dough)


so I've experimented a bit by first cooking the dough on the stone of my little pizza oven, then putting the sauce+toppings on and finishing them beneath the grill (broiler?) of our big oven

the toppings are definitely nicer; more evenly melted/browned. However the bottom seems to be less crisp, probably because it's less "fresh" and starts to soak up some of the sauce ... still it might be a viable method once I get a seperate stone for in the larger oven

simply mozzarella + gorgonzola btw, with some added Parmesan sprinkles because they brown so nicely

(also I kinda cheated by cutting the first one from a large piece of dough with a knife and a round shape, then made the second with the remaining dough)

My pizza from last night watching the NBA. Too bad the Lakers lost and the Princeton looked like shit. Anyways,


I'm totally making some pizza this weekend.

lil smoke

Well going thru the hurricanes here in NYC, we ordered pizzas from this place in Willyburg called EvilOlive. One of the pizzas had fresh sliced mozz, pepperoni, , black and green crushed olives.

I was seriously considering going back just to tell them it may have been the best slice I've ever had. It was even better the next day (this morning)



And these look excellent. I love the look of homeade pizza.


Have any of you actually tried this? It seems so wrong.

We had this a couple of years ago. Not that great. Either the crust rises or the hotdog they used was waaaaay smaller, but there was alot of empty space in the crust. Cheese stuffed was way better.
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